=begin Copyright 2010-2012 Tasos Laskos <tasos.laskos@gmail.com> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =end require 'data_mapper' require 'eventmachine' require 'em-synchrony' require 'sinatra/async' require 'sinatra/flash' require 'securerandom' require 'json' require 'erb' require 'cgi' require 'fileutils' # # Monkey patch Sinatra::Async to support error handling. # # This is from their own repo, can't wait for them to push the gem though. # module Sinatra::Async def aerror( &block ) define_method :aerror, &block end module Helpers def async_handle_exception yield rescue ::Exception => boom if respond_to? :aerror aerror boom elsif settings.show_exceptions? printer = Sinatra::ShowExceptions.new( proc{ raise boom } ) s, h, b = printer.call( request.env ) response.status = s response.headers.replace( h ) response.body = b else body( handle_exception!( boom ) ) end end end end # # Monkey patch Rack's cookie management to fix a nil error # # @see https://github.com/rack/rack/pull/304 # class Rack::Session::Cookie def unpacked_cookie_data(env) env["rack.session.unpacked_cookie_data"] ||= begin request = Rack::Request.new(env) session_data = request.cookies[@key] if @secret && session_data session_data, digest = session_data.split("--") unless digest == generate_hmac(session_data, @secret) # Clear the session data if secret doesn't match and old secret doesn't match session_data = nil if (@old_secret.nil? || (digest != generate_hmac(session_data, @old_secret))) end end coder.decode(session_data) || {} end end end module Arachni module UI require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'ui/cli/output' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'framework' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'ui/web/utilities' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'ui/web/report_manager' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'ui/web/dispatcher_manager' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'ui/web/instance_manager' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'ui/web/scheduler' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'ui/web/log' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'ui/web/output_stream' require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'ui/web/addon_manager' # # # Provides a web user interface for the Arachni Framework using Sinatra. # # It's basically an RPC client for Dispatchers and Instances wearing a pretty frock. # # @author Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos <tasos.laskos@gmail.com> # # @see Arachni::RPC::Client::Instance # @see Arachni::RPC::Client::Dispatcher # module Web VERSION = '' class Server < Sinatra::Base register Sinatra::Flash register Sinatra::Async include Arachni::Utilities include Utilities configure do use Rack::Session::Cookie opts = Arachni::Options.instance if opts.webui_username && opts.webui_password use Rack::Auth::Basic, "Arachni WebUI v" + Arachni::UI::Web::VERSION + " requires authentication." do |username, password| [username, password] == [ opts.webui_username, opts.webui_password ] end end @@conf = YAML::load_file( opts.dir['conf'] + 'webui.yaml' ) opts.ssl = @@conf['ssl']['client']['enable'] opts.ssl_pkey = @@conf['ssl']['client']['key'] opts.ssl_cert = @@conf['ssl']['client']['cert'] opts.ssl_ca = @@conf['ssl']['client']['ca'] end helpers do # # Converts seconds to a (00:00:00) (hours:minutes:seconds) string # # @param [String,Float,Integer] secs # # @return [String] hours:minutes:seconds # def secs_to_hms( secs ) secs = secs.to_i return [secs/3600, secs/60 % 60, secs % 60].map { |t| t.to_s.rjust( 2, '0' ) }.join(':') end def title main = 'Arachni - Web Application Security Scanner Framework' sub = env['PATH_INFO'].split( '/' ).map { |part| normalize_section_name( part ) }.reject { |part| part.empty? }.join( ' → ' ) return sub.empty? ? main : sub + ' :: ' + main end def normalize_section_name( name ) name.gsub( '_', ' ' ).capitalize end def job_is_slave?( job ) job['helpers']['rank'] == 'slave' end def report_count reports.all.size end def plugin_has_required_file_option?( options ) options.each { |opt| return true if opt['type'] == 'path' && opt['required'] } return false end def format_redundants( rules ) return if !rules || !rules.is_a?