# The exclusions here and in source code are intentional decisions to not # follow Rubocop's advice. Anything that should be fiex but isn't is in # .rubocop_todo.yml inherit_from: .rubocop_todo.yml require: rubocop-rspec # drewcoo-cops has to go after rubocop-rspec because otherwise it diables # drewcoo-cops. # There are also a bunch of warnigs spewed about the RSpec cops listed # in the todo file so it looks like we're not playing well with rubocop-rspec # either. # Check this in for now and TODO: figure this out. require: drewcoo-cops AllCops: DefaultFormatter: progress DisplayCopNames: true DisplayStyleGuide: true ExtraDetails: true # Metrics/BlockLength, Metrics/MethodLength # don't apply to the spec files. They naturally have long swaths of code. # And the gemspec is special. Metrics/BlockLength: Exclude: - 'rutl.gemspec' - 'spec/*_spec.rb' Metrics/MethodLength: Exclude: - 'spec/*_spec.rb' # TODO: Change this setting? Ideally, I should force braces on the *Page files. # But should think about this first. Style/BracesAroundHashParameters: Exclude: - 'spec/views/**/*' # NullDriverPageElement plays dirty tricks with @@variables to simulate # longer-lived data sources. # And BasePage does @@loaded_pages. Style/ClassVars: Exclude: - 'lib/rutl/null_driver/null_element.rb' - 'lib/rutl/base_page.rb' # Rubocop flags lots of things as useless assignment when they're actually # magic methods. Maybe this means I'm not handling respond_to_missing # correctly. In fact, that seems likely. Lint/UselessAssignment: Exclude: - 'spec/*_spec.rb'