=begin #InsightVM API ## Overview This guide documents the InsightVM Application Programming Interface (API) Version 3. This API supports the Representation State Transfer (REST) design pattern. Unless noted otherwise this API accepts and produces the `application/json` media type. This API uses Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS) and is hypermedia friendly. All API connections must be made to the security console using HTTPS. ## Versioning Versioning is specified in the URL and the base path of this API is: `https://:/api/3/`. ## Specification An OpenAPI v2 specification (also known as Swagger 2) of this API is available. Tools such as swagger-codegen can be used to generate an API client in the language of your choosing using this specification document.

Download the specification: Download

## Authentication Authorization to the API uses HTTP Basic Authorization (see RFC 2617 for more information). Requests must supply authorization credentials in the `Authorization` header using a Base64 encoded hash of `\"username:password\"`. ### 2FA This API supports two-factor authentication (2FA) by supplying an authentication token in addition to the Basic Authorization. The token is specified using the `Token` request header. To leverage two-factor authentication, this must be enabled on the console and be configured for the account accessing the API. ## Resources ### Naming Resource names represent nouns and identify the entity being manipulated or accessed. All collection resources are pluralized to indicate to the client they are interacting with a collection of multiple resources of the same type. Singular resource names are used when there exists only one resource available to interact with. The following naming conventions are used by this API: | Type | Case | | --------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ | | Resource names | `lower_snake_case` | | Header, body, and query parameters parameters | `camelCase` | | JSON fields and property names | `camelCase` | #### Collections A collection resource is a parent resource for instance resources, but can itself be retrieved and operated on independently. Collection resources use a pluralized resource name. The resource path for collection resources follow the convention: ``` /api/3/{resource_name} ``` #### Instances An instance resource is a \"leaf\" level resource that may be retrieved, optionally nested within a collection resource. Instance resources are usually retrievable with opaque identifiers. The resource path for instance resources follows the convention: ``` /api/3/{resource_name}/{instance_id}... ``` ## Verbs The following HTTP operations are supported throughout this API. The general usage of the operation and both its failure and success status codes are outlined below. | Verb | Usage | Success | Failure | | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | | `GET` | Used to retrieve a resource by identifier, or a collection of resources by type. | `200` | `400`, `401`, `402`, `404`, `405`, `408`, `410`, `415`, `500` | | `POST` | Creates a resource with an application-specified identifier. | `201` | `400`, `401`, `404`, `405`, `408`, `413`, `415`, `500` | | `POST` | Performs a request to queue an asynchronous job. | `202` | `400`, `401`, `405`, `408`, `410`, `413`, `415`, `500` | | `PUT` | Creates a resource with a client-specified identifier. | `200` | `400`, `401`, `403`, `405`, `408`, `410`, `413`, `415`, `500` | | `PUT` | Performs a full update of a resource with a specified identifier. | `201` | `400`, `401`, `403`, `405`, `408`, `410`, `413`, `415`, `500` | | `DELETE` | Deletes a resource by identifier or an entire collection of resources. | `204` | `400`, `401`, `405`, `408`, `410`, `413`, `415`, `500` | | `OPTIONS` | Requests what operations are available on a resource. | `200` | `401`, `404`, `405`, `408`, `500` | ### Common Operations #### OPTIONS All resources respond to the `OPTIONS` request, which allows discoverability of available operations that are supported. The `OPTIONS` response returns the acceptable HTTP operations on that resource within the `Allow` header. The response is always a `200 OK` status. ### Collection Resources Collection resources can support the `GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, and `DELETE` operations. #### GET The `GET` operation invoked on a collection resource indicates a request to retrieve all, or some, of the entities contained within the collection. This also includes the optional capability to filter or search resources during the request. The response from a collection listing is a paginated document. See [hypermedia links](#section/Overview/Paging) for more information. #### POST The `POST` is a non-idempotent operation that allows for the creation of a new resource when the resource identifier is not provided by the system during the creation operation (i.e. the