<%= admin_page_title %>

<%= render 'menu' %> <%= will_paginate(@assets, :previous_label => 'Previous', :next_label => 'Next') %>
<%= sortable_table_header :name => "Title", :sort => "title", :class => 'sort' %> <%= sortable_table_header :name => "Created", :sort => "created_at", :class => 'sort' %> <%= sortable_table_header :name => "Updated", :sort => "updated_at", :class => 'sort' %> <% @assets.each do |asset| %> <% end %> <%= sortable_table_header :name => "Title", :sort => "title", :class => 'sort' %> <%= sortable_table_header :name => "Created", :sort => "created_at", :class => 'sort' %> <%= sortable_table_header :name => "Updated", :sort => "updated_at", :class => 'sort' %>
<%= link_to h( asset.title ), edit_noodall_admin_asset_path(asset), :class => 'edit', :title => 'Edit this asset' %> <%= (asset.image? or asset.video?) ? image_tag( asset.url('70x70', :jpg), :alt => "#{truncate(asset.file.name, :length => 80)}") : link_to( asset_icon(asset) ) %> <%= link_to 'Show', noodall_admin_asset_path(asset), :class => 'show', :title => 'View this asset' %> <%=h asset.created_at.to_formatted_s(:short_ordinal) %> <%=h asset.updated_at.to_formatted_s(:short_ordinal) %> <%= link_to 'Delete', noodall_admin_asset_path(asset), :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete, :class => 'delete', :title => 'Delete this asset' %>
<% if pending_count > 0%>

<%= pluralize( pending_count, "asset" ) %> awaiting information.

<%= link_to "Click here", pending_noodall_admin_assets_path %> to be taken through each asset and enter the information.

<% end -%>


<%= link_to 'All Tags', noodall_admin_asset_tags_path(controller.action_name) %>
<%= will_paginate(@assets, :previous_label => 'Previous', :next_label => 'Next') %>