# Irbtools [](http://badge.fury.io/rb/irbtools) _ _| | | | | __| __ \ __| _ \ _ \ | __| | | | | | ( | ( | | \__ \ ___| _| _.__/ \__| \___/ \___/ _| ____/ Improvements for Ruby's IRB console, like colored output and a lot of debugging and introspection methods. Unlike with PRY, you are still in your normal IRB. It is designed to work out-of-the-box, so there is no reason to not use it! ## Setup $ gem install irbtools IRB executes code in `~/.irbrc` on start-up. If the file does not exist, yet, just create a new one. Add the following content: require 'irbtools' You also need to add irbtools to your project's Gemfile: gem 'irbtools', require: 'irbtools/binding' Then start IRB (with **Irbtools** loaded) from the console or directly from your code with: binding.irb If the `binding_of_caller` gem is available (e.g. see below), you can omit the `binding`: irb ### More Improvements Some suggested gems will not be installed to ensure wider general support. For the full feature set, you can add **irbtools-more** and change your `.irbrc` to: require 'irbtools/more' and edit your Gemfile to gem 'irbtools-more', require: 'irbtools/binding' ### Included Gems and Libraries #### IRB Improvements * Colored output: [wirb](https://github.com/janlelis/wirb/) [fancy_irb](https://github.com/janlelis/fancy_irb) * Custom views for specific objects: [hirb](http://tagaholic.me/2009/03/13/hirb-irb-on-the-good-stuff.html) * **(irbtools-more)** Correction suggestions for misspelled method/constant names: [did_you_mean](https://github.com/yuki24/did_you_mean) * **(irbtools-more)** Better tab-completion: [bond](http://tagaholic.me/bond/) #### Utils * Useful IRB commands (see below): [every_day_irb](https://github.com/janlelis/irbtools/tree/master/lib/every_day_irb.rb) [debugging](https://github.com/janlelis/debugging) [fileutils](http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.2.1/libdoc/fileutils/rdoc/FileUtils.html) * Clipboard Access: [clipboard](https://github.com/janlelis/clipboard) * Terminal colors: [paint](https://github.com/janlelis/paint) * Load an editor into your IRB session: [interactive_editor](https://github.com/jberkel/interactive_editor) #### Introspection * Displays a method's source: [code](https://github.com/janlelis/code) * Access to *ri* docs: [ori](https://github.com/dadooda/ori) * Manipulate instance variables with ease: [instance](https://github.com/rubyworks/instance/) (not loaded in Rails context) * Platform information: [ruby_version](https://github.com/janlelis/ruby_version) [ruby_engine](https://github.com/janlelis/ruby_engine) [os](https://github.com/rdp/os) [ruby_info](https://github.com/janlelis/ruby_info) * Improved method lookup path inspection: [method_locator](https://github.com/ryanlecompte/method_locator) * Finds methods that turn one value into another value: [methodfinder](https://github.com/citizen428/methodfinder) * **(irbtools-more)** Awesome lookup path inspection: [looksee](https://github.com/oggy/looksee) ### Irbtools Methods Besides improving IRB itself, you will get the following methods: Method | Arguments | Description ------ | ---------- | ----------- `beep` | | Ring terminal bell. `cat` | path | Read file contents. `cd` | path = nil | Changes the directory. Can also be used in these forms: `~cd` (change to home directory), `-cd` (change to previous directory). `clear` | | Clear the terminal. `code` | object = self, method_name | Display the method source with syntax highlighting. Will also look up C methods if the **core_docs** gem is available. `colorize` | string | Syntax highlight a Ruby string. `copy` | string | Copy something to the clipboard. `copy_input` | | Copy session history to the clipboard. `copy_output` | | Copy session output history to the clipboard. `ed` / `emacs` / `mate` / `mvim` / `nano` / `vi` / `vim` | filename = nil | Start an editor in the session context. `engine` | | Show the Ruby engine. `howtocall` | object = self, method_or_proc | Displays parameter names and types for a proc or method. `info` | | List general information about the Ruby environment. `ld` | file | Shortcut for `load lib.to_s + '.rb'`. `ls` | path = "." | List directory content. `mf` | object1, object2 | Find methods that turn one value into another value. `mof` | object, depth = 0, grep = // | Print a method list, ordered by modules. `os` | | Query operating system information. `pa` | string, color | Print a string in the specified color. `page` | what, options = {} | Page long content. `paste` | | Paste clipboard content. `q` | *args | Like `Kernel#p`, but prints results on one line, with different colors. `ray` | path | Syntax highlight a Ruby file. `re` | string, regexg, groups = nil | Assists you when matching regexes againts strings. `reset!` | | Restart the current IRB session. `rq` | lib | Shortcut for `require lib.to_s`. Use it like this: `rq:prime`. `rr` | lib | Shortcut for `require_relative lib.to_s`. `rrq` / `rerequire` | lib | Hack to remove a library from `$LOADED_FEATURES` and `require` it again. `session_history` | number_of_lines = nil | Return a string of all commands issued in the current session. `version` | | Show the Ruby version. `wp` | inspect_string | Syntax-highlight a Ruby object. `Object#instance` | | Proxy object to read and manipulate instance variables / run eval (not loaded in Rails context). `Object#lp` | | **(irbtools-more)** Supercharged method introspection in IRB. `Object#mlp` / `Object#method_lookup_path` | | Traverse an object's method lookup path to find all places where a method may be defined. `Object#ri` | *args | Show ri documentation for this object or method. ### Advanced tweaking See [CONFIGURE.md](https://github.com/janlelis/irbtools/blob/master/CONFIGURE.md). ### Troubleshooting: ANSI colors on Windows Windows: ANSI support can be enabled via [ansicon](https://github.com/adoxa/ansicon) or [ConEmu](http://code.google.com/p/conemu-maximus5/). ### Troubleshooting: Clipboard not working on Linux Clipboard support requires **xclip** or **xsel**. On ubuntu, do: `sudo apt-get install xclip` ### Troubleshooting: Unicode causes wrong display widths If you use double-width unicode characters, you will need to paste the following snippet to your `~/.irbrc` file. ```ruby Irbtools.replace_library_callback :fancy_irb do FancyIrb.start east_asian_width: true end ``` This setting is deactivated by default, because of performance issues. ### Hint: Debundle If you do not want to add **Irbtools** to your project's Gemfile, you will need a [debundle hack](https://github.com/janlelis/debundle.rb). Put it at the beginning of your `~/.irbrc` file and you are fine (until it breaks). ### Hint: No ANSI / IRB extension You can use Irbtools without colors/irb extensions. To do so, put this into `~/.irbrc`: ```ruby require 'irbtools/non_fancy' Irbtools.start ``` ### Hint: Web Console **Irbtools** works well together with the amazing [web-console!](https://github.com/rails/web-console) ## J-_-L Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Jan Lelis <http://janlelis.com> released under the MIT license.