#!/usr/bin/env ruby # I don't want folks to have to learn to use yet another tool (rackup) # just to launch logstash-web. So let's work like a standard ruby # executable. ##rackup -Ilib:../lib -s thin $:.unshift("%s/../lib" % File.dirname(__FILE__)) $:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) require "eventmachine" require "json" require "logstash/search/elasticsearch" require "logstash/search/query" require "logstash/namespace" require "rack" require "rubygems" require "sinatra/async" require "logstash/web/helpers/require_param" class EventMachine::ConnectionError < RuntimeError; end module LogStash::Web; end class LogStash::Web::Server < Sinatra::Base register Sinatra::Async helpers Sinatra::RequireParam # logstash/web/helpers/require_param set :haml, :format => :html5 set :logging, true set :public, "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/public" set :views, "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/views" use Rack::CommonLogger #use Rack::ShowExceptions def initialize(settings={}) super # TODO(sissel): Support alternate backends backend_url = URI.parse(settings.backend_url) case backend_url.scheme when "elasticsearch" @backend = LogStash::Search::ElasticSearch.new( :host => backend_url.host, :port => backend_url.port ) when "twitter" require "logstash/search/twitter" @backend = LogStash::Search::Twitter.new( :host => backend_url.host, :port => backend_url.port ) end # backend_url.scheme end # def initialize aget '/style.css' do headers "Content-Type" => "text/css; charset=utf8" body sass :style end # /style.css aget '/' do redirect "/search" end # '/' aget '/search' do result_callback = proc do |results| status 500 if @error @results = results p :got => results params[:format] ||= "html" case params[:format] when "html" headers({"Content-Type" => "text/html" }) body haml :"search/results", :layout => !request.xhr? when "text" headers({"Content-Type" => "text/plain" }) body erb :"search/results.txt", :layout => false when "txt" headers({"Content-Type" => "text/plain" }) body erb :"search/results.txt", :layout => false when "json" headers({"Content-Type" => "text/plain" }) # TODO(sissel): issue/30 - needs refactoring here. hits = @hits.collect { |h| h["_source"] } response = { "hits" => hits, } response["error"] = @error if @error body response.to_json end # case params[:format] end # proc result_callback # We'll still do a search query here even though most users # have javascript enabled, we need to show the results in # case a user doesn't have javascript. if params[:q] and params[:q] != "" query = LogStash::Search::Query.new( :query_string => params[:q], :offset => params[:offset], :count => params[:count] ) @backend.search(query) do |results| p :got => results begin result_callback.call results rescue => e p :exception => e end end # @backend.search else results = LogStash::Search::Result.new( :events => [], :error_message => "No query given" ) result_callback.call results end end # aget '/search' apost '/api/search' do api_search end # apost /api/search aget '/api/search' do api_search end # aget /api/search def api_search headers({"Content-Type" => "text/html" }) count = params["count"] = (params["count"] or 50).to_i offset = params["offset"] = (params["offset"] or 0).to_i format = (params[:format] or "json") query = LogStash::Search::Query.new( :query_string => params[:q], :offset => offset, :count => count ) @backend.search(query) do |results| @results = results if @results.error? status 500 case format when "html" headers({"Content-Type" => "text/html" }) body haml :"search/error", :layout => !request.xhr? when "text" headers({"Content-Type" => "text/plain" }) body erb :"search/error.txt", :layout => false when "txt" headers({"Content-Type" => "text/plain" }) body erb :"search/error.txt", :layout => false when "json" headers({"Content-Type" => "text/plain" }) # TODO(sissel): issue/30 - needs refactoring here. if @results.error? body({ "error" => @results.error_message }.to_json) else body @results.to_json end end # case params[:format] next end @events = @results.events @total = (@results.total rescue 0) count = @results.events.size if count and offset if @total > (count + offset) @result_end = (count + offset) else @result_end = @total end @result_start = offset end if count + offset < @total next_params = params.clone next_params["offset"] = [offset + count, @total - count].min @next_href = "?" + next_params.collect { |k,v| [URI.escape(k.to_s), URI.escape(v.to_s)].join("=") }.join("&") last_params = next_params.clone last_params["offset"] = @total - count @last_href = "?" + last_params.collect { |k,v| [URI.escape(k.to_s), URI.escape(v.to_s)].join("=") }.join("&") end if offset > 0 prev_params = params.clone prev_params["offset"] = [offset - count, 0].max @prev_href = "?" + prev_params.collect { |k,v| [URI.escape(k.to_s), URI.escape(v.to_s)].join("=") }.join("&") #if prev_params["offset"] > 0 first_params = prev_params.clone first_params["offset"] = 0 @first_href = "?" + first_params.collect { |k,v| [URI.escape(k.to_s), URI.escape(v.to_s)].join("=") }.join("&") #end end # TODO(sissel): make a helper function taht goes hash -> cgi querystring @refresh_href = "?" + params.collect { |k,v| [URI.escape(k.to_s), URI.escape(v.to_s)].join("=") }.join("&") case format when "html" headers({"Content-Type" => "text/html" }) body haml :"search/ajax", :layout => !request.xhr? when "text" headers({"Content-Type" => "text/plain" }) body erb :"search/results.txt", :layout => false when "txt" headers({"Content-Type" => "text/plain" }) body erb :"search/results.txt", :layout => false when "json" headers({"Content-Type" => "text/plain" }) # TODO(sissel): issue/30 - needs refactoring here. response = @results body response.to_json end # case params[:format] end # @backend.search end # def api_search aget '/api/histogram' do headers({"Content-Type" => "text/plain" }) missing = require_param(:q) if !missing.empty? status 500 body({ "error" => "Missing requiremed parameters", "missing" => missing }.to_json) next end # if !missing.empty? format = (params[:format] or "json") # default json field = (params[:field] or "@timestamp") # default @timestamp interval = (params[:interval] or 3600000).to_i # default 1 hour @backend.histogram(params[:q], field, interval) do |results| @results = results if @results.error? status 500 body({ "error" => @results.error_message }.to_json) next end begin a = results.results.to_json rescue => e status 500 body e.inspect p :exception => e p e raise e end status 200 body a end # @backend.search end # aget '/api/histogram' aget '/*' do status 404 if @error body "Invalid path." end # aget /* end # class LogStash::Web::Server require "optparse" Settings = Struct.new(:daemonize, :logfile, :address, :port, :backend_url) settings = Settings.new settings.address = "" settings.port = 9292 settings.backend_url = "elasticsearch://localhost:9200/" progname = File.basename($0) opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{progname} [options]" opts.on("-d", "--daemonize", "Daemonize (default is run in foreground).") do settings.daemonize = true end opts.on("-l", "--log FILE", "Log to a given path. Default is stdout.") do |path| settings.logfile = path end opts.on("-a", "--address ADDRESS", "Address on which to start webserver. Default is") do |address| settings.address = address end opts.on("-p", "--port PORT", "Port on which to start webserver. Default is 9292.") do |port| settings.port = port.to_i end opts.on("-b", "--backend URL", "The backend URL to use. Default is elasticserach://localhost:9200/") do |url| settings.backend_url = url end end opts.parse! if settings.daemonize if Process.fork == nil Process.setsid else exit(0) end end if settings.logfile logfile = File.open(settings.logfile, "w") STDOUT.reopen(logfile) STDERR.reopen(logfile) elsif settings.daemonize # Write to /dev/null if devnull = File.open("/dev/null", "w") STDOUT.reopen(devnull) STDERR.reopen(devnull) end Rack::Handler::Thin.run( Rack::CommonLogger.new( \ Rack::ShowExceptions.new( \ LogStash::Web::Server.new(settings))), :Port => settings.port, :Host => settings.address)