// Theming code courtesy of Katie McTigue // Link to blog post: https://medium.com/@katiemctigue/how-to-create-a-dark-mode-in-sass-609f131a3995 // Shades of gray $white-color: white !default; $light-gray-color: #ececec !default; $dark-gray-color: #242424 !default; $black-color: black !default; // Colors $primary-color: #0077ff !default; $secondary-color:#ff6200 !default; $tertiary-color: #ffe100 !default; $quaternary-color: #c400ff !default; // Themes $themes : ( // Lightmode theme colormode-light: ( // Areas bg: $white-color, text: $black-color, hl-area: $light-gray-color, hl: $dark-gray-color, // Colors primary: $primary-color, text-on-primary: $white-color, secondary: $secondary-color, text-on-secondary: $white-color, tertiary: $tertiary-color, text-on-tertiary: $black-color, quaternary: $quaternary-color, text-on-quaternary: $white-color ), // Darkmode theme colormode-dark: ( // Areas bg: $black-color, text: $white-color, hl-area: $dark-gray-color, hl: $light-gray-color, // Colors primary: darken($primary-color, 5%), text-on-primary: $white-color, secondary: darken($secondary-color, 5%), text-on-secondary: $white-color, tertiary: darken($tertiary-color, 5%), text-on-tertiary: $black-color, quaternary: darken($quaternary-color, 5%), text-on-quaternary: $white-color, ) );