require 'spec_helper' require 'support/helpers' describe ChronoModel::TimeMachine do include ChronoTest::Helpers::TimeMachine setup_schema! define_models! describe '.chrono_models' do subject { ChronoModel::TimeMachine.chrono_models } it { should == {'foos' => Foo, 'bars' => Bar} } end # Set up two associated records, with intertwined updates # let!(:foo) { foo = ts_eval { Foo.create! :name => 'foo', :fooity => 1 } ts_eval(foo) { update_attributes! :name => 'foo bar' } } let!(:bar) { bar = ts_eval { Bar.create! :name => 'bar', :foo => foo } ts_eval(bar) { update_attributes! :name => 'foo bar' } ts_eval(foo) { update_attributes! :name => 'new foo' } ts_eval(bar) { update_attributes! :name => 'bar bar' } ts_eval(bar) { update_attributes! :name => 'new bar' } } # Specs start here # describe '#as_of' do describe 'accepts a Time instance' do it { foo.as_of( == 'new foo' } it { bar.as_of( == 'new bar' } end describe 'ignores time zones' do it { foo.as_of('America/Havana')).name.should == 'new foo' } it { bar.as_of('America/Havana')).name.should == 'new bar' } end describe 'returns records as they were before' do it { foo.as_of(foo.ts[0]).name.should == 'foo' } it { foo.as_of(foo.ts[1]).name.should == 'foo bar' } it { foo.as_of(foo.ts[2]).name.should == 'new foo' } it { bar.as_of(bar.ts[0]).name.should == 'bar' } it { bar.as_of(bar.ts[1]).name.should == 'foo bar' } it { bar.as_of(bar.ts[2]).name.should == 'bar bar' } it { bar.as_of(bar.ts[3]).name.should == 'new bar' } end describe 'takes care of associated records' do it { foo.as_of(foo.ts[0]).bars.should == [] } it { foo.as_of(foo.ts[1]).bars.should == [] } it { foo.as_of(foo.ts[2]).bars.should == [bar] } it { foo.as_of(foo.ts[2]) == 'foo bar' } it { foo.as_of(bar.ts[0]).bars.should == [bar] } it { foo.as_of(bar.ts[1]).bars.should == [bar] } it { foo.as_of(bar.ts[2]).bars.should == [bar] } it { foo.as_of(bar.ts[3]).bars.should == [bar] } it { foo.as_of(bar.ts[0]) == 'bar' } it { foo.as_of(bar.ts[1]) == 'foo bar' } it { foo.as_of(bar.ts[2]) == 'bar bar' } it { foo.as_of(bar.ts[3]) == 'new bar' } it { bar.as_of(bar.ts[0]).foo.should == foo } it { bar.as_of(bar.ts[1]).foo.should == foo } it { bar.as_of(bar.ts[2]).foo.should == foo } it { bar.as_of(bar.ts[3]).foo.should == foo } it { bar.as_of(bar.ts[0]) == 'foo bar' } it { bar.as_of(bar.ts[1]) == 'foo bar' } it { bar.as_of(bar.ts[2]) == 'new foo' } it { bar.as_of(bar.ts[3]) == 'new foo' } end it 'raises RecordNotFound when no history records are found' do expect { foo.as_of(1.minute.ago) }.to raise_error end end describe '#history' do describe 'returns historical instances' do it { foo.history.should have(3).entries } it { == ['foo', 'foo bar', 'new foo'] } it { bar.history.should have(4).entries } it { == ['bar', 'foo bar', 'bar bar', 'new bar'] } end describe 'returns read only records' do it { foo.history.all?(&:readonly?).should be_true } it { bar.history.all?(&:readonly?).should be_true } end describe 'takes care of associated records' do subject { {|f| f.bars.first.try(:name)} } it { should == [nil, 'foo bar', 'new bar'] } end describe 'returns read only associated records' do it { foo.history[2].bars.all?(&:readonly?).should be_true } it { bar.history.all? {|b|}.should be_true } end end describe '#historical?' do describe 'on plain records' do subject { foo.historical? } it { should be_false } end describe 'on historical records' do describe 'from #history' do subject { foo.history.first } it { should be_true } end describe 'from #as_of' do subject { foo.as_of( } it { should be_true } end end end describe '#destroy' do describe 'on historical records' do subject { foo.history.first.destroy } it { expect { subject }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord) } end describe 'on current records' do let!