describe GoogleHolidayCalendar::Calendar do describe "#holidays" do subject{ calendar.holidays(start_date: start_date, end_date: end_date, limit: limit) } let(:limit) { 10 } let(:start_date){ "2014-01-01" } let(:end_date) { "2014-01-31" } context "Without country and lang" do let(:calendar){ } its(:count){ should > 0 } end context "With country and lang" do let(:calendar){ country, lang: lang) } context "When holidays in Japan" do let(:country) { "japanese" } let(:lang) { "ja" } context "When args are YYYY-MM-DD" do let(:start_date){ "2014-01-01" } let(:end_date) { "2014-01-31" } it_behaves_like :holidays_in_japan_at_jan end context "When args are instance" do let(:start_date){ date("2014-01-01") } let(:end_date) { date("2014-01-31") } it_behaves_like :holidays_in_japan_at_jan end context "Without start_date and end_date" do let(:start_date){ nil } let(:end_date) { nil } before do time_travel_to "2014-01-01" end it_behaves_like :holidays_in_japan_at_jan end context "When not found holidays" do let(:start_date){ "2014-06-01" } let(:end_date) { "2014-07-01" } it{ should == {}} end end context "When holidays in America" do let(:country) { "usa" } let(:lang) { "en" } it_behaves_like :holidays_in_usa_at_jan end end end describe "#holiday?" do subject{ } let(:calendar){ country, lang: lang) } let(:country) { "japanese" } let(:lang) { "ja" } context "arg is holiday" do let(:date){ Date.parse("2014-01-01") } it{ should be true } end context "arg is not holiday" do let(:date){ Date.parse("2014-02-01") } it{ should be false } end end end