# frozen_string_literal: true # In rails 7.0+ if you have only 1 db in the env it doesn't try to do explicit activation # (and for rails purposes we only have one db per env because each database server is a separate env) if Rails.version < '7.0' task_prefix = ::Rake::Task.task_defined?('app:db:migrate') ? 'app:db' : 'db' ::Rake::Task["#{task_prefix}:migrate"].clear_actions.enhance do ::ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.migrate # Ensure this doesn't blow up when running inside the dummy app Rake::Task["#{task_prefix}:_dump"].invoke end end module Switchman module Rake def self.filter_database_servers(&block) chain = filter_database_servers_chain # use a local variable so that the current chain is closed over in the following lambda @filter_database_servers_chain = ->(servers) { block.call(servers, chain) } end def self.scope(base_scope = Shard, database_server: ENV['DATABASE_SERVER'], shard: ENV['SHARD']) servers = DatabaseServer.all if database_server servers = database_server if servers.first == '-' negative = true servers = servers[1..] end servers = servers.split(',') open = servers.delete('open') servers = servers.map { |server| DatabaseServer.find(server) }.compact if open open_servers = DatabaseServer.all.select { |server| server.config[:open] } servers.concat(open_servers) servers << DatabaseServer.find(nil) if open_servers.empty? servers.uniq! end servers = DatabaseServer.all - servers if negative end servers = filter_database_servers_chain.call(servers) scope = base_scope.order(::Arel.sql('database_server_id IS NOT NULL, database_server_id, id')) if servers != DatabaseServer.all database_server_ids = servers.map(&:id) database_server_ids << nil if servers.include?(Shard.default.database_server) scope = scope.where(database_server_id: database_server_ids) end scope = shard_scope(scope, shard) if shard scope end def self.options { parallel: ENV['PARALLEL'].to_i } end # classes - an array or proc, to activate as the current shard during the # task. def self.shardify_task(task_name, classes: [::ActiveRecord::Base]) old_task = ::Rake::Task[task_name] old_actions = old_task.actions.dup old_task.actions.clear old_task.enhance do |*task_args| if ::Rails.env.test? require 'switchman/test_helper' TestHelper.recreate_persistent_test_shards(dont_create: true) end ::GuardRail.activate(:deploy) do Shard.default.database_server.unguard do classes = classes.call if classes.respond_to?(:call) Shard.with_each_shard(scope, classes, **options) do shard = Shard.current puts "#{shard.id}: #{shard.description}" shard.database_server.unguard do old_actions.each { |action| action.call(*task_args) } end nil end rescue => e puts "Exception from #{e.current_shard.id}: #{e.current_shard.description}" if options[:parallel] != 0 raise # ::ActiveRecord::Base.configurations = old_configurations end end end end %w[db:migrate db:migrate:up db:migrate:down db:rollback].each do |task_name| shardify_task(task_name) end def self.shard_scope(scope, raw_shard_ids) raw_shard_ids = raw_shard_ids.split(',') shard_ids = [] negative_shard_ids = [] ranges = [] negative_ranges = [] total_shard_count = nil raw_shard_ids.each do |id| case id when 'default' shard_ids << Shard.default.id when '-default' negative_shard_ids << Shard.default.id when 'primary' shard_ids.concat(Shard.primary.pluck(:id)) when '-primary' negative_shard_ids.concat(Shard.primary.pluck(:id)) when /^(-?)(\d+)?\.\.(\.)?(\d+)?$/ negative, start, open, finish = $1.present?, $2, $3.present?, $4 raise "Invalid shard id or range: #{id}" unless start || finish range = [] range << "id>=#{start}" if start range << "id<#{'=' unless open}#{finish}" if finish (negative ? negative_ranges : ranges) << "(#{range.join(' AND ')})" when /^-(\d+)$/ negative_shard_ids << $1.to_i when /^\d+$/ shard_ids << id.to_i when %r{^(-?\d+)/(\d+)$} numerator = $1.to_i denominator = $2.to_i raise "Invalid fractional chunk: #{id}" if numerator.zero? || numerator.abs > denominator # one chunk means everything if denominator == 1 next if numerator == 1 return scope.none end total_shard_count ||= scope.count per_chunk = (total_shard_count / denominator.to_f).ceil index = numerator.abs # more chunks than shards; the trailing chunks are all empty return scope.none if index > total_shard_count subscope = Shard.select(:id).order(:id) select = [] if index != 1 subscope = subscope.offset(per_chunk * (index - 1)) select << 'MIN(id) AS min_id' end if index != denominator subscope = subscope.limit(per_chunk) select << 'MAX(id) AS max_id' end result = Shard.from(subscope).select(select.join(', ')).to_a.first range = case index when 1 "id<=#{result['max_id']}" when denominator "id>=#{result['min_id']}" else "(id>=#{result['min_id']} AND id<=#{result['max_id']})" end (numerator.negative? ? negative_ranges : ranges) << range else raise "Invalid shard id or range: #{id}" end end shard_ids.uniq! negative_shard_ids.uniq! unless shard_ids.empty? shard_ids -= negative_shard_ids return scope.none if shard_ids.empty? && ranges.empty? # we already trimmed them all out; no need to make the server do it as well negative_shard_ids = [] if ranges.empty? end conditions = [] positive_queries = [] positive_queries << ranges.join(' OR ') unless ranges.empty? unless shard_ids.empty? positive_queries << 'id IN (?)' conditions << shard_ids end positive_query = positive_queries.join(' OR ') scope = scope.where(positive_query, *conditions) unless positive_queries.empty? scope = scope.where("NOT (#{negative_ranges.join(' OR')})") unless negative_ranges.empty? scope = scope.where('id NOT IN (?)', negative_shard_ids) unless negative_shard_ids.empty? scope end def self.filter_database_servers_chain @filter_database_servers_chain ||= ->(servers) { servers } end end module ActiveRecord module PostgreSQLDatabaseTasks def structure_dump(filename, extra_flags = nil) set_psql_env args = ['--schema-only', '--no-privileges', '--no-owner', '--file', filename] args.concat(Array(extra_flags)) if extra_flags shard = Shard.current.name serialized_search_path = shard args << "--schema=#{Shellwords.escape(shard)}" ignore_tables = ::ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.ignore_tables args += ignore_tables.flat_map { |table| ['-T', table] } if ignore_tables.any? args << db_config.database run_cmd('pg_dump', args, 'dumping') remove_sql_header_comments(filename) File.open(filename, 'a') { |f| f << "SET search_path TO #{serialized_search_path};\n\n" } end end end end ActiveRecord::Tasks::PostgreSQLDatabaseTasks.prepend(Switchman::ActiveRecord::PostgreSQLDatabaseTasks)