require 'yard' require 'yard/rake/yardoc_task' GEM_NAME = File.basename(Dir.pwd) VENDOR_PATH = File.expand_path(File.join(Dir.pwd, "vendor")) DOC_PATH = File.join(VENDOR_PATH, "docs") namespace :doc do do |t| if !File.exists?(DOC_PATH) remote = %x(git remote -v | grep 'origin').split[1].strip FileUtils.mkdir_p(VENDOR_PATH) Dir.chdir(VENDOR_PATH) do system(%(git clone --branch gh-pages #{remote} #{DOC_PATH})) end end t.options = ['--verbose', '-o', DOC_PATH] end namespace :pages do desc 'Generate and publish YARD Documentation to GitHub pages' task :publish => ['doc:pages'] do describe = %x(git describe).chomp stats = %x(bundle exec yard stats).chomp commit_message = commit_message << "Generated YARD Documentation for #{GEM_NAME.upcase.inspect} #{describe}\n\n" commit_message << stats Dir.chdir(DOC_PATH) do system(%(git add -Av)) system(%(git commit -m"#{commit_message.join}")) system(%(git push origin gh-pages)) end end end end