module S3SwfUpload class S3Config require 'erb' unless defined?(ERB) require 'yaml' unless defined?(YAML) cattr_reader :access_key_id, :secret_access_key cattr_accessor :bucket, :max_file_size, :acl def self.load_config begin filename = "#{Rails.root}/config/amazon_s3.yml" buf = expanded = config = YAML.load(expanded)[Rails.env] if config == nil raise "Could not load config options for #{Rails.env} from #{filename}." end @@access_key_id = config['access_key_id'] || ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] @@secret_access_key = config['secret_access_key'] || ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] @@bucket = config['bucket'] @@max_file_size = config['max_file_size'] @@acl = config['acl'] || 'private' unless @@access_key_id && @@secret_access_key && @@bucket raise "Please configure your S3 settings in #{filename} before continuing so that S3 SWF Upload can function properly." end rescue Errno::ENOENT # Using put inside a rake task may mess with some rake tasks # According to: # Going to comment this out for the time being # NCC@BNB - 11/16/10 # No config file yet. Not a big deal. Just issue a warning # puts "WARNING: You are using the S3 SWF Uploader gem, which wants a config file at #{filename}, " + # "but none could be found. You should try running 'rails generate s3_swf_upload:uploader'" end end end end