require 'spec_helper' include CurationConcerns::SearchPathsHelper feature 'collection' do let(:title1) { 'Test Collection 1' } let(:description1) { 'Description for collection 1 we are testing.' } let(:title2) { 'Test Collection 2' } let(:description2) { 'Description for collection 2 we are testing.' } let(:user) { create(:user, email: '') } let(:user_key) { user.user_key } let(:gw1) { create(:generic_work, user: user, title: ['First test work']) } let(:gw2) { create(:generic_work, user: user, title: ['Second test work']) } after(:all) do GenericWork.destroy_all Collection.destroy_all end describe 'collection creation fields' do before do sign_in user visit '/collections/new' end it 'visibly marks the title field as required' do expect(page).to have_content 'Title required' end end describe 'create collection' do before do sign_in user visit search_path_for_my_collections end it 'creates a collection' do title = 'Genealogies of the American West' description = 'All about Genealogies of the American West' click_link 'Add a Collection' fill_in('Title', with: title) fill_in('collection_description', with: description) click_button('Create Collection') expect(page).to have_content 'Items in this Collection' expect(page).to have_content title expect(page).to have_content description end it "fails if there's missing required fields" do click_link 'Add a Collection' click_button 'Create Collection' expect(page).to have_content 'Please review the errors below' end end describe 'delete collection' do let!(:collection) do create(:collection, user: user) end before do sign_in user visit main_app.search_catalog_path('f[generic_type_sim][]' => 'Collection', works: 'mine') end it 'deletes a collection' do expect(page).to have_content 'Test collection title' within("#document_#{}") do first('.itemtrash').click end expect(page).not_to have_content 'Test collection title' expect(page).to have_content('Collection was successfully deleted.') end end describe 'show collection' do let!(:collection) do create(:collection, user: user, description: ['collection description']) end before do [gw1, gw2].each do |gw| gw.member_of_collections = [collection] end sign_in user visit search_path_for_my_collections end it 'shows a collection with a listing of Descriptive Metadata and catalog-style search results' do expect(page).to have_content 'Test collection title' within('#document_' + do click_link('collection title') end expect(page).to have_selector '.sr-only', text: 'Search Collection Test collection title', visible: false expect(page).to have_content 'Test collection title' expect(page).to have_content 'collection description' # Should have search results / contents listing expect(page).to have_content(gw1.title.first) expect(page).to have_content(gw2.title.first) expect(page).not_to have_css('.pager') end it 'hides collection descriptive metadata when searching a collection' do expect(page).to have_content 'Test collection title' within("#document_#{}") do click_link('collection title') end expect(page).to have_content 'Test collection title' expect(page).to have_content 'collection description' expect(page).to have_content(gw1.title.first) expect(page).to have_content(gw2.title.first) fill_in('collection_search', with: gw1.title.first) click_button('collection_submit') # Should not have Collection Descriptive metadata table expect(page).not_to have_content('Descriptions') expect(page).to have_content 'Test collection title' expect(page).to have_content 'collection description' # Should have search results / contents listing expect(page).to have_content(gw1.title.first) expect(page).to have_content(gw2.title.first) # Should not have Dashboard content in contents listing expect(page).not_to have_content('Visibility') end end describe 'edit collection' do let!(:collection) do create(:collection, user: user, description: ['collection description']) end before do [gw1, gw2].each do |gw| gw.member_of_collections = [collection]! end sign_in user visit search_path_for_my_collections end it 'edits and update collection metadata' do expect(page).to have_content 'Test collection title' within("#document_#{}") do click_link('Edit Collection') end expect(page).to have_field('collection_title', with: 'Test collection title') expect(page).to have_field('collection_description', with: 'collection description') new_title = 'Altered Title' new_description = 'Completely new Description text.' creators = ['Dorje Trollo', 'Vajrayogini'] fill_in('Title', with: new_title) fill_in('collection_description', with: new_description) fill_in('Creator', with: creators.first) # within('.form-actions') do click_button('Update Collection') # end expect(page).not_to have_content 'Test collection title' expect(page).not_to have_content 'collection description' expect(page).to have_content(new_title) expect(page).to have_content(new_description) expect(page).to have_content(creators.first) end context "when there are errors" do it "displays them" do within("#document_#{}") do click_link('Edit Collection') end fill_in 'Title', with: '' click_button 'Update Collection' expect(page).to have_content 'review the errors' end end it 'removes a work from a collection from edit page' do expect(page).to have_content 'Test collection title' within("#document_#{}") do click_link('Edit Collection') end expect(page).to have_field 'collection_title', with: 'Test collection title' expect(page).to have_field 'collection_description', with: 'collection description' expect(page).to have_content(gw1.title.first) expect(page).to have_content(gw2.title.first) within("#document_#{}") do click_link('Remove From Collection') end visit collection_path expect(page).to have_content 'Test collection title' expect(page).to have_content 'collection description' expect(page).not_to have_content(gw1.title.first) expect(page).to have_content(gw2.title.first) end it 'removes a work from a collection from show page' do expect(page).to have_content 'Test collection title' within('#document_' + do click_link 'Test collection title' end expect(page).to have_content(gw1.title.first) expect(page).to have_content(gw2.title.first) within("#document_#{}") do click_link('Remove From Collection') end visit collection_path expect(page).to have_content 'Test collection title' expect(page).to have_content 'collection description' expect(page).not_to have_content(gw1.title.first) expect(page).to have_content(gw2.title.first) end it 'removes all works from a collection' do skip 'This is from Sufia, not sure if it should be here.' expect(page).to have_content 'Test collection title' within('#document_' + do click_link('Edit Collection') end expect(page).to have_field 'collection_title', with: 'Test collection title' expect(page).to have_field 'collection_description', with: 'collection description' expect(page).to have_content(gw1.title.first) expect(page).to have_content(gw2.title.first) first('input#check_all').click click_link('Remove From Collection') expect(page).to have_content 'Test collection title' expect(page).to have_content 'collection description' expect(page).not_to have_content(gw1.title.first) expect(page).not_to have_content(gw2.title.first) end end describe 'show pages of a collection' do let!(:collection) do create(:collection, user: user, description: ['collection description']) end before do 12.times do create(:generic_work, user: user, member_of_collections: [collection]) end sign_in user visit search_path_for_my_collections end it 'shows a collection with a listing of Descriptive Metadata and catalog-style search results' do expect(page).to have_content 'Test collection title' within('#document_' + do click_link('collection title') end expect(page).to have_css('.pager') end end end