defmodule Hexadecimal do @base 16 @hex_table String.split("0123456789abcdef", "", trim: true) |> Enum.with_index() |> Enum.into(%{}) @doc """ Accept a string representing a hexadecimal value and return the corresponding decimal value. It returns the integer 0 if the hexadecimal is invalid. Otherwise returns an integer representing the decimal value. ## Examples iex> Hexadecimal.to_decimal("invalid") 0 iex> Hexadecimal.to_decimal("af") 175 """ @spec to_decimal(binary) :: integer def to_decimal(hex) do if invalid?(hex) do 0 else hex |> String.downcase() |> String.reverse() |> String.split("", trim: true) |> hex_to_int(0, 0) end end defp invalid?(hex) do String.match?(hex, ~r/[^0-9a-fA-F]/) end defp hex_to_int([], acc, _), do: round(acc) defp hex_to_int([char | hex], acc, power) do acc = acc + Map.get(@hex_table, char) * :math.pow(@base, power) hex_to_int(hex, acc, power + 1) end end