(:rec) { rec = ts_eval { Foo.create!(:name => 'alive foo', :fooity => 42) } ts_eval(rec) { update_attributes!(:name => 'dying foo') } } subject { rec.destroy } it { expect { subject }.to_not raise_error } it { expect { rec.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) } describe 'does not delete its history' do context do subject { rec.as_of(rec.ts.first) } its(:name) { should == 'alive foo' } end context do subject { rec.as_of(rec.ts.last) } its(:name) { should == 'dying foo' } end context do subject { Foo.as_of(rec.ts.first).where(:fooity => 42).first } its(:name) { should == 'alive foo' } end context do subject { Foo.history.where(:fooity => 42).map(&:name) } it { should == ['alive foo', 'dying foo'] } end end end end describe '#history_timestamps' do timestamps_from = lambda {|*records|!.inject([]) {|ret, rec| ret.concat [rec.valid_from, rec.valid_to] }.sort.uniq[0..-2] } describe 'on records having an :has_many relationship' do subject { foo.history_timestamps } describe 'returns timestamps of the record and its associations' do its(:size) { should == foo.ts.size + bar.ts.size } it { should ==, bar) } end end describe 'on records having a :belongs_to relationship' do subject { bar.history_timestamps } describe 'returns timestamps of the record only' do its(:size) { should == bar.ts.size } it { should == } end end end context do history_attrs = ChronoModel::TimeMachine::HISTORY_ATTRIBUTES let!(:history) { foo.history.first } let!(:current) { foo } history_attrs.each do |attr| describe ['#', attr].join do describe 'on history records' do subject { history.public_send(attr) } it { should be_present } it { should be_a(Time) } it { should be_utc } end describe 'on current records' do subject { current.public_send(attr) } it { should be_nil } end end end describe '#initialize_dup' do describe 'on history records' do subject { history.dup } history_attrs.each do |attr| its(attr) { should be_nil } end it { should_not be_readonly } it { should be_new_record } end end end # Class methods context do let!(:foos) { {|i| ts_eval { Foo.create! :name => "foo #{i}" } } } let!(:bars) { {|i| ts_eval { Bar.create! :name => "bar #{i}", :foo => foos[i] } } } after(:all) { foos.each(&:destroy); bars.each(&:destroy) } describe '.as_of' do it { Foo.as_of(1.month.ago).should == [] } it { Foo.as_of(foos[0].ts[0]).should == [foo, foos[0]] } it { Foo.as_of(foos[1].ts[0]).should == [foo, foos[0], foos[1]] } it { Foo.as_of( ).should == [foo, foos[0], foos[1]] } it { Bar.as_of(foos[1].ts[0]).should == [bar] } it { Bar.as_of(bars[0].ts[0]).should == [bar, bars[0]] } it { Bar.as_of(bars[1].ts[0]).should == [bar, bars[0], bars[1]] } it { Bar.as_of( ).should == [bar, bars[0], bars[1]] } # Associations context do subject { foos[0] } it { Foo.as_of(foos[0].ts[0]).find(subject).bars.should == [] } it { Foo.as_of(foos[1].ts[0]).find(subject).bars.should == [] } it { Foo.as_of(bars[0].ts[0]).find(subject).bars.should == [bars[0]] } it { Foo.as_of(bars[1].ts[0]).find(subject).bars.should == [bars[0]] } it { Foo.as_of( ).find(subject).bars.should == [bars[0]] } end context do subject { foos[1] } it { expect { Foo.as_of(foos[0].ts[0]).find(subject) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) } it { expect { Foo.as_of(foos[1].ts[0]).find(subject) }.to_not raise_error } it { Foo.as_of(bars[0].ts[0]).find(subject).bars.should == [] } it { Foo.as_of(bars[1].ts[0]).find(subject).bars.should == [bars[1]] } it { Foo.as_of( ).find(subject).bars.should == [bars[1]] } end end describe '.history' do let(:foo_history) { ['foo', 'foo bar', 'new foo', 'alive foo', 'dying foo', 'foo 0', 'foo 1'] } let(:bar_history) { ['bar', 'foo bar', 'bar bar', 'new bar', 'bar 0', 'bar 1'] } it { == foo_history } it { == bar_history } end end end