Security Console generates the identifier). The content of the `POST` request is sent in the request body. The response to a successful `POST` request should be a `201 CREATED` with a valid `Location` header field set to the URI that can be used to access to the newly created resource. The `POST` to a collection resource can also be used to interact with asynchronous resources. In this situation, instead of a `201 CREATED` response, the `202 ACCEPTED` response indicates that processing of the request is not fully complete but has been accepted for future processing. This request will respond similarly with a `Location` header with link to the job-oriented asynchronous resource that was created and/or queued. #### PUT The `PUT` is an idempotent operation that either performs a create with user-supplied identity, or a full replace or update of a resource by a known identifier. The response to a `PUT` operation to create an entity is a `201 Created` with a valid `Location` header field set to the URI that can be used to access to the newly created resource. `PUT` on a collection resource replaces all values in the collection. The typical response to a `PUT` operation that updates an entity is hypermedia links, which may link to related resources caused by the side-effects of the changes performed. #### DELETE The `DELETE` is an idempotent operation that physically deletes a resource, or removes an association between resources. The typical response to a `DELETE` operation is hypermedia links, which may link to related resources caused by the side-effects of the changes performed. ### Instance Resources Instance resources can support the `GET`, `PUT`, `POST`, `PATCH` and `DELETE` operations. #### GET Retrieves the details of a specific resource by its identifier. The details retrieved can be controlled through property selection and property views. The content of the resource is returned within the body of the response in the acceptable media type. #### PUT Allows for and idempotent \"full update\" (complete replacement) on a specific resource. If the resource does not exist, it will be created; if it does exist, it is completely overwritten. Any omitted properties in the request are assumed to be undefined/null. For \"partial updates\" use `POST` or `PATCH` instead. The content of the `PUT` request is sent in the request body. The identifier of the resource is specified within the URL (not the request body). The response to a successful `PUT` request is a `201 CREATED` to represent the created status, with a valid `Location` header field set to the URI that can be used to access to the newly created (or fully replaced) resource. #### POST Performs a non-idempotent creation of a new resource. The `POST` of an instance resource most commonly occurs with the use of nested resources (e.g. searching on a parent collection resource). The response to a `POST` of an instance resource is typically a `200 OK` if the resource is non-persistent, and a `201 CREATED` if there is a resource created/persisted as a result of the operation. This varies by endpoint. #### PATCH The `PATCH` operation is used to perform a partial update of a resource. `PATCH` is a non-idempotent operation that enforces an atomic mutation of a resource. Only the properties specified in the request are to be overwritten on the resource it is applied to. If a property is missing, it is assumed to not have changed. #### DELETE Permanently removes the individual resource from the system. If the resource is an association between resources, only the association is removed, not the resources themselves. A successful deletion of the resource should return `204 NO CONTENT` with no response body. This operation is not fully idempotent, as follow-up requests to delete a non-existent resource should return a `404 NOT FOUND`. ## Requests Unless otherwise indicated, the default request body media type is `application/json`. ### Headers Commonly used request headers include: | Header | Example | Purpose | | ------------------ | --------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `Accept` | `application/json` | Defines what acceptable content types are allowed by the client. For all types, use `*/*`. | | `Accept-Encoding` | `deflate, gzip` | Allows for the encoding to be specified (such as gzip). | | `Accept-Language` | `en-US` | Indicates to the server the client's locale (defaults `en-US`). | | `Authorization ` | `Basic Base64(\"username:password\")` | Basic authentication | | `Token ` | `123456` | Two-factor authentication token (if enabled) | ### Dates & Times Dates and/or times are specified as strings in the ISO 8601 format(s). The following formats are supported as input: | Value | Format | Notes | | --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------- | | Date | YYYY-MM-DD | Defaults to 12 am UTC (if used for a date & time | | Date & time only | YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss[.nnn] | Defaults to UTC | | Date & time in UTC | YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss[.nnn]Z | | | Date & time w/ offset | YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss[.nnn][+|-]hh:mm | | | Date & time w/ zone-offset | YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss[.nnn][+|-]hh:mm[] | | ### Timezones Timezones are specified in the regional zone format, such as `\"America/Los_Angeles\"`, `\"Asia/Tokyo\"`, or `\"GMT\"`. ### Paging Pagination is supported on certain collection resources using a combination of two query parameters, `page` and `size`. As these are control parameters, they are prefixed with the underscore character. The page parameter dictates the zero-based index of the page to retrieve, and the `size` indicates the size of the page. For example, `/resources?page=2&size=10` will return page 3, with 10 records per page, giving results 21-30. The maximum page size for a request is 500. ### Sorting Sorting is supported on paginated resources with the `sort` query parameter(s). The sort query parameter(s) supports identifying a single or multi-property sort with a single or multi-direction output. The format of the parameter is: ``` sort=property[,ASC|DESC]... ``` Therefore, the request `/resources?sort=name,title,DESC` would return the results sorted by the name and title descending, in that order. The sort directions are either ascending `ASC` or descending `DESC`. With single-order sorting, all properties are sorted in the same direction. To sort the results with varying orders by property, multiple sort parameters are passed. For example, the request `/resources?sort=name,ASC&sort=title,DESC` would sort by name ascending and title descending, in that order. ## Responses The following response statuses may be returned by this API. | Status | Meaning | Usage | | ------ | ------------------------ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `200` | OK | The operation performed without error according to the specification of the request, and no more specific 2xx code is suitable. | | `201` | Created | A create request has been fulfilled and a resource has been created. The resource is available as the URI specified in the response, including the `Location` header. | | `202` | Accepted | An asynchronous task has been accepted, but not guaranteed, to be processed in the future. | | `400` | Bad Request | The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. The request is not likely to succeed in the future without modifications. | | `401` | Unauthorized | The user is unauthorized to perform the operation requested, or does not maintain permissions to perform the operation on the resource specified. | | `403` | Forbidden | The resource exists to which the user has access, but the operating requested is not permitted. | | `404` | Not Found | The resource specified could not be located, does not exist, or an unauthenticated client does not have permissions to a resource. | | `405` | Method Not Allowed | The operations may not be performed on the specific resource. Allowed operations are returned and may be performed on the resource. | | `408` | Request Timeout | The client has failed to complete a request in a timely manner and the request has been discarded. | | `413` | Request Entity Too Large | The request being provided is too large for the server to accept processing. | | `415` | Unsupported Media Type | The media type is not supported for the requested resource. | | `500` | Internal Server Error | An internal and unexpected error has occurred on the server at no fault of the client. | ### Security The response statuses 401, 403 and 404 need special consideration for security purposes. As necessary, error statuses and messages may be obscured to strengthen security and prevent information exposure. The following is a guideline for privileged resource response statuses: | Use Case | Access | Resource | Permission | Status | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------ |------------------- | ------------ | ------------ | | Unauthenticated access to an unauthenticated resource. | Unauthenticated | Unauthenticated | Yes | `20x` | | Unauthenticated access to an authenticated resource. | Unauthenticated | Authenticated | No | `401` | | Unauthenticated access to an authenticated resource. | Unauthenticated | Non-existent | No | `401` | | Authenticated access to a unauthenticated resource. | Authenticated | Unauthenticated | Yes | `20x` | | Authenticated access to an authenticated, unprivileged resource. | Authenticated | Authenticated | No | `404` | | Authenticated access to an authenticated, privileged resource. | Authenticated | Authenticated | Yes | `20x` | | Authenticated access to an authenticated, non-existent resource | Authenticated | Non-existent | Yes | `404` | ### Headers Commonly used response headers include: | Header | Example | Purpose | | -------------------------- | --------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | `Allow` | `OPTIONS, GET` | Defines the allowable HTTP operations on a resource. | | `Cache-Control` | `no-store, must-revalidate` | Disables caching of resources (as they are all dynamic). | | `Content-Encoding` | `gzip` | The encoding of the response body (if any). | | `Location` | | Refers to the URI of the resource created by a request. | | `Transfer-Encoding` | `chunked` | Specified the encoding used to transform response. | | `Retry-After` | 5000 | Indicates the time to wait before retrying a request. | | `X-Content-Type-Options` | `nosniff` | Disables MIME type sniffing. | | `X-XSS-Protection` | `1; mode=block` | Enables XSS filter protection. | | `X-Frame-Options` | `SAMEORIGIN` | Prevents rendering in a frame from a different origin. | | `X-UA-Compatible` | `IE=edge,chrome=1` | Specifies the browser mode to render in. | ### Format When `application/json` is returned in the response body it is always pretty-printed (indented, human readable output). Additionally, gzip compression/encoding is supported on all responses. #### Dates & Times Dates or times are returned as strings in the ISO 8601 'extended' format. When a date and time is returned (instant) the value is converted to UTC. For example: | Value | Format | Example | | --------------- | ------------------------------ | --------------------- | | Date | `YYYY-MM-DD` | 2017-12-03 | | Date & Time | `YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss[.nnn]Z` | 2017-12-03T10:15:30Z | #### Content In some resources a Content data type is used. This allows for multiple formats of representation to be returned within resource, specifically `\"html\"` and `\"text\"`. The `\"text\"` property returns a flattened representation suitable for output in textual displays. The `\"html\"` property returns an HTML fragment suitable for display within an HTML element. Note, the HTML returned is not a valid stand-alone HTML document. #### Paging The response to a paginated request follows the format: ```json { resources\": [ ... ], \"page\": { \"number\" : ..., \"size\" : ..., \"totalResources\" : ..., \"totalPages\" : ... }, \"links\": [ \"first\" : { \"href\" : \"...\" }, \"prev\" : { \"href\" : \"...\" }, \"self\" : { \"href\" : \"...\" }, \"next\" : { \"href\" : \"...\" }, \"last\" : { \"href\" : \"...\" } ] } ``` The `resources` property is an array of the resources being retrieved from the endpoint, each which should contain at minimum a \"self\" relation hypermedia link. The `page` property outlines the details of the current page and total possible pages. The object for the page includes the following properties: - number - The page number (zero-based) of the page returned. - size - The size of the pages, which is less than or equal to the maximum page size. - totalResources - The total amount of resources available across all pages. - totalPages - The total amount of pages. The last property of the paged response is the `links` array, which contains all available hypermedia links. For paginated responses, the \"self\", \"next\", \"previous\", \"first\", and \"last\" links are returned. The \"self\" link must always be returned and should contain a link to allow the client to replicate the original request against the collection resource in an identical manner to that in which it was invoked. The \"next\" and \"previous\" links are present if either or both there exists a previous or next page, respectively. The \"next\" and \"previous\" links have hrefs that allow \"natural movement\" to the next page, that is all parameters required to move the next page are provided in the link. The \"first\" and \"last\" links provide references to the first and last pages respectively. Requests outside the boundaries of the pageable will result in a `404 NOT FOUND`. Paginated requests do not provide a \"stateful cursor\" to the client, nor does it need to provide a read consistent view. Records in adjacent pages may change while pagination is being traversed, and the total number of pages and resources may change between requests within the same filtered/queries resource collection. #### Property Views The \"depth\" of the response of a resource can be configured using a \"view\". All endpoints supports two views that can tune the extent of the information returned in the resource. The supported views are `summary` and `details` (the default). View are specified using a query parameter, in this format: ```bash /?view={viewName} ``` #### Error Any error responses can provide a response body with a message to the client indicating more information (if applicable) to aid debugging of the error. All 40x and 50x responses will return an error response in the body. The format of the response is as follows: ```json { \"status\": , \"message\": , \"links\" : [ { \"rel\" : \"...