module DeploymentTrackerClient # class Deployment < BaseObject attr_accessor :deployment_id, :engine, :engine_version, :host, :user, :environment, :package, :package_url, :version, :arguments, :result, :elapsed_seconds, :assert_empty_server_result, :servers # attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key def self.attribute_map { # Unique identifier of a deployment. UUID :'deployment_id' => :'deployment_id', # The execution engine of the deployment :'engine' => :'engine', # The version of the execution engine :'engine_version' => :'engine_version', # The host from which the deployment is being executed :'host' => :'host', # The user executing the deploymetn :'user' => :'user', # The target environment of the deployment :'environment' => :'environment', # The name of the software application or service being deployed :'package' => :'package', # A URL that points to more information about the package :'package_url' => :'package_url', # The version of the package being deployed :'version' => :'version', # Any arguments used for the deployment :'arguments' => :'arguments', # The result of running the deployment :'result' => :'result', # The elapsed time of the deployment, in seconds :'elapsed_seconds' => :'elapsed_seconds', # Whether or not to assert the result of a deployment to any server that doesn't have a result at the time the deployment is marked complete :'assert_empty_server_result' => :'assert_empty_server_result', # The servers that participated in the deployment :'servers' => :'servers' } end # attribute type def self.swagger_types { :'deployment_id' => :'string', :'engine' => :'string', :'engine_version' => :'string', :'host' => :'string', :'user' => :'string', :'environment' => :'string', :'package' => :'string', :'package_url' => :'string', :'version' => :'string', :'arguments' => :'string', :'result' => :'string', :'elapsed_seconds' => :'int', :'assert_empty_server_result' => :'boolean', :'servers' => :'array[Server]' } end def initialize(attributes = {}) return if !attributes.is_a?(Hash) || attributes.empty? # convert string to symbol for hash key attributes = attributes.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} if attributes[:'deployment_id'] @deployment_id = attributes[:'deployment_id'] end if attributes[:'engine'] @engine = attributes[:'engine'] end if attributes[:'engine_version'] @engine_version = attributes[:'engine_version'] end if attributes[:'host'] @host = attributes[:'host'] end if attributes[:'user'] @user = attributes[:'user'] end if attributes[:'environment'] @environment = attributes[:'environment'] end if attributes[:'package'] @package = attributes[:'package'] end if attributes[:'package_url'] @package_url = attributes[:'package_url'] end if attributes[:'version'] @version = attributes[:'version'] end if attributes[:'arguments'] @arguments = attributes[:'arguments'] end if attributes[:'result'] @result = attributes[:'result'] end if attributes[:'elapsed_seconds'] @elapsed_seconds = attributes[:'elapsed_seconds'] end if attributes[:'assert_empty_server_result'] @assert_empty_server_result = attributes[:'assert_empty_server_result'] end if attributes[:'servers'] if (value = attributes[:'servers']).is_a?(Array) @servers = value end end end end end