text/x-cobol
*.cbl;*.cob;*.cbd;*.cdb;*.cdc
*
^\s{0,6}\w
.{74,}
\b([A-Za-z0-9_]*)\b
"
"
'
'
\b[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?\b
space
spaces
null
zero
zeroes
zeros
low-values
low-value
high-values
high-value
quotes
quote
accept
access
active-class
add
address
advancing
after
all
allocate
alphabet
alphabetic-lower
alphabetic-upper
alphabetic
alphanumeric-edited
alphanumeric
also
alter
alternate
and
any
anycase
are
area
areas
as
ascending
assign
at
author
b-and
b-not
b-or
b-xor
based
before
beginning
binary-char
binary-double
binary-long
binary-short
binary
bit
blank
block
boolean
bottom
by
case
cbl-ctr
cf
ch
character
characters
checking
class-id
class-units
class
close
code
code-set
col
collating
cols
column
columns
comma
commit
common
communication
comp-1
comp-2
comp-3
comp-5
comp
computational-1
computational-2
computational-3
computational-5
computational
compute
condition
connect
console
constant
contains
content
continue
control
controls
converting
copy
corr
corresponding
count
creating
crt
currency
current
cursor
data-pointer
database-exception
database-key-long
database-key
date-compiled
date-written
date
day
day-of-week
db
de
debug-contents
debug-item
debug-line
debug-name
debug-sub-1
debug-sub-2
debug-sub-3
debugging
decimal-point
declaratives
default
delete
delimited
delimiter
depending
descending
detail
disable
disc
disconnect
display
divide
division
down
duplicate
duplicates
dynamic
ebcdic
ec
else
empty
enable
end-accept
end-add
end-compute
end-delete
end-display
end-divide
end-evaluate
end-invoke
end-multiply
end-of-page
end-read
end-receive
end-return
end-rewrite
end-search
end-start
end-string
end-subtract
end-unstring
end-write
end
ending
entry
eo
eop
equal
equals
erase
error
escape
evaluate
every
exception-object
exception
exclusive
exit
extend
extended
external
factory
false
fd
fetch
file-control
filler
final
find
finish
first
float-extended
float-long
float-short
footing
for
format
free
from
function-id
function
generate
get
giving
global
go
greater
group-usage
group
heading
i-o-control
i-o
id
ignoring
in
including
index
indexed
indicate
inherits
initial
initialize
initiate
input
inspect
installation
interface
interface-id
into
invalid
is
just
justified
keep
key
label
last
leading
left
length
less
limit
limited
limits
linage
line
line-counter
lines
locale
lock
mask
matching
member
members
membership
memory
merge
message
method
method-id
minus
mode
modify
modules
more-labels
move
multiple
multiply
national-edited
national
native
negative
nested
next
no
not
number
numeric-edited
numeric
object-computer
object-reference
object
occurence
occurs
of
off
omitted
on
open
optional
options
or
order
organization
other
output
overflow
override
owner
packed-decimal
padding
page-counter
page
permanent
pf
ph
pic
picture
plus
pointer
position
positive
present
print-switch
printing
prior
proceed
program-begin
program-done
program-id
program-pointer
program
property
protected
prototype
purge
raise
raising
random
rd
read
ready
realm-name
realm
receive
record
recording
records
redefines
reel
reference
relative
release
remainder
removal
renames
repeated
replace
replacing
report
reporting
reports
repository
rerun
reserve
reset
result
resume
retaining
retrieval
retry
return
returning
reversed
rewind
rewrite
rf
rh
right
rollback
rounded
run
same
screen
sd
search
section
security
segment-limit
select
selective
self
send
sentence
separate
sequence
sequential
set-selection
set
sets
sharing
sign
size
sort-merge
sort-tape
sort-tapes
sort
sorted
source-computer
source
sources
special-names
standard-1
standard-2
standard
start
status
stop
store
string
sub-schema
subtract
sum
super
suppress
suppressing
symbolic
sync
synchronized
system-default
system
table
tally
tallying
tape
tapes
tenant
terminal
terminate
test
than
then
through
thru
time
times
to
top
trailing
true
try
type
typedef
unit
units
universal
unlock
unstring
until
up
update
upon
usage-mode
usage
use
user-default
using
val-status
valid
validate-status
validate
value
values
varying
via
when
with
within
words
write
configuration
input-output
file
working-storage
local-storage
linkage
identification
environment
data
procedure
end-call
call
cancel
goback
end-perform
perform
invoke
end-if
if