\", \"href\" : \"...\" } ] } ``` The `status` property is the same as the HTTP status returned in the response, to ease client parsing. The message property is a localized message in the request client's locale (if applicable) that articulates the nature of the error. The last property is the `links` property. This may contain additional [hypermedia links](#section/Overview/Authentication) to troubleshoot. #### Search Criteria Multiple resources make use of search criteria to match assets. Search criteria is an array of search filters. Each search filter has a generic format of: ```json { \"field\": \"\", \"operator\": \"\", [\"value\": ,] [\"lower\": ,] [\"upper\": ] } ``` Every filter defines two required properties `field` and `operator`. The field is the name of an asset property that is being filtered on. The operator is a type and property-specific operating performed on the filtered property. The valid values for fields and operators are outlined in the table below. Depending on the data type of the operator the value may be a numeric or string format. Every filter also defines one or more values that are supplied to the operator. The valid values vary by operator and are outlined below. ##### Fields The following table outlines the search criteria fields and the available operators: | Field | Operators | | --------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `alternate-address-type` | `in` | | `container-image` | `is` `is-not` `starts-with` `ends-with` `contains` `does-not-contain` `is-like` `not-like` | | `container-status` | `is` `is-not` | | `containers` | `are` | | `criticality-tag` | `is` `is-not` `is-greater-than` `is-less-than` `is-applied` ` is-not-applied` | | `custom-tag` | `is` `is-not` `starts-with` `ends-with` `contains` `does-not-contain` `is-applied` `is-not-applied` | | `cve` | `is` `is-not` `contains` `does-not-contain` | | `cvss-access-complexity` | `is` `is-not` | | `cvss-authentication-required` | `is` `is-not` | | `cvss-access-vector` | `is` `is-not` | | `cvss-availability-impact` | `is` `is-not` | | `cvss-confidentiality-impact` | `is` `is-not` | | `cvss-integrity-impact` | `is` `is-not` | | `cvss-v3-confidentiality-impact` | `is` `is-not` | | `cvss-v3-integrity-impact` | `is` `is-not` | | `cvss-v3-availability-impact` | `is` `is-not` | | `cvss-v3-attack-vector` | `is` `is-not` | | `cvss-v3-attack-complexity` | `is` `is-not` | | `cvss-v3-user-interaction` | `is` `is-not` | | `cvss-v3-privileges-required` | `is` `is-not` | | `host-name` | `is` `is-not` `starts-with` `ends-with` `contains` `does-not-contain` `is-empty` `is-not-empty` `is-like` `not-like` | | `host-type` | `in` `not-in` | | `ip-address` | `is` `is-not` `in-range` `not-in-range` `is-like` `not-like` | | `ip-address-type` | `in` `not-in` | | `last-scan-date` | `is-on-or-before` `is-on-or-after` `is-between` `is-earlier-than` `is-within-the-last` | | `location-tag` | `is` `is-not` `starts-with` `ends-with` `contains` `does-not-contain` `is-applied` `is-not-applied` | | `mobile-device-last-sync-time` | `is-within-the-last` `is-earlier-than` | | `open-ports` | `is` `is-not` ` in-range` | | `operating-system` | `contains` ` does-not-contain` ` is-empty` ` is-not-empty` | | `owner-tag` | `is` `is-not` `starts-with` `ends-with` `contains` `does-not-contain` `is-applied` `is-not-applied` | | `pci-compliance` | `is` | | `risk-score` | `is` `is-not` `is-greater-than` `is-less-than` `in-range` | | `service-name` | `contains` `does-not-contain` | | `site-id` | `in` `not-in` | | `software` | `contains` `does-not-contain` | | `vAsset-cluster` | `is` `is-not` `contains` `does-not-contain` `starts-with` | | `vAsset-datacenter` | `is` `is-not` | | `vAsset-host-name` | `is` `is-not` `contains` `does-not-contain` `starts-with` | | `vAsset-power-state` | `in` `not-in` | | `vAsset-resource-pool-path` | `contains` `does-not-contain` | | `vulnerability-assessed` | `is-on-or-before` `is-on-or-after` `is-between` `is-earlier-than` `is-within-the-last` | | `vulnerability-category` | `is` `is-not` `starts-with` `ends-with` `contains` `does-not-contain` | | `vulnerability-cvss-v3-score` | `is` `is-not` | | `vulnerability-cvss-score` | `is` `is-not` `in-range` `is-greater-than` `is-less-than` | | `vulnerability-exposures` | `includes` `does-not-include` | | `vulnerability-title` | `contains` `does-not-contain` `is` `is-not` `starts-with` `ends-with` | | `vulnerability-validated-status` | `are` | ##### Enumerated Properties The following fields have enumerated values: | Field | Acceptable Values | | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `alternate-address-type` | 0=IPv4, 1=IPv6 | | `containers` | 0=present, 1=not present | | `container-status` | `created` `running` `paused` `restarting` `exited` `dead` `unknown` | | `cvss-access-complexity` |
  • L = Low
  • M = Medium
  • H = High
| | `cvss-integrity-impact` |
  • N = None
  • P = Partial
  • C = Complete
