syntax = "proto3"; package primary.connect; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; import "address.proto"; import "coded_value.proto"; import "identifier.proto"; import "provider.proto"; import "specimen.proto"; message Result { enum ValueType { ADDRESS = 0; CODED_ENTRY = 1; DATE = 2; DATE_TIME = 3; ENCAPSULATED_DATA = 4; FORMATTED_TEXT = 5; ID = 6; ID_AND_NAME = 7; MONEY = 8; NAME = 9; NUMERIC = 10; PHONE_NUMBER = 11; PRICE = 12; REFERENCE_POINTER = 13; STRING = 14; TIME = 15; STRUCTURED_NUMERIC = 16; } enum AbnormalFlag { NORMAL = 0; LOW = 1; VERY_LOW = 2; HIGH = 3; VERY_HIGH = 4; ABNORMAL = 5; SUSCEPTIBLE = 6; RESISTANT = 7; INTERMEDIATE = 8; MODERATELY_SUSCEPTIBLE = 9; VERY_SUSCEPTIBLE = 10; CRITICALLY_ABNORMAL = 11; CRITICALLY_LOW = 12; CRITICALLY_HIGH = 13; NOT_SUSCEPTIBLE = 14; INCONCLUSIVE = 15; VERY_ABNORMAL = 16; } enum Status { PRELIMINARY = 0; INCOMPLETE = 1; CORRECTED = 2; FINAL = 3; UNAVAILABLE = 4; NONE_SPECIFIED = 5; CANCELED = 6; DELETED = 7; REJECTED = 8; } message Producer { Identifier id = 1; string name = 2; Address address = 3; } message Range { // Numeric result values will use the low and high properties. // Non-numeric result values will put the normal value in the text property. int32 low = 1; // Lower bound for a normal result int32 high = 2; // Upper bound for a normal result string text = 3; // Normal value for non-numeric results } message Report { string file_type = 1; string data = 2; // Ideally, Base64 encoded report string url = 3; } CodedValue code = 1; // Code for the result component repeated string related_group_id = 2; // ID to group separate result components Specimen specimen = 3; string value = 4; // Value of the result component. If value_type is ValueType.ENCAPSULATED_DATA this field includes the BLOB URI ValueType value_type = 5; // Data type for the result value google.protobuf.Timestamp completion_date_time = 6; // Timestamp at which the individual results were composed into a report and released Report report = 7; string units = 8; // Units of the result repeated string notes = 9; // Notes about the result component/observation AbnormalFlag abnormal_flag = 10; // Indication of whether the result was abnormal Status status = 12; // Current status of the result Provider primary_results_interpreter = 13; Producer producer = 14; // typically the Lab which did the resulting Provider performer = 15; // person that performed the resulting Range reference_range = 16; // Reference range for the result. CodedValue observation_method = 17; // Method used to obtain the observation. This field is used when an observation may be obtained by different methods and the sending system wishes to indicate which method was used. string producer_order_id = 18; CodedValue finding_value = 19; // Normalized value }