# coding:utf-8 # License:: Ruby # Author:: Guillaume Pierronnet (mailto:moumar_AT__rubyforge_DOT_org) # Website:: http://ruby-mp3info.rubyforge.org/ require "fileutils" require "mp3info/extension_modules" require "mp3info/id3v2" # ruby -d to display debugging infos # Raised on any kind of error related to ruby-mp3info class Mp3InfoError < StandardError ; end class Mp3InfoInternalError < StandardError #:nodoc: end class Mp3Info VERSION = "0.6.15" LAYER = [ nil, 3, 2, 1] BITRATE = { 1 => [ [32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448], [32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384], [32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320] ], 2 => [ [32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 224, 256], [8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160], [8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160] ], 2.5 => [ [32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 224, 256], [8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160], [8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160] ] } SAMPLERATE = { 1 => [ 44100, 48000, 32000 ], 2 => [ 22050, 24000, 16000 ], 2.5 => [ 11025, 12000, 8000 ] } CHANNEL_MODE = [ "Stereo", "JStereo", "Dual Channel", "Single Channel"] GENRES = [ "Blues", "Classic Rock", "Country", "Dance", "Disco", "Funk", "Grunge", "Hip-Hop", "Jazz", "Metal", "New Age", "Oldies", "Other", "Pop", "R&B", "Rap", "Reggae", "Rock", "Techno", "Industrial", "Alternative", "Ska", "Death Metal", "Pranks", "Soundtrack", "Euro-Techno", "Ambient", "Trip-Hop", "Vocal", "Jazz+Funk", "Fusion", "Trance", "Classical", "Instrumental", "Acid", "House", "Game", "Sound Clip", "Gospel", "Noise", "AlternRock", "Bass", "Soul", "Punk", "Space", "Meditative", "Instrumental Pop", "Instrumental Rock", "Ethnic", "Gothic", "Darkwave", "Techno-Industrial", "Electronic", "Pop-Folk", "Eurodance", "Dream", "Southern Rock", "Comedy", "Cult", "Gangsta", "Top 40", "Christian Rap", "Pop/Funk", "Jungle", "Native American", "Cabaret", "New Wave", "Psychadelic", "Rave", "Showtunes", "Trailer", "Lo-Fi", "Tribal", "Acid Punk", "Acid Jazz", "Polka", "Retro", "Musical", "Rock & Roll", "Hard Rock", "Folk", "Folk/Rock", "National Folk", "Swing", "Fast-Fusion", "Bebob", "Latin", "Revival", "Celtic", "Bluegrass", "Avantgarde", "Gothic Rock", "Progressive Rock", "Psychedelic Rock", "Symphonic Rock", "Slow Rock", "Big Band", "Chorus", "Easy Listening", "Acoustic", "Humour", "Speech", "Chanson", "Opera", "Chamber Music", "Sonata", "Symphony", "Booty Bass", "Primus", "Porn Groove", "Satire", "Slow Jam", "Club", "Tango", "Samba", "Folklore", "Ballad", "Power Ballad", "Rhythmic Soul", "Freestyle", "Duet", "Punk Rock", "Drum Solo", "A capella", "Euro-House", "Dance Hall", "Goa", "Drum & Bass", "Club House", "Hardcore", "Terror", "Indie", "BritPop", "NegerPunk", "Polsk Punk", "Beat", "Christian Gangsta", "Heavy Metal", "Black Metal", "Crossover", "Contemporary C", "Christian Rock", "Merengue", "Salsa", "Thrash Metal", "Anime", "JPop", "SynthPop" ] TAG1_SIZE = 128 #MAX_FRAME_COUNT = 6 #number of frame to read for encoder detection # map to fill the "universal" tag (#tag attribute) # for id3v2.2 TAG_MAPPING_2_2 = { "title" => "TT2", "artist" => "TP1", "album" => "TAL", "year" => "TYE", "tracknum" => "TRK", "comments" => "COM", "genre_s" => "TCO" } # for id3v2.3 and 2.4 TAG_MAPPING_2_3 = { "title" => "TIT2", "artist" => "TPE1", "album" => "TALB", "year" => "TYER", "tracknum" => "TRCK", "comments" => "COMM", "genre_s" => "TCON" } # http://www.codeproject.com/audio/MPEGAudioInfo.asp SAMPLES_PER_FRAME = [ nil, {1=>384, 2=>384, 2.5=>384}, # Layer I {1=>1152, 2=>1152, 2.5=>1152}, # Layer II {1=>1152, 2=>576, 2.5=>576} # Layer III ] # mpeg version = 1 or 2 attr_reader(:mpeg_version) # layer = 1, 2, or 3 attr_reader(:layer) # bitrate in kbps attr_reader(:bitrate) # samplerate in Hz attr_reader(:samplerate) # channel mode => "Stereo", "JStereo", "Dual Channel" or "Single Channel" attr_reader(:channel_mode) # variable bitrate => true or false attr_reader(:vbr) # Hash representing values in the MP3 frame header. Keys are one of the following: # - :private (boolean) # - :copyright (boolean) # - :original (boolean) # - :padding (boolean) # - :error_protection (boolean) # - :mode_extension (integer in the 0..3 range) # - :emphasis (integer in the 0..3 range) # detailled explanation can be found here: http://www.mp3-tech.org/programmer/frame_header.html attr_reader(:header) # length in seconds as a Float attr_reader(:length) # error protection => true or false attr_reader(:error_protection) #a sort of "universal" tag, regardless of the tag version, 1 or 2, with the same keys as @tag1 #this tag has priority over @tag1 and @tag2 when writing the tag with #close attr_reader(:tag) # id3v1 tag as a Hash. You can modify it, it will be written when calling # "close" method. attr_accessor(:tag1) # id3v2 tag attribute as an ID3v2 object. You can modify it, it will be written when calling # "close" method. attr_accessor(:tag2) # the original filename unless used with a StringIO attr_reader(:filename) # Test the presence of an id3v1 tag in file or StringIO +filename_or_io+ def self.hastag1?(filename_or_io) if filename_or_io.is_a?(StringIO) io = filename_or_io io.rewind else io = File.new(filename_or_io, "rb") end hastag1 = false begin io.seek(-TAG1_SIZE, File::SEEK_END) hastag1 = io.read(3) == "TAG" ensure io.close if io.is_a?(File) end hastag1 end # Test the presence of an id3v2 tag in file or StringIO +filename_or_io+ def self.hastag2?(filename_or_io) if filename_or_io.is_a?(StringIO) io = filename_or_io io.rewind else io = File.new(filename_or_io,"rb") end hastag2 = false begin hastag2 = io.read(3) == "ID3" ensure io.close if io.is_a?(File) end hastag2 end # Remove id3v1 tag from +filename+ def self.removetag1(filename) if self.hastag1?(filename) newsize = File.size(filename) - TAG1_SIZE File.open(filename, "rb+") { |f| f.truncate(newsize) } end end # Remove id3v2 tag from +filename+ def self.removetag2(filename) self.open(filename) do |mp3| mp3.tag2.clear end end # Instantiate Mp3Info object with name +filename+. # options hash is used for ID3v2#new. # Specify :parse_tags => false to disable the processing # of the tags (read and write). # Specify :parse_mp3 => false to disable processing of the mp3 def initialize(filename_or_io, options = {}) warn("#{self.class}::new() does not take block; use #{self.class}::open() instead") if block_given? @filename_or_io = filename_or_io options = {:parse_mp3 => true, :parse_tags => true}.update(options) @tag_parsing_enabled = options.delete(:parse_tags) @mp3_parsing_enabled = options.delete(:parse_mp3) @id3v2_options = options reload end # reload (or load for the first time) the file from disk def reload @header = {} if @filename_or_io.is_a?(String) @io_is_a_file = true @io = File.new(@filename_or_io, "rb") @io_size = @io.stat.size @filename = @filename_or_io elsif @filename_or_io.is_a?(StringIO) @io_is_a_file = false @io = @filename_or_io @io_size = @io.size @filename = nil end if @io_size == 0 raise(Mp3InfoError, "empty file or IO") end @io.extend(Mp3FileMethods) @tag1 = @tag = @tag1_orig = @tag_orig = {} @tag1.extend(HashKeys) @tag2 = ID3v2.new(@id3v2_options) begin if @tag_parsing_enabled parse_tags @tag1_orig = @tag1.dup if hastag1? @tag = @tag1.dup end if hastag2? @tag = {} # creation of a sort of "universal" tag, regardless of the tag version tag2_mapping = @tag2.version =~ /^2\.2/ ? TAG_MAPPING_2_2 : TAG_MAPPING_2_3 tag2_mapping.each do |key, tag2_name| tag_value = (@tag2[tag2_name].is_a?