| | `cvss-confidentiality-impact` |
  • N = None
  • P = Partial
  • C = Complete
| | `cvss-availability-impact` |
  • N = None
  • P = Partial
  • C = Complete
| | `cvss-access-vector` |
  • L = Local
  • A = Adjacent
  • N = Network
| | `cvss-authentication-required` |
  • N = None
  • S = Single
  • M = Multiple
| | `cvss-v3-confidentiality-impact` |
  • L = Local
  • L = Low
  • N = None
  • H = High
| | `cvss-v3-integrity-impact` |
  • L = Local
  • L = Low
  • N = None
  • H = High
| | `cvss-v3-availability-impact` |
  • N = None
  • L = Low
  • H = High
| | `cvss-v3-attack-vector` |
  • N = Network
  • A = Adjacent
  • L = Local
  • P = Physical
| | `cvss-v3-attack-complexity` |
  • L = Low
  • H = High
| | `cvss-v3-user-interaction` |
  • N = None
  • R = Required
| | `cvss-v3-privileges-required` |
  • N = None
  • L = Low
  • H = High
| | `host-type` | 0=Unknown, 1=Guest, 2=Hypervisor, 3=Physical, 4=Mobile | | `ip-address-type` | 0=IPv4, 1=IPv6 | | `pci-compliance` | 0=fail, 1=pass | | `vulnerability-validated-status` | 0=present, 1=not present | ##### Operator Properties The following table outlines which properties are required for each operator and the appropriate data type(s): | Operator | `value` | `lower` | `upper` | | ----------------------|-----------------------|-----------------------|------------------------| | `are` | `string` | | | | `contains` | `string` | | | | `does-not-contain` | `string` | | | | `ends with` | `string` | | | | `in` | `Array[ string ]` | | | | `in-range` | | `numeric` | `numeric` | | `includes` | `Array[ string ]` | | | | `is` | `string` | | | | `is-applied` | | | | | `is-between` | | `string` (yyyy-MM-dd) | `numeric` (yyyy-MM-dd) | | `is-earlier-than` | `numeric` (days) | | | | `is-empty` | | | | | `is-greater-than` | `numeric` | | | | `is-on-or-after` | `string` (yyyy-MM-dd) | | | | `is-on-or-before` | `string` (yyyy-MM-dd) | | | | `is-not` | `string` | | | | `is-not-applied` | | | | | `is-not-empty` | | | | | `is-within-the-last` | `numeric` (days) | | | | `less-than` | `string` | | | | `like` | `string` | | | | `not-contains` | `string` | | | | `not-in` | `Array[ string ]` | | | | `not-in-range` | | `numeric` | `numeric` | | `not-like` | `string` | | | | `starts-with` | `string` | | | #### Discovery Connection Search Criteria Dynamic sites make use of search criteria to match assets from a discovery connection. Search criteria is an array of search filters. Each search filter has a generic format of: ```json { \"field\": \"\", \"operator\": \"\", [\"value\": \"\",] [\"lower\": \"\",] [\"upper\": \"\"] } ``` Every filter defines two required properties `field` and `operator`. The field is the name of an asset property that is being filtered on. The list of supported fields vary depending on the type of discovery connection configured for the dynamic site (e.g vSphere, ActiveSync, etc.). The operator is a type and property-specific operating performed on the filtered property. The valid values for fields outlined in the tables below and are grouped by the type of connection. Every filter also defines one or more values that are supplied to the operator. See Search Criteria Operator Properties for more information on the valid values for each operator. ##### Fields (ActiveSync) This section documents search criteria information for ActiveSync discovery connections. The discovery connections must be one of the following types: `\"activesync-ldap\"`, `\"activesync-office365\"`, or `\"activesync-powershell\"`. The following table outlines the search criteria fields and the available operators for ActiveSync connections: | Field | Operators | | --------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | `last-sync-time` | `is-within-the-last` ` is-earlier-than` | | `operating-system` | `contains` ` does-not-contain` | | `user` | `is` ` is-not` ` contains` ` does-not-contain` ` starts-with` | ##### Fields (AWS) This section documents search criteria information for AWS discovery connections. The discovery connections must be the type `\"aws\"`. The following table outlines the search criteria fields and the available operators for AWS connections: | Field | Operators | | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | `availability-zone` | `contains` ` does-not-contain` | | `guest-os-family` | `contains` ` does-not-contain` | | `instance-id` | `contains` ` does-not-contain` | | `instance-name` | `is` ` is-not` ` contains` ` does-not-contain` ` starts-with` | | `instance-state` | `in` ` not-in` | | `instance-type` | `in` ` not-in` | | `ip-address` | `in-range` ` not-in-range` ` is` ` is-not` | | `region` | `in` ` not-in` | | `vpc-id` | `is` ` is-not` ` contains` ` does-not-contain` ` starts-with` | ##### Fields (DHCP) This section documents search criteria information for DHCP discovery connections. The discovery connections must be the type `\"dhcp\"`. The following table outlines the