en: # General anonymous: "Welcome, Guest" are_you_shure: "Are you sure?" avatar: "Avatar" domains: "Domains" email: "eMail" home: "Home" login: "Login" login_not_required: "You are already logged in" login_required: "You need to be logged in" logout: "Logout" name: "Name" password: "Password" show_more: "..." signup: "Signup" state: "State" username: "Username" users: "Users" # User model bad_email_message: "Invalid email" bad_login_message: "Invalid login (use only 0-9, a-z, and .-_@ symbols)" first_name: "First Name" last_name: "Last Name" password_confirmation: "Password confirmation" # Space model forbiden_to_change_default_space: "Forbidden to change default Space" # Wigets callback_error: "Service Mix callback error!" callback_error_not_specified: "Callback error not defined!" # Authorization admin: "Admin" add_admin_role: "Add to Admins" add_custom_role: "Grant '%{role}' role" add_manager_role: "Add to Managers" add_member_role: "Add to Members" custom_role: "%{role}" manager: "Manager" member: "Member" remove_admin_role: "Remove from Admins" remove_custom_role: "Remove '%{role}' role" remove_manager_role: "Remove from Managers" remove_member_role: "Remove from Members" role_granted: "Role granted" role_removed: "Role removed" invalid_roles: "Invalid roles" # Authentication choose_name: "Choose username" choose_name_description: "Choose username (can't be changed in future)" edit_password_title: "Update password" email_verification_code_sent: "To complete registration please follow the link sent to Your email %{email}." failed_reset_password: "No user with such email %{email}!" forgot_password_hint: "Link for password restore will be send to Your email" forgot_password_link: "Forgot password?" forgot_password: "Restore password" invalid_email_verification_token: "Email confirmation code is invalid or expired" invalid_identity: "No user with such ID (%{identity_url})" invalid_login: "Invalid login or password" invalid_old_password: "Invalid old password" invalid_reset_password_token: "The code for password restoration is invalid or expired" login_title: "Login" login_using_open_id: "Login using OpenID" new_password: "New password" new_user_title: "Signup" not_unique_email: "User with such email already exists" old_password: "Old password" open_id: "OpenID" openid_identifier: "OpenID" password_restored: "Password updated" password_updated: "Pasword updated" register_link: "Signup" reset_password: "Reset password" should_not_be_blank: "should not be blank" signup_email_description: "To finish registration please follow the link that will be send to Your email" successfully_identified_by_open_id: "Identification is successfully finished" successfully_logged_in: "You are logged in" successfully_logged_out: "You are logged out" successfull_open_id_registration: "You are successfully registered and can log in" successfully_registered: "You are successfully registered and can login" sucessfully_reset_password: "Link for password restoration sent to Your email: %{email}" update_password: "Update password" # # EMail # email_verification_title: "Registration on site %{host}" email_verification_text: | To finish registration on site %{host} please follow this link: %{url} forgot_password_title: "Password reset for %{name} on the %{host} site" forgot_password_text: | You (or somebody else by entering Your email) requested password reset for Your account %{name} on the %{host} site. To reset password please follow this link %{url} (or just delete this email and Your password will remain intact)