#-- # Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "json" require "signet/oauth_2/client" require "forwardable" require "googleauth" #-- # Google Cloud Credentials module Gcloud ## # Represents the OAuth 2.0 signing logic. # This class is intended to be inherited by API-specific classes # which overrides the SCOPE constant. class Credentials #:nodoc: TOKEN_CREDENTIAL_URI = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token" AUDIENCE = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token" SCOPE = [] PATH_ENV_VARS = ["GOOGLE_CLOUD_KEYFILE"] JSON_ENV_VARS = ["GOOGLE_CLOUD_KEYFILE_JSON"] DEFAULT_PATHS = ["~/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json"] attr_accessor :client ## # Delegate client methods to the client object. extend Forwardable def_delegators :@client, :token_credential_uri, :audience, :scope, :issuer, :signing_key def initialize keyfile, options = {} verify_keyfile_provided! keyfile if keyfile.is_a? Signet::OAuth2::Client @client = keyfile elsif keyfile.is_a? Hash @client = init_client keyfile, options else verify_keyfile_exists! keyfile @client = init_client JSON.parse(::File.read(keyfile)), options end @client.fetch_access_token! end # rubocop:disable all # Disabled rubocop because this is intentionally complex. ## # Returns the default credentials. # def self.default options = {} env = ->(v) { ENV[v] } json = ->(v) { JSON.parse ENV[v] rescue nil unless ENV[v].nil? } path = ->(p) { ::File.file? p } # First try to find keyfile file from environment variables. self::PATH_ENV_VARS.map(&env).reject(&:nil?).select(&path).each do |file| return new file, options end # Second try to find keyfile json from environment variables. self::JSON_ENV_VARS.map(&json).reject(&:nil?).each do |hash| return new hash, options end # Third try to find keyfile file from known file paths. self::DEFAULT_PATHS.select(&path).each do |file| return new file, options end # Finally get instantiated client from Google::Auth. scope = options[:scope] || options["scope"] || self::SCOPE client = Google::Auth.get_application_default scope new client end # rubocop:enable all protected ## # Verify that the keyfile argument is provided. def verify_keyfile_provided! keyfile fail "You must provide a keyfile to connect with." if keyfile.nil? end ## # Verify that the keyfile argument is a file. def verify_keyfile_exists! keyfile exists = ::File.file? keyfile fail "The keyfile '#{keyfile}' is not a valid file." unless exists end ## # Initializes the Signet client. def init_client keyfile, options client_opts = client_options keyfile, options Signet::OAuth2::Client.new client_opts end ## # returns a new Hash with string keys instead of symbol keys. def stringify_hash_keys hash Hash[hash.map { |(k, v)| [k.to_s, v] }] end ## # The default options using the values in the constants. def default_options { "token_credential_uri" => self.class::TOKEN_CREDENTIAL_URI, "audience" => self.class::AUDIENCE, "scope" => self.class::SCOPE } end def client_options keyfile, options # Turn keys to strings options = stringify_hash_keys options # Constructor options override default options options = default_options.merge options # Keyfile options override everything options = options.merge keyfile # client options for initializing signet client { token_credential_uri: options["token_credential_uri"], audience: options["audience"], scope: options["scope"], issuer: options["client_email"], signing_key: OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(options["private_key"]) } end end end