( Hash ) || rules.empty? str = '' rules.each { |regexp, counter| next if !regexp || !counter str += regexp.to_s + ':' + counter.to_s + "\r\n" } return str end def format_custom_headers( headers ) return if !headers || !headers.is_a?( Hash ) || headers.empty? str = '' headers.each_pair { |name, val| str += "#{name}=#{val}\r\n" } return str end def prep_description( str ) placeholder = '--' + rand( 1000 ).to_s + '--' cstr = str.gsub( /^\s*$/xm, placeholder ) cstr.gsub!( /^\s*/xm, '' ) cstr.gsub!( placeholder, "\n" ) cstr.chomp end def selected_tab?( tab ) splits = env['PATH_INFO'].split( '/' ) ( splits.empty? && tab == '/' ) || splits[1] == tab end def csrf_token # Rack::Csrf.csrf_token( env ) @@csrf_token ||= SecureRandom.base64( 32 ) end def csrf_field '_csrf' end def csrf_key 'csrf.token' end def csrf_tag # Rack::Csrf.csrf_tag( env ) %Q(<input type="hidden" name="#{csrf_field}" value="#{csrf_token}" />) end def modules @@modules end def plugins @@plugins.reverse end def proc_mem( rss ) # we assume a page size of 4096 rss.to_i * 4096 / 1024 / 1024 end def secs_to_hms( secs ) secs = secs.to_i return [secs/3600, secs/60 % 60, secs % 60].map { |t| t.to_s.rjust( 2, '0' ) }.join(':') end end dir = File.dirname( File.expand_path( __FILE__ ) ) set :views, "#{dir}/server/views" set :public_folder, "#{dir}/server/public" set :tmp, "#{dir}/server/tmp" set :db, "#{dir}/server/db" set :static, true set :environment, :development # # This will be used for the "owner" field of the helper instance # HELPER_OWNER = "WebUI helper" enable :sessions set :log, Log.new( Arachni::Options.instance, settings ) set :reports, ReportManager.new( Arachni::Options.instance, settings ) set :dispatchers, DispatcherManager.new( Arachni::Options.instance, settings ) set :instances, InstanceManager.new( Arachni::Options.instance, settings ) set :scheduler, Scheduler.new( Arachni::Options.instance, settings ) set :conf, @@conf set :addons, AddonManager.new( Arachni::Options.instance, settings ) configure do # shit's on! log.webui_started end def async_redirect( location, opts = {} ) response.status = 302 if methods.include?( :current_addon ) && current_addon && location != '/dispatchers/edit' location = current_addon.path_root + location end if ( flash = opts[:flash] ) && !flash.empty? location += "?#{flash.keys[0]}=#{URI.encode( flash.values[0] )}" end response.headers['Location'] = location body '' end def redirect( location, opts = {} ) if methods.include?( :current_addon ) && current_addon location = current_addon.path_root + location end if ( flash = opts[:flash] ) && !flash.empty? location += "?#{flash.keys[0]}=#{URI.encode( flash.values[0] )}" end super( location ) end def addons settings.addons end def log settings.log end def reports settings.reports end def dispatchers settings.dispatchers end # # Provides statistics about running jobs etc using the dispatcher # def dispatcher_stats dispatchers.stats end def scheduler settings.scheduler end def instances settings.instances end def exception_jail( &block ) # begin block.call # rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e # erb :error, { :layout => true }, :error => 'Remote server has been shut down.' # end end def show( page, layout = true ) case page when :dispatchers ensure_dispatcher dispatcher.stats { |stats| erb :dispatchers } when :home dispatchers.stats { |stats| body erb page, { :layout => true }, :stats => stats } else erb page.to_sym, { :layout => layout } end end def show_dispatcher_line( stats ) str = "#{escape( '@' + stats['node']['url'] )}" + " - #{stats['running_jobs'].size} running scans, " rss = 0 mem = 0 cpu = 0 stats['running_jobs'].each { |job| rss += proc_mem( job['proc']['rss'] ).to_i mem += Float( job['proc']['pctmem'] ) if job['proc']['pctmem'] cpu += Float( job['proc']['pctcpu'] ) if job['proc']['pctcpu'] } str += rss.to_s + 'MB RAM usage ' str += '(' + mem.to_s[0..4] + '%), ' str += cpu.to_s[0..4] + '% CPU usage' end def show_dispatcher_node_line( stats ) str = "Nickname: #{stats['node']['nickname']} - " str += "Pipe ID: #{stats['node']['pipe_id']} - " str += "Weight: #{stats['node']['weight']}" end def welcomed? File.exist?