(Array) ? @tag2[tag2_name].first : @tag2[tag2_name]) next unless tag_value @tag[key] = tag_value.is_a?(Array) ? tag_value.first : tag_value if %w{year tracknum}.include?(key) @tag[key] = tag_value.to_i end # this is a special case with id3v2.2, which uses # old fashionned id3v1 genres if tag2_name == "TCO" && tag_value =~ /^\((\d+)\)$/ @tag["genre_s"] = GENRES[$1.to_i] end end end @tag.extend(HashKeys) @tag_orig = @tag.dup end if @mp3_parsing_enabled parse_mp3 end ensure if @io_is_a_file @io.close end end end # "block version" of Mp3Info::new() def self.open(*params) m = self.new(*params) ret = nil if block_given? begin ret = yield(m) ensure m.close end else ret = m end ret end # Remove id3v1 from mp3 def removetag1 @tag1.clear self end # Remove id3v2 from mp3 def removetag2 @tag2.clear self end # Does the file has an id3v1 or v2 tag? def hastag? hastag1? || hastag2? end # Does the file has an id3v1 tag? def hastag1? !@tag1.empty? end # Does the file has an id3v2 tag? def hastag2? @tag2.parsed? end # write to another filename at close() def rename(new_filename) raise(Mp3InfoError, "cannot rename an IO") unless @io_is_a_file @filename = new_filename end # this method returns the "audio-only" data boundaries of the file, # i.e. content stripped form tags. Useful to compare 2 files with the same # audio content but with differents tags. Returned value is an array # [position_in_the_file, length_of_the_data] def audio_content pos = 0 length = @io_size if hastag1? length -= TAG1_SIZE end if hastag2? pos = @tag2.io_position length -= @tag2.io_position end [pos, length] end # return the length in seconds of one frame def frame_length SAMPLES_PER_FRAME[@layer][@mpeg_version] / Float(@samplerate) end # Flush pending modifications to tags and close the file # not used when source IO is a StringIO def close puts "close" if $DEBUG return unless @io_is_a_file if !@tag_parsing_enabled return end if @tag != @tag_orig puts "@tag has changed" if $DEBUG # @tag1 has precedence over @tag if @tag1 == @tag1_orig @tag.each do |k, v| @tag1[k] = v end end # ruby-mp3info can only write v2.3 tags TAG_MAPPING_2_3.each do |key, tag2_name| @tag2.delete(TAG_MAPPING_2_2[key]) @tag2[tag2_name] = @tag[key] if @tag[key] end end if @tag1 != @tag1_orig puts "@tag1 has changed" if $DEBUG raise(Mp3InfoError, "file is not writable") unless File.writable?(@filename_or_io) #@tag1_orig.update(@tag1) @tag1_orig = @tag1.dup File.open(@filename_or_io, 'rb+') do |file| if @tag1_orig.empty? newsize = @io_size - TAG1_SIZE file.truncate(newsize) else file.seek(-TAG1_SIZE, File::SEEK_END) t = file.read(3) if t != 'TAG' #append new tag file.seek(0, File::SEEK_END) file.write('TAG') end str = [ @tag1_orig["title"]||"", @tag1_orig["artist"]||"", @tag1_orig["album"]||"", ((@tag1_orig["year"] != 0) ? ("%04d" % @tag1_orig["year"].to_i) : "\0\0\0\0"), @tag1_orig["comments"]||"", 0, @tag1_orig["tracknum"]||0, @tag1_orig["genre"]||255 ].pack("Z30Z30Z30Z4Z28CCC") file.write(str) end end end if @tag2.changed? puts "@tag2 has changed" if $DEBUG raise(Mp3InfoError, "file is not writable") unless File.writable?(@filename_or_io) tempfile_name = nil File.open(@filename_or_io, 'rb+') do |file| #if tag2 already exists, seek to end of it if @tag2.parsed? file.seek(@tag2.io_position) end # if @io.read(3) == "ID3" # version_maj, version_min, flags = @io.read(3).unpack("CCB4") # unsync, ext_header, experimental, footer = (0..3).collect { |i| flags[i].chr == '1' } # tag2_len = @io.get_syncsafe # @io.seek(@io.get_syncsafe - 4, IO::SEEK_CUR) if ext_header # @io.seek(tag2_len, IO::SEEK_CUR) # end tempfile_name = @filename_or_io + ".tmp" File.open(tempfile_name, "wb") do |tempfile| unless @tag2.empty? tempfile.write(@tag2.to_bin) end bufsiz = file.stat.blksize || 