import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Ignore; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class RomanNumeralsTest { private RomanNumeral romanNumeral; @Test public void test1ToRomanNumberI() { romanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(1); assertEquals("I", romanNumeral.getRomanNumeral()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void test2ToRomanNumberII() { romanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(2); assertEquals("II", romanNumeral.getRomanNumeral()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void test3ToRomanNumberIII() { romanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(3); assertEquals("III", romanNumeral.getRomanNumeral()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void test4ToRomanNumberIV() { romanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(4); assertEquals("IV", romanNumeral.getRomanNumeral()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void test5ToRomanNumberV() { romanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(5); assertEquals("V", romanNumeral.getRomanNumeral()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void test6ToRomanNumberVI() { romanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(6); assertEquals("VI", romanNumeral.getRomanNumeral()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void test9ToRomanNumberIX() { romanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(9); assertEquals("IX", romanNumeral.getRomanNumeral()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void test27ToRomanNumberXXVII() { romanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(27); assertEquals("XXVII", romanNumeral.getRomanNumeral()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void test48ToRomanNumberXLVIII() { romanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(48); assertEquals("XLVIII", romanNumeral.getRomanNumeral()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void test49ToRomanNumberXLIX() { romanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(49); assertEquals("XLIX", romanNumeral.getRomanNumeral()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void test59ToRomanNumberLIX() { romanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(59); assertEquals("LIX", romanNumeral.getRomanNumeral()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void test93ToRomanNumberXCIII() { romanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(93); assertEquals("XCIII", romanNumeral.getRomanNumeral()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void test141ToRomanNumberCXLI() { romanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(141); assertEquals("CXLI", romanNumeral.getRomanNumeral()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void test163ToRomanNumberCLXIII() { romanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(163); assertEquals("CLXIII", romanNumeral.getRomanNumeral()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void test402ToRomanNumberCDII() { romanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(402); assertEquals("CDII", romanNumeral.getRomanNumeral()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void test575ToRomanNumberDLXXV() { romanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(575); assertEquals("DLXXV", romanNumeral.getRomanNumeral()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void test911ToRomanNumberCMXI() { romanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(911); assertEquals("CMXI", romanNumeral.getRomanNumeral()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void test1024ToRomanNumberMXXIV() { romanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(1024); assertEquals("MXXIV", romanNumeral.getRomanNumeral()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void test3000ToRomanNumberMMM() { romanNumeral = new RomanNumeral(1024); assertEquals("MXXIV", romanNumeral.getRomanNumeral()); } }