( settings.db + '/welcomed' ) end def welcomed! File.new( settings.db + '/welcomed', 'w' ).close end def ensure_welcomed return if welcomed? async_redirect '/welcome' end def options Arachni::Options.instance end # # Similar to String.to_i but it returns the original object if String is not a number # def to_i( str ) return str if !str.is_a?( String ) if str.match( /\d+/ ).to_s.size == str.size return str.to_i else return str end end # # Prepares form params to be used as options for RPC transmission # # @param [Hash] params # # @return [Hash] normalized hash # def prep_opts( params ) need_to_split = %w(exclude_cookies exclude_vectors exclude include) cparams = {} params.each_pair { |name, value| next if %w(_csrf modules plugins).include?( name ) || ( value.is_a?( String ) && value.empty?) value = true if value == 'on' if name == 'cookiejar' && value[:tempfile] cparams['cookies'] = {} cparams['cookie_string'] = '' Arachni::Element::Cookie.from_file( '', value[:tempfile] ).each do |c| cparams['cookies'][c.name] = c.value cparams['cookie_string'] += c.to_s + ';' end elsif name == 'extend_paths' && !value.is_a?( Array ) && value[:tempfile] cparams['extend_paths'] = Arachni::Options.instance.paths_from_file( value[:tempfile] ) elsif name == 'restrict_paths' && !value.is_a?( Array ) && value[:tempfile] cparams['restrict_paths'] = Arachni::Options.instance.paths_from_file( value[:tempfile] ) elsif need_to_split.include?( name ) && value.is_a?( String ) cparams[name] = value.split( "\r\n" ) elsif name == 'redundant' && value.is_a?( String ) cparams[name] = {} value.split( "\r\n" ).each { |rule| regexp, counter = rule.split( ':', 2 ) cparams[name][regexp] = counter } elsif name == 'custom_headers' && value.is_a?( String ) cparams[name] = {} value.split( "\r\n" ).each { |line| header, val = line.to_s.split( /=/, 2 ) cparams[name][header] = val } else cparams[name] = to_i( value ) end } if !cparams['audit_links'] && !cparams['audit_forms'] && !cparams['audit_cookies'] && !cparams['audit_headers'] cparams['audit_links'] = true cparams['audit_forms'] = true cparams['audit_cookies'] = true end return cparams end def prep_modules( params ) return ['-'] if !params['modules'] mods = params['modules'].keys return ['*'] if mods.empty? return mods end def prep_plugins( params ) plugins = {} return plugins if !params['plugins'] params['plugins'].keys.each { |name| plugins[name] = params['options'][name] || {} } return plugins end def helper_instance( &block ) raise( "This method requires a block!" ) if !block_given? dispatchers.first_alive { |dispatcher| if !dispatcher async_redirect '/dispatchers/edit' else dispatchers.connect( dispatcher.url ).dispatch( HELPER_OWNER ){ |instance| if instance.rpc_exception? log.webui_helper_instance_connect_failed( env, url ) next end @@arachni = instances.connect( instance['url'], session, instance['token'] ) block.call( @@arachni ) } end } end def component_cache_filled? begin return @@modules.size + @@plugins.size rescue return false end end def fill_component_cache( &block ) if !component_cache_filled? helper_instance { |inst| if !inst block.call else inst.framework.lsmod { |mods| @@modules = mods.map { |mod| hash_keys_to_str( mod ) } inst.framework.lsplug { |plugs| @@plugins = plugs.map { |plug| hash_keys_to_str( plug ) } # shutdown the helper instance, we got what we wanted inst.service.shutdown!{ block.call } } } end } else block.call end end # # Makes sure that all systems are go and populates the session with default values # def prep_session( skip_dispatcher = false ) session[:flash] ||= {} ensure_dispatcher if !skip_dispatcher session['opts'] ||= {} session['opts']['settings'] ||= { 'audit_links' => true, 'audit_forms' => true, 'audit_cookies' => true, 'http_req_limit' => 20, 'user_agent' => 'Arachni/' + Arachni::VERSION } session['opts']['modules'] ||= [ '*' ] require Arachni::Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'framework' framework = Arachni::Framework.new( Arachni::Options.instance ) plugins = Arachni::Plugin::Manager.new( framework ) default_plugins = {} plugins.parse( Arachni::Plugin::Manager::DEFAULT ).each { |mod| default_plugins[mod] = {} } session['opts']['plugins'] ||= YAML::dump( default_plugins ) # # Garbage collector, zombie killer. Reaps idle processes every 60 seconds. # @@zombie_reaper ||= ::EM.add_periodic_timer( 60 ){ ::EM.defer { shutdown_zombies } } end # # Makes sure that we have a dispatcher, if not it redirects the user to # an appropriate error page. # # @return [Bool] true if alive, redirect if not # def ensure_dispatcher if dispatchers.all.empty? async_redirect '/dispatchers/edit' else dispatchers.first_alive { |dispatcher| async_redirect '/dispatchers/edit' if !dispatcher } end end # # Saves the report and shuts down the instance # # @param [String] url of the instance # def save_and_shutdown( url, &block ) instance = instances.connect( url, session ) instance.framework.clean_up{ |res| if !res.rpc_connection_error? instance.framework.auditstore { |auditstore| if !auditstore.rpc_connection_error? log.webui_save_and_shutdown_auditstore_success( env, url ) report_path = reports.save( auditstore ) instance.service.shutdown!{ block.call( report_path ) } else log.webui_save_and_shutdown_auditstore_failed( env, url ) block.call( auditstore ) end } else log.webui_save_and_shutdown_clean_up_failed( env, url ) block.call( res ) end } end # # Kills all running instances # def shutdown_all( url, &block ) dispatchers.connect( url ).stats { |stats| log.dispatcher_global_shutdown( env, url ) stats['running_jobs'].each { |instance| next if instance['helpers']['rank'] == 'slave' save_and_shutdown( instance['url'] ){ log.instance_shutdown( env, instance['url'] ) } } block.call } end # # Kills all idle instances # # @return [Integer] the number of reaped instances # def shutdown_zombies dispatchers.jobs { |jobs| jobs.each { |job| next if job['helpers']['rank'] == 'slave' || job['owner'] == HELPER_OWNER instances.connect( job['url'], session ).framework.busy? { |busy| if !busy.rpc_exception? && !busy save_and_shutdown( job['url'] ){ log.webui_zombie_cleanup( env, job['url'] ) } end } } } end def show_error( title, message = '', backtrace = [] ) skip = [ 'rack.input', 'rack.errors', 'async.callback', 'async.close', 'rack.logger', ] err_env = {} env.each { |k, v| next if skip.include?( k ) err_env[k] = v } err_env['rack.session.options'].delete( :coder ) err_env['rack.session.options'].delete( :secure_random ) err_env.merge!( :title => title, :message => message, :backtrace => backtrace.join( "\n" ) ) erb :error, { :layout => true }, :title => escape( title ), :message => escape( message ).gsub( "\n", '<br />' ), :backtrace => escape( backtrace.join( "\n" ) ), :env => escape( err_env.to_yaml ) end not_found do show_error( 'Could not find the requested path', 'Please use the menus for navigation, it\'ll be easier on you...' ) end before do if %q{POST PUT DELETE}.include?( env['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) && csrf_token != params[csrf_field] redirect '/csrf_error' end end aerror do |e| body show_error( e.class.to_s, e.message, e.backtrace ) end aget '/csrf_error' do body show_error( 'Invalid CSRF token', "The CSRF token that accompanied your last request was invalid.\n" + "Please go back and try again..." ) end aget "/" do prep_session ensure_welcomed dispatchers.stats { |stats| body erb :home, { :layout => true }, :stats => stats } end aget "/welcome" do welcomed! body erb :welcome, { :layout => true } end aget "/dispatchers" do ensure_dispatcher dispatchers.stats { |stats| body erb :dispatchers, { :layout => true }, :stats => stats } end aget '/dispatchers/edit' do dispatchers.all_with_liveness { |dispatchers| body erb :dispatchers_edit, { :layout => true }, :dispatchers => dispatchers } end apost '/dispatchers/add' do dispatchers.alive?( params[:url] ) { |a| if a dispatchers.new( params[:url] ) async_redirect '/dispatchers/edit' else msg = "Couldn't find a dispatcher at \"#{escape( params['url'] )}\"." async_redirect '/dispatchers/edit', :flash => { :err => msg } end } end apost '/dispatchers/:url/delete' do |url| dispatchers.delete( url ) redirect '/dispatchers/edit' end aget '/dispatchers/:url/log.json' do |url| content_type :json begin dispatchers.connect( url ).log { |log| json = { 'log' => escape( log ) }.to_json body json } rescue Exception => e json = { 'error' => e.to_s, 'backtrace' => e.backtrace.join( "\n" ), }.to_json body json end end # # shuts down all instances # apost "/dispatchers/:url/shutdown_all" do |url| shutdown_all( url ){ msg = 'All instances will be shut down shortly, the reports will be download and