4096 while buf = file.read(bufsiz) tempfile.write(buf) end end end File.rename(tempfile_name, @filename_or_io) end end # close and reopen the file, i.e. commit changes to disk and # reload it (only works with "true" files, not StringIO ones) def flush return unless @io_is_a_file close reload end # inspect inside Mp3Info def to_s s = "MPEG #{@mpeg_version} Layer #{@layer} #{@vbr ? "VBR" : "CBR"} #{@bitrate} Kbps #{@channel_mode} #{@samplerate} Hz length #{@length} sec. header #{@header.inspect} " s << "tag1: "+@tag1.inspect+"\n" if hastag1? s << "tag2: "+@tag2.inspect+"\n" if hastag2? s end # iterates over each mpeg frame over the file, allowing you to # write some funny things, like an mpeg lossless cutter, or frame # counter, or whatever you like ;) +frame+ is a hash with the following keys: # :layer, :bitrate, :samplerate, :mpeg_version, :padding and :size (in bytes) def each_frame @io.seek(@first_frame_pos, File::SEEK_SET) loop do head = @io.read(4).unpack("N").first frame = Mp3Info.get_frames_infos(head) @io.seek(frame[:size] -4, File::SEEK_CUR) yield frame #puts "frame #{frame_count} len #{frame[:length]} br #{frame[:bitrate]} @io.pos #{@io.pos}" break if @io.eof? end end private def Mp3Info.get_frames_infos(head) # be sure we are in sync if ((head & 0xffe00000) != 0xffe00000) || # 11 bit MPEG frame sync ((head & 0x00060000) == 0x00060000) || # 2 bit layer type ((head & 0x0000f000) == 0x0000f000) || # 4 bit bitrate ((head & 0x0000f000) == 0x00000000) || # free format bitstream ((head & 0x00000c00) == 0x00000c00) || # 2 bit frequency ((head & 0xffff0000) == 0xfffe0000) raise Mp3InfoInternalError end mpeg_version = [2.5, nil, 2, 1][bits(head, 20,19)] layer = LAYER[bits(head, 18,17)] raise Mp3InfoInternalError if layer == nil || mpeg_version == nil bitrate = BITRATE[mpeg_version][layer-1][bits(head, 15,12)-1] samplerate = SAMPLERATE[mpeg_version][bits(head, 11,10)] padding = (head[9] == 1) if layer == 1 size = (12 * bitrate*1000.0 / samplerate + (padding ? 1 : 0))*4 else # layer 2 and 3 size = 144 * (bitrate*1000.0 / samplerate) + (padding ? 1 : 0) end size = size.to_i { :layer => layer, :bitrate => bitrate, :samplerate => samplerate, :mpeg_version => mpeg_version, :padding => padding, :size => size } end ### parses the id3 tags of the currently open @io def parse_tags return if @io_size < TAG1_SIZE # file is too small @tag1_parsed = false @io.seek(0) f3 = @io.read(3) # v1 tag at beginning if f3 == "TAG" gettag1 @tag1_parsed = true end @tag2.from_io(@io) if f3 == "ID3" # v2 tag at beginning unless @tag1_parsed # v1 tag at end # this preserves the file pos if tag2 found, since gettag2 leaves # the file at the best guess as to the first MPEG frame pos = (@tag2.io_position || 0) # seek to where id3v1 tag should be @io.seek(-TAG1_SIZE, IO::SEEK_END) if @io.read(3) == "TAG" gettag1 end @io.seek(pos) end end ### gets id3v1 tag information from @io ### assumes @io is pointing to char after "TAG" id def gettag1 @tag1_parsed = true @tag1["title"] = @io.read(30).unpack("A*").first @tag1["artist"] = @io.read(30).unpack("A*").first @tag1["album"] = @io.read(30).unpack("A*").first year_t = @io.read(4).to_i @tag1["year"] = year_t unless year_t == 0 comments = @io.read(30) if comments.getbyte(-2) == 0 @tag1["tracknum"] = comments.getbyte(-1).to_i comments.chop! #remove the last char end @tag1["comments"] = comments.unpack("A*").first @tag1["genre"] = @io.getbyte @tag1["genre_s"] = GENRES[@tag1["genre"]] || "" # clear empty tags @tag1.delete_if { |k, v| v.respond_to?