search criteria fields and the available operators for DHCP connections: | Field | Operators | | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | `host-name` | `is` ` is-not` ` contains` ` does-not-contain` ` starts-with` | | `ip-address` | `in-range` ` not-in-range` ` is` ` is-not` | | `mac-address` | `is` ` is-not` ` contains` ` does-not-contain` ` starts-with` | ##### Fields (Sonar) This section documents search criteria information for Sonar discovery connections. The discovery connections must be the type `\"sonar\"`. The following table outlines the search criteria fields and the available operators for Sonar connections: | Field | Operators | | ------------------- | -------------------- | | `search-domain` | `contains` ` is` | | `ip-address` | `in-range` ` is` | | `sonar-scan-date` | `is-within-the-last` | ##### Fields (vSphere) This section documents search criteria information for vSphere discovery connections. The discovery connections must be the type `\"vsphere\"`. The following table outlines the search criteria fields and the available operators for vSphere connections: | Field | Operators | | -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `cluster` | `is` ` is-not` ` contains` ` does-not-contain` ` starts-with` | | `data-center` | `is` ` is-not` | | `discovered-time` | `is-on-or-before` ` is-on-or-after` ` is-between` ` is-earlier-than` ` is-within-the-last` | | `guest-os-family` | `contains` ` does-not-contain` | | `host-name` | `is` ` is-not` ` contains` ` does-not-contain` ` starts-with` | | `ip-address` | `in-range` ` not-in-range` ` is` ` is-not` | | `power-state` | `in` ` not-in` | | `resource-pool-path` | `contains` ` does-not-contain` | | `last-time-seen` | `is-on-or-before` ` is-on-or-after` ` is-between` ` is-earlier-than` ` is-within-the-last` | | `vm` | `is` ` is-not` ` contains` ` does-not-contain` ` starts-with` | ##### Enumerated Properties (vSphere) The following fields have enumerated values: | Field | Acceptable Values | | ------------- | ------------------------------------ | | `power-state` | `poweredOn` `poweredOff` `suspended` | ## HATEOAS This API follows Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS) principals and is therefore hypermedia friendly. Hyperlinks are returned in the `links` property of any given resource and contain a fully-qualified hyperlink to the corresponding resource. The format of the hypermedia link adheres to both the {json:api} v1 \"Link Object\" and JSON Hyper-Schema \"Link Description Object\" formats. For example: ```json \"links\": [{ \"rel\": \"\", \"href\": \"\" ... }] ``` Where appropriate link objects may also contain additional properties than the `rel` and `href` properties, such as `id`, `type`, etc. See the [Root](#tag/Root) resources for the entry points into API discovery. OpenAPI spec version: 3 Contact: support@rapid7.com Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git Swagger Codegen version: 3.0.54 =end require 'date' module SwaggerClient class ReportFrequency # The next scheduled run-times for generation of the report when type is `schedule`. attr_accessor :next_runtimes attr_accessor :repeat # When the report starts generating when type is `schedule`. attr_accessor :start # The frequency to generate the report. `schedule` generates the report every scheduled time interval, and requires the `repeat` and `start` properties to be specified. `scan` generates the report after any scan of any element in the scope of the report. `none` does not generate the report automatically. Defaults to `none`. attr_accessor :type class EnumAttributeValidator attr_reader :datatype attr_reader :allowable_values def initialize(datatype, allowable_values) @allowable_values = allowable_values.map do |value| case datatype.to_s when /Integer/i value.to_i when /Float/i value.to_f else value end end end def valid?(value) !value || allowable_values.include?(value) end end # Attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key. def self.attribute_map { :'next_runtimes' => :'nextRuntimes', :'repeat' => :'repeat', :'start' => :'start', :'type' => :'type' } end # Attribute type mapping. def self.openapi_types { :'next_runtimes' => :'Object', :'repeat' => :'Object', :'start' => :'Object', :'type' => :'Object' } end # List of attributes with nullable: true def self.openapi_nullable Set.new([ ]) end # Initializes the object # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash def initialize(attributes = {}) if (!attributes.is_a?(Hash)) fail ArgumentError, "The input argument (attributes) must be a hash in `SwaggerClient::ReportFrequency` initialize method" end # check to see if the attribute exists and convert string to symbol for hash key attributes = attributes.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), h| if (!self.class.attribute_map.key?