/****************************************************************************** ** Filename: MergeNF.c ** Purpose: Program for merging similar nano-feature protos ** Author: Dan Johnson ** History: Wed Nov 21 09:55:23 1990, DSJ, Created. ** ** (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company, 1988. ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Include Files and Type Defines ----------------------------------------------------------------------------**/ #include "mergenf.h" #include "general.h" #include "efio.h" #include "clusttool.h" #include "cluster.h" #include "oldlist.h" #include "protos.h" #include "minmax.h" #include "ocrfeatures.h" #include "debug.h" #include "const.h" #include "featdefs.h" #include "intproto.h" #include #include #include /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variables -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**/ /*-------------------once in subfeat---------------------------------*/ make_float_var (AngleMatchScale, 1.0, MakeAngleMatchScale, 7, 2, SetAngleMatchScale, "Angle Match Scale ...") make_float_var (SimilarityMidpoint, 0.0075, MakeSimilarityMidpoint, 7, 3, SetSimilarityMidpoint, "Similarity Midpoint ...") make_float_var (SimilarityCurl, 2.0, MakeSimilarityCurl, 7, 4, SetSimilarityCurl, "Similarity Curl ...") /*-----------------------------once in fasttrain----------------------------------*/ make_float_var (TangentBBoxPad, 0.5, MakeTangentBBoxPad, 15, 3, SetTangentBBoxPad, "Tangent bounding box pad ...") make_float_var (OrthogonalBBoxPad, 2.5, MakeOrthogonalBBoxPad, 15, 4, SetOrthogonalBBoxPad, "Orthogonal bounding box pad ...") make_float_var (AnglePad, 45.0, MakeAnglePad, 15, 5, SetAnglePad, "Angle pad ...") /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global Data Definitions and Declarations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------**/ //int row_number; /* kludge due to linking problems */ /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------**/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FLOAT32 CompareProtos ( PROTO p1, PROTO p2) /* ** Parameters: ** p1, p2 protos to be compared ** Globals: none ** Operation: Compare protos p1 and p2 and return an estimate of the ** worst evidence rating that will result for any part of p1 ** that is compared to p2. In other words, if p1 were broken ** into pico-features and each pico-feature was matched to p2, ** what is the worst evidence rating that will be achieved for ** any pico-feature. ** Return: Worst possible result when matching p1 to p2. ** Exceptions: none ** History: Mon Nov 26 08:27:53 1990, DSJ, Created. */ { FEATURE Feature; FLOAT32 WorstEvidence = WORST_EVIDENCE; FLOAT32 Evidence; FLOAT32 Angle, Length; /* if p1 and p2 are not close in length, don't let them match */ Length = fabs (p1->Length - p2->Length); if (Length > MAX_LENGTH_MISMATCH) return (0.0); /* create a dummy pico-feature to be used for comparisons */ Feature = NewFeature (&PicoFeatDesc); Feature->Params[PicoFeatDir] = p1->Angle; /* convert angle to radians */ Angle = p1->Angle * 2.0 * PI; /* find distance from center of p1 to 1/2 picofeat from end */ Length = p1->Length / 2.0 - GetPicoFeatureLength () / 2.0; if (Length < 0) Length = 0; /* set the dummy pico-feature at one end of p1 and match it to p2 */ Feature->Params[PicoFeatX] = p1->X + cos (Angle) * Length; Feature->Params[PicoFeatY] = p1->Y + sin (Angle) * Length; if (DummyFastMatch (Feature, p2)) { Evidence = SubfeatureEvidence (Feature, p2); if (Evidence < WorstEvidence) WorstEvidence = Evidence; } else { FreeFeature (Feature); return (0.0); } /* set the dummy pico-feature at the other end of p1 and match it to p2 */ Feature->Params[PicoFeatX] = p1->X - cos (Angle) * Length; Feature->Params[PicoFeatY] = p1->Y - sin (Angle) * Length; if (DummyFastMatch (Feature, p2)) { Evidence = SubfeatureEvidence (Feature, p2); if (Evidence < WorstEvidence) WorstEvidence = Evidence; } else { FreeFeature (Feature); return (0.0); } FreeFeature (Feature); return (WorstEvidence); } /* CompareProtos */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ComputeMergedProto ( PROTO p1, PROTO p2, FLOAT32 w1, FLOAT32 w2, PROTO MergedProto) /* ** Parameters: ** p1, p2 protos to be merged ** w1, w2 weight of each proto ** MergedProto place to put resulting merged proto ** Globals: none ** Operation: This routine computes a proto which is the weighted ** average of protos p1 and p2. The new proto is returned ** in MergedProto. ** Return: none (results are returned in MergedProto) ** Exceptions: none ** History: Mon Nov 26 08:15:08 1990, DSJ, Created. */ { FLOAT32 TotalWeight; TotalWeight = w1 + w2; w1 /= TotalWeight; w2 /= TotalWeight; MergedProto->X = p1->X * w1 + p2->X * w2; MergedProto->Y = p1->Y * w1 + p2->Y * w2; MergedProto->Length = p1->Length * w1 + p2->Length * w2; MergedProto->Angle = p1->Angle * w1 + p2->Angle * w2; FillABC (MergedProto); } /* ComputeMergedProto */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int FindClosestExistingProto ( CLASS_TYPE Class, int NumMerged[], PROTOTYPE *Prototype) /* ** Parameters: ** Class class to search for matching old proto in ** NumMerged[] # of protos merged into each proto of Class ** Prototype new proto to find match for ** Globals: none ** Operation: This routine searches thru all of the prototypes in ** Class and returns the id of the proto which would provide ** the best approximation of Prototype. If no close ** approximation can be found, NO_PROTO is returned. ** Return: Id of closest proto in Class or NO_PROTO. ** Exceptions: none ** History: Sat Nov 24 11:42:58 1990, DSJ, Created. */ { PROTO_STRUCT NewProto; PROTO_STRUCT MergedProto; int Pid; PROTO Proto; int BestProto; FLOAT32 BestMatch; FLOAT32 Match, OldMatch, NewMatch; MakeNewFromOld (&NewProto, Prototype); BestProto = NO_PROTO; BestMatch = WORST_MATCH_ALLOWED; for (Pid = 0; Pid < Class->NumProtos; Pid++) { Proto = ProtoIn (Class, Pid); ComputeMergedProto (Proto, &NewProto, (FLOAT32) NumMerged[Pid], 1.0, &MergedProto); OldMatch = CompareProtos (Proto, &MergedProto); NewMatch = CompareProtos (&NewProto, &MergedProto); Match = MIN (OldMatch, NewMatch); if (Match > BestMatch) { BestProto = Pid; BestMatch = Match; } } return (BestProto); } /* FindClosestExistingProto */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void MakeNewFromOld ( PROTO New, PROTOTYPE *Old) /* ** Parameters: ** New new proto to be filled in ** Old old proto to be converted ** Globals: none ** Operation: This fills in the fields of the New proto based on the ** fields of the Old proto. ** Return: none ** Exceptions: none ** History: Mon Nov 26 09:45:39 1990, DSJ, Created. */ { New->X = CenterX (Old->Mean); New->Y = CenterY (Old->Mean); New->Length = LengthOf (Old->Mean); New->Angle = OrientationOf (Old->Mean); FillABC (New); } /* MakeNewFromOld */ /*-------------------once in subfeat---------------------------------*/ /********************************************************************** * InitSubfeatureVars * * Create and set up all menus and variables needed for this file. **********************************************************************/ void InitSubfeatureVars () { MakeAngleMatchScale (); MakeSimilarityCurl (); MakeSimilarityMidpoint (); } /********************************************************************** * SubfeatureEvidence * * Compare a feature to a prototype. Print the result. **********************************************************************/ FLOAT32 SubfeatureEvidence ( FEATURE Feature, PROTO Proto) { float Distance; float Dangle; Dangle = Proto->Angle - Feature->Params[PicoFeatDir]; if (Dangle < -0.5) Dangle += 1.0; if (Dangle > 0.5) Dangle -= 1.0; Dangle *= AngleMatchScale; Distance = Proto->A * Feature->Params[PicoFeatX] + Proto->B * Feature->Params[PicoFeatY] + Proto->C; return (EvidenceOf (Distance * Distance + Dangle * Dangle)); } /********************************************************************** * EvidenceOf * * Return the new type of evidence number corresponding to this * distance value. This number is no longer based on the chi squared * approximation. The equation that represents the transform is: * 1 / (1 + (sim / midpoint) ^ curl) **********************************************************************/ FLOAT32 EvidenceOf ( register FLOAT32 Similarity) { Similarity /= SimilarityMidpoint; if (SimilarityCurl == 3) Similarity = Similarity * Similarity * Similarity; else if (SimilarityCurl == 2) Similarity = Similarity * Similarity; else Similarity = pow (Similarity, SimilarityCurl); return (1.0 / (1.0 + Similarity)); } /*-----------------------------once in fasttrain----------------------------------*/ void InitFastTrainerVars () /* ** Parameters: none ** Globals: none ** Operation: This routine initializes all of the control variables ** for the fast trainer. ** Return: none ** Exceptions: none ** History: Mon Nov 12 13:27:35 1990, DSJ, Created. */ { MakeTangentBBoxPad (); MakeOrthogonalBBoxPad (); MakeAnglePad (); } /* InitFastTrainerVars */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL8 DummyFastMatch ( FEATURE Feature, PROTO Proto) /* ** Parameters: ** Feature feature to be "fast matched" to proto ** Proto proto being "fast matched" against ** Globals: ** TangentBBoxPad bounding box pad tangent to proto ** OrthogonalBBoxPad bounding box pad orthogonal to proto ** Operation: This routine returns TRUE if Feature would be matched ** by a fast match table built from Proto. ** Return: TRUE if feature could match Proto. ** Exceptions: none ** History: Wed Nov 14 17:19:58 1990, DSJ, Created. */ { FRECT BoundingBox; FLOAT32 MaxAngleError; FLOAT32 AngleError; MaxAngleError = AnglePad / 360.0; AngleError = fabs (Proto->Angle - Feature->Params[PicoFeatDir]); if (AngleError > 0.5) AngleError = 1.0 - AngleError; if (AngleError > MaxAngleError) return (FALSE); ComputePaddedBoundingBox (Proto, TangentBBoxPad * GetPicoFeatureLength (), OrthogonalBBoxPad * GetPicoFeatureLength (), &BoundingBox); return (PointInside (&BoundingBox, Feature->Params[PicoFeatX], Feature->Params[PicoFeatY])); } /* DummyFastMatch */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ComputePaddedBoundingBox ( PROTO Proto, FLOAT32 TangentPad, FLOAT32 OrthogonalPad, FRECT *BoundingBox) /* ** Parameters: ** Proto proto to compute bounding box for ** TangentPad amount of pad to add in direction of segment ** OrthogonalPad amount of pad to add orthogonal to segment ** BoundingBox place to put results ** Globals: none ** Operation: This routine computes a bounding box that encloses the ** specified proto along with some padding. The ** amount of padding is specified as separate distances ** in the tangential and orthogonal directions. ** Return: none (results are returned in BoundingBox) ** Exceptions: none ** History: Wed Nov 14 14:55:30 1990, DSJ, Created. */ { FLOAT32 Pad, Length, Angle; FLOAT32 CosOfAngle, SinOfAngle; Length = Proto->Length / 2.0 + TangentPad; Angle = Proto->Angle * 2.0 * PI; CosOfAngle = fabs (cos (Angle)); SinOfAngle = fabs (sin (Angle)); Pad = MAX (CosOfAngle * Length, SinOfAngle * OrthogonalPad); BoundingBox->MinX = Proto->X - Pad; BoundingBox->MaxX = Proto->Y + Pad; Pad = MAX (SinOfAngle * Length, CosOfAngle * OrthogonalPad); BoundingBox->MinY = Proto->Y - Pad; BoundingBox->MaxY = Proto->Y + Pad; } /* ComputePaddedBoundingBox */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL8 PointInside ( FRECT *Rectangle, FLOAT32 X, FLOAT32 Y) /* ** Parameters: ** Globals: none ** Operation: Return TRUE if point (X,Y) is inside of Rectangle. ** Return: Return TRUE if point (X,Y) is inside of Rectangle. ** Exceptions: none ** History: Wed Nov 14 17:26:35 1990, DSJ, Created. */ { if (X < Rectangle->MinX) return (FALSE); if (X > Rectangle->MaxX) return (FALSE); if (Y < Rectangle->MinY) return (FALSE); if (Y > Rectangle->MaxY) return (FALSE); return (TRUE); } /* PointInside */