(:empty?) && v.empty? } @tag1.delete("genre") if @tag1["genre"] == 255 @tag1.delete("tracknum") if @tag1["tracknum"] == 0 end ### reads through @io from current pos until it finds a valid MPEG header ### returns the MPEG header as FixNum def find_next_frame # @io will now be sitting at the best guess for where the MPEG frame is. # It should be at byte 0 when there's no id3v2 tag. # It should be at the end of the id3v2 tag or the zero padding if there # is a id3v2 tag. #dummyproof = @io.stat.size - @io.pos => WAS TOO MUCH dummyproof = [ @io_size - @io.pos, 2000000 ].min dummyproof.times do |i| if @io.getbyte == 0xff data = @io.read(3) raise(Mp3InfoError, "end of file reached") if @io.eof? head = 0xff000000 + (data.getbyte(0) << 16) + (data.getbyte(1) << 8) + data.getbyte(2) begin Mp3Info.get_frames_infos(head) return head rescue Mp3InfoInternalError @io.seek(-3, IO::SEEK_CUR) end end end if @io.eof? raise Mp3InfoError, "cannot find a valid frame: got EOF" else raise Mp3InfoError, "cannot find a valid frame after reading #{dummyproof} bytes" end end def frame_scan(frame_limit = nil) frame_count = bitrate_sum = 0 each_frame do |frame| bitrate_sum += frame[:bitrate] frame_count += 1 break if frame_limit && (frame_count >= frame_limit) end average_bitrate = bitrate_sum/frame_count.to_f length = (frame_count-1) * frame_length [average_bitrate, length] end def parse_mp3 ### extracts MPEG info from MPEG header and stores it in the hash @mpeg ### head (fixnum) = valid 4 byte MPEG header found = false head = nil 5.times do head = find_next_frame() @first_frame_pos = @io.pos - 4 current_frame = Mp3Info.get_frames_infos(head) @mpeg_version = current_frame[:mpeg_version] @layer = current_frame[:layer] @header[:error_protection] = head[16] == 0 ? true : false @bitrate = current_frame[:bitrate] @samplerate = current_frame[:samplerate] @header[:padding] = current_frame[:padding] @header[:private] = head[8] == 0 ? true : false @channel_mode = CHANNEL_MODE[@channel_num = Mp3Info.bits(head, 7,6)] @header[:mode_extension] = Mp3Info.bits(head, 5,4) @header[:copyright] = (head[3] == 1 ? true : false) @header[:original] = (head[2] == 1 ? true : false) @header[:emphasis] = Mp3Info.bits(head, 1,0) @vbr = false found = true break end raise(Mp3InfoError, "Cannot find good frame") unless found seek = @mpeg_version == 1 ? (@channel_num == 3 ? 17 : 32) : (@channel_num == 3 ? 9 : 17) @io.seek(seek, IO::SEEK_CUR) vbr_head = @io.read(4) if vbr_head == "Xing" puts "Xing header (VBR) detected" if $DEBUG flags = @io.get32bits stream_size = frame_count = 0 flags[1] == 1 and frame_count = @io.get32bits flags[2] == 1 and stream_size = @io.get32bits puts "#{frame_count} frames" if $DEBUG raise(Mp3InfoError, "bad VBR header") if frame_count.zero? # currently this just skips the TOC entries if they're found @io.seek(100, IO::SEEK_CUR) if flags[0] == 1 #@vbr_quality = @io.get32bits if flags[3] == 1 samples_per_frame = SAMPLES_PER_FRAME[@layer][@mpeg_version] @length = frame_count * samples_per_frame / Float(@samplerate) @bitrate = (((stream_size/frame_count)*@samplerate)/144) / 1024 @vbr = true else # for cbr, calculate duration with the given bitrate stream_size = @io_size - (hastag1? ? TAG1_SIZE : 0) - (@tag2.io_position || 0) @length = ((stream_size << 3)/1000.0)/@bitrate # read the first 100 frames and decide if the mp3 is vbr and needs full scan begin bitrate, length = frame_scan(100) if @bitrate != bitrate @vbr = true @bitrate, @length = frame_scan end rescue Mp3InfoInternalError end end end ### returns the selected bit range (b, a) as a number ### NOTE: b > a if not, returns 0 def self.bits(number, b, a) t = 0 b.downto(a) { |i| t += t + number[i] } t end end if $0 == __FILE__ while filename = ARGV.shift begin info = Mp3Info.new(filename) puts filename #puts "MPEG #{info.mpeg_version} Layer #{info.layer} #{info.vbr ? "VBR" : "CBR"} #{info.bitrate} Kbps \ #{info.channel_mode} #{info.samplerate} Hz length #{info.length} sec." puts info rescue Mp3InfoError => e puts "#{filename}\nERROR: #{e}" end puts end end