saved automatically.' async_redirect '/dispatchers', :flash => { :notice => msg } } end # # starts a scan # apost "/scan" do prep_session( true ) valid = true begin URI.parse( params['url'] ) rescue valid = false end if !params['url'] || params['url'].empty? async_redirect '/', :flash => { :err => "URL cannot be empty." } elsif !valid async_redirect '/', :flash => { :err => "Invalid URL." } elsif !params['dispatcher'] || params['dispatcher'].empty? async_redirect '/', :flash => { :err => "Please select a Dispatcher." } else session['opts']['settings']['url'] = params[:url] unescape_hash( session['opts'] ) session['opts']['settings']['audit_links'] = true if session['opts']['settings']['audit_links'] session['opts']['settings']['audit_forms'] = true if session['opts']['settings']['audit_forms'] session['opts']['settings']['audit_cookies'] = true if session['opts']['settings']['audit_cookies'] session['opts']['settings']['audit_headers'] = true if session['opts']['settings']['audit_headers'] opts = {} opts['settings'] = prep_opts( session['opts']['settings'] ) opts['settings'] = session['opts']['settings'] if params['high_performance'] opts['settings']['grid_mode'] = 'high_performance' opts['settings']['min_pages_per_instance']= params['min_pages_per_instance'] opts['settings']['max_slaves'] = params['max_slaves'] end opts['plugins'] = YAML::load( session['opts']['plugins'] ) opts['modules'] = session['opts']['modules'] job = Scheduler::Job.new( :dispatcher => params[:dispatcher], :url => params[:url], :opts => YAML.dump( opts ), :owner_addr => env['REMOTE_ADDR'], :owner_host => env['REMOTE_HOST'], :created_at => Time.now ) scheduler.run( job, env, session ){ |instance_url| async_redirect '/instance/' + instance_url } end end aget "/modules" do prep_session fill_component_cache{ body show :modules, true } end # # sets modules # post "/modules" do prep_session session['opts']['modules'] = prep_modules( escape_hash( params ) ) flash.now[:ok] = "Modules updated." show :modules, true end aget "/plugins" do prep_session fill_component_cache { body erb :plugins, { :layout => true }, :session_options => YAML::load( session['opts']['plugins'] ) } end # # sets plugins # post "/plugins" do prep_session session['opts']['plugins'] = YAML::dump( prep_plugins( escape_hash( params ) ) ) flash.now[:ok] = "Plugins updated." erb :plugins, { :layout => true }, :session_options => YAML::load( session['opts']['plugins'] ) end get "/settings" do prep_session erb :settings, { :layout => true } end # # sets general framework settings # post "/settings" do if session['opts']['settings']['url'] url = session['opts']['settings']['url'].dup end session['opts']['settings'] = prep_opts( escape_hash( params ) ) if session['opts']['settings']['url'] session['opts']['settings']['url'] = url end flash.now[:ok] = "Settings updated." show :settings, true end aget "/instance/:url/output.json" do |url| content_type :json params['url'] = url output = { 'messages' => {}, 'issues' => {}, 'stats' => {} } instances.connect( params[:url], session ).framework.progress_data { |prog| params = aparams if !prog.rpc_exception? @@output_streams ||= {} @@output_streams[params[:url]] = OutputStream.new( prog['messages'], 38 ) output['messages'] = { 'data' => @@output_streams[params[:url]].format } output['issues'] = { 'data' => erb( :output_results, { :layout => false }, :issues => prog['issues'] ) } output['stats'] = prog['stats'].dup output['stats']['current_pages'] = [] if prog['stats']['current_pages'] prog['stats']['current_pages'].each { |url| output['stats']['current_pages'] << escape( url ) } end output['stats']['instances'] = prog['instances'].dup else msg = "The instance has been shutdown." output['messages'] = { 'data' => msg } output['issues'] = { 'data' => msg } output['status'] = 'finished' end body output.to_json } end apost "/*/:url/pause" do |splat, url| params['splat'] = [ splat ] params['url'] = url redir = '/' + splat + ( splat == 'instance' ? "/#{url}" : '' ) instances.connect( params[:url], session ).framework.pause{ |paused| params = aparams if !paused.rpc_connection_error? log.instance_paused( env, params[:url] ) msg = "Instance at #{params[:url]} will pause as soon as the current page is audited." async_redirect redir, :flash => { :notice => msg } else msg = "Instance at #{params[:url]} has been shutdown." async_redirect redir, :flash => { :notice => msg } end } end apost "/*/:url/resume" do |splat, url| params['splat'] = [ splat ] params['url'] = url redir = '/' + splat + ( splat == 'instance' ? "/#{url}" : '' ) instances.connect( params[:url], session ).framework.resume{ |res| params = aparams if !res.rpc_connection_error? log.instance_resumed( env, params[:url] ) msg = "Instance at #{params[:url]} resumes." async_redirect redir, :flash => { :ok => msg } else msg = "Instance at #{params[:url]} has been shutdown." async_redirect redir, :flash => { :notice => msg } end } end apost "/*/:url/shutdown" do |splat, url| params['splat'] = [ splat ] params['url'] = url redir = '/' + ( splat == 'instance' ? "reports" : splat ) save_and_shutdown( params[:url] ){ |res| params = aparams if !res.rpc_connection_error? log.instance_shutdown( env, params[:url] ) msg = { :ok => "Instance at #{params[:url]} has been shutdown." } else redir = '/' + ( splat == 'instance' ? splat + '/' + url : splat ) msg = { :err => "Instance at #{params[:url]} could not be shutdown at the moment." } end async_redirect redir, :flash => { msg.keys[0] => msg.values[0] } } end aget "/instance/*:*" do params['url'] = params[:url] = params[:splat].first + ':' + params[:splat].last instances.connect( params[:url], session ).framework.paused? { |paused| params = aparams if !paused.rpc_connection_error? body erb :instance, { :layout => true }, :paused => paused, :shutdown => false, :params => params else msg = "Instance at #{params[:url]} has been shutdown." body erb :instance, { :layout => true }, :shutdown => true, :flash => { :notice => msg } end } end aget "/reports" do body erb :reports, { :layout => true }, :reports => reports.all( :order => :datestamp.desc ), :available => reports.available end aget '/reports/formats' do body erb :report_formats, { :layout => true }, :reports => reports.available end apost '/reports/delete' do reports.delete_all log.reports_deleted( env ) async_redirect '/reports' end apost '/report/:id/delete' do |id| reports.delete( id ) log.report_deleted( env, id ) async_redirect '/reports' end aget '/report/:id.:type' do |id, type| log.report_converted( env, id + '.' + type ) content_type( type, :default => 'application/octet-stream' ) body reports.get( type, id ) end aget '/log' do body erb :log, { :layout => true }, :entries => log.entry.all.reverse end aget '/addons' do body erb :addons end apost '/addons' do params['addons'] ||= {} addon_names = params['addons'].keys addons.enable!( addon_names ) body erb :addons end # override run! using this patch: https://github.com/sinatra/sinatra/pull/132 def self.run!( options = {} ) set options handler = detect_rack_handler handler_name = handler.name.gsub( /.*::/, '' ) # handler specific options use the lower case handler name as hash key, if present handler_opts = options[handler_name.downcase.to_sym] || {} puts "== Sinatra/#{Sinatra::VERSION} has taken the stage " + "on #{port} for #{environment} with backup from #{handler_name}" unless handler_name =~/cgi/i handler.run self, handler_opts.merge( :Host => options[:host], :Port => options[:port] ) do |server| [ :INT, :TERM ].each { |sig| trap( sig ) { quit!( server, handler_name ) } } set :running, true end rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE => e puts "== Someone is already performing on port #{port}!" end def self.prep_thin if @@conf['ssl']['server']['key'] pkey = ::OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new( File.read( @@conf['ssl']['server']['key'] ) ) end if @@conf['ssl']['server']['cert'] cert = ::OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new( File.read( @@conf['ssl']['server']['cert'] ) ) end if @@conf['ssl']['key'] || @@conf['ssl']['cert'] || @@conf['ssl']['ca'] verification = true end return { :ssl => true, :ssl_verify => verification, :ssl_cert_file => cert, :ssl_key_file => pkey, } end run! :host => Arachni::Options.instance.server || '', :port => Arachni::Options.instance.rpc_port || 4567, :server => %w[ thin ], :thin => prep_thin at_exit do log.webui_shutdown begin # shutdown our helper instance @@arachni ||= nil @@arachni.service.shutdown! if @@arachni rescue end end end end end end