#!/usr/bin/env rake # frozen_string_literal: true require "bundler/gem_tasks" require "rake/testtask" require "rdoc/task" desc("Default: run tests and style checks.") task(default: [:test, :rubocop]) desc("Test the identity_cache plugin.") Rake::TestTask.new(:test) do |t| t.libs << "lib" t.libs << "test" t.pattern = "test/**/*_test.rb" t.verbose = true end task :rubocop do require "rubocop/rake_task" RuboCop::RakeTask.new end desc("Update serialization format test fixture.") task :update_serialization_format do ["mysql2", "postgresql"].each do |db| ENV["DB"] = db ruby "./test/helpers/update_serialization_format.rb" end end namespace :benchmark do desc "Run the identity cache CPU benchmark" task :cpu do ruby "./performance/cpu.rb" end task :externals do ruby "./performance/externals.rb" end end namespace :profile do desc "Profile IDC code" task :run do ruby "./performance/profile.rb" end end