(k.to_sym)) fail ArgumentError, "`#{k}` is not a valid attribute in `SwaggerClient::ReportFrequency`. Please check the name to make sure it's valid. List of attributes: " + self.class.attribute_map.keys.inspect end h[k.to_sym] = v } if attributes.key?(:'next_runtimes') if (value = attributes[:'next_runtimes']).is_a?(Array) self.next_runtimes = value end end if attributes.key?(:'repeat') self.repeat = attributes[:'repeat'] end if attributes.key?(:'start') self.start = attributes[:'start'] end if attributes.key?(:'type') self.type = attributes[:'type'] end end # Show invalid properties with the reasons. Usually used together with valid? # @return Array for valid properties with the reasons def list_invalid_properties invalid_properties = Array.new invalid_properties end # Check to see if the all the properties in the model are valid # @return true if the model is valid def valid? type_validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('Object', ['schedule', 'scan', 'none']) return false unless type_validator.valid?(@type) true end # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum). # @param [Object] type Object to be assigned def type=(type) validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('Object', ['schedule', 'scan', 'none']) unless validator.valid?(type) fail ArgumentError, "invalid value for \"type\", must be one of #{validator.allowable_values}." end @type = type end # Checks equality by comparing each attribute. # @param [Object] Object to be compared def ==(o) return true if self.equal?(o) self.class == o.class && next_runtimes == o.next_runtimes && repeat == o.repeat && start == o.start && type == o.type end # @see the `==` method # @param [Object] Object to be compared def eql?(o) self == o end # Calculates hash code according to all attributes. # @return [Integer] Hash code def hash [next_runtimes, repeat, start, type].hash end # Builds the object from hash # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash # @return [Object] Returns the model itself def self.build_from_hash(attributes) new.build_from_hash(attributes) end # Builds the object from hash # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash # @return [Object] Returns the model itself def build_from_hash(attributes) return nil unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) self.class.openapi_types.each_pair do |key, type| if type =~ /\AArray<(.*)>/i # check to ensure the input is an array given that the attribute # is documented as an array but the input is not if attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].is_a?(Array) self.send("#{key}=", attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].map { |v| _deserialize($1, v) }) end elsif !attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil? self.send("#{key}=", _deserialize(type, attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]])) elsif attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil? && self.class.openapi_nullable.include?(key) self.send("#{key}=", nil) end end self end # Deserializes the data based on type # @param string type Data type # @param string value Value to be deserialized # @return [Object] Deserialized data def _deserialize(type, value) case type.to_sym when :DateTime DateTime.parse(value) when :Date Date.parse(value) when :String value.to_s when :Integer value.to_i when :Float value.to_f when :Boolean if value.to_s =~ /\A(true|t|yes|y|1)\z/i true else false end when :Object # generic object (usually a Hash), return directly value when /\AArray<(?.+)>\z/ inner_type = Regexp.last_match[:inner_type] value.map { |v| _deserialize(inner_type, v) } when /\AHash<(?.+?), (?.+)>\z/ k_type = Regexp.last_match[:k_type] v_type = Regexp.last_match[:v_type] {}.tap do |hash| value.each do |k, v| hash[_deserialize(k_type, k)] = _deserialize(v_type, v) end end else # model SwaggerClient.const_get(type).build_from_hash(value) end end # Returns the string representation of the object # @return [String] String presentation of the object def to_s to_hash.to_s end # to_body is an alias to to_hash (backward compatibility) # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash def to_body to_hash end # Returns the object in the form of hash # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash def to_hash hash = {} self.class.attribute_map.each_pair do |attr, param| value = self.send(attr) if value.nil? is_nullable = self.class.openapi_nullable.include?(attr) next if !is_nullable || (is_nullable && !instance_variable_defined?(:"@#{attr}")) end hash[param] = _to_hash(value) end hash end # Outputs non-array value in the form of hash # For object, use to_hash. Otherwise, just return the value # @param [Object] value Any valid value # @return [Hash] Returns the value in the form of hash def _to_hash(value) if value.is_a?(Array) value.compact.map { |v| _to_hash(v) } elsif value.is_a?(Hash) {}.tap do |hash| value.each { |k, v| hash[k] = _to_hash(v) } end elsif value.respond_to? :to_hash value.to_hash else value end end end end