# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 SUSE LLC # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, contact SUSE LLC. # # To contact SUSE about this file by physical or electronic mail, # you may find current contact information at www.suse.com class BuildTask def build(system_description, output_path, options = {}) LocalSystem.validate_build_compatibility(system_description) LocalSystem.validate_existence_of_package("kiwi") LocalSystem.validate_existence_of_package("kiwi-desc-vmxboot") tmp_config_dir = Dir.mktmpdir("machinery-config", "/tmp") tmp_image_dir = Dir.mktmpdir("machinery-image", "/tmp") img_extension = "qcow2" config = KiwiConfig.new(system_description, options) config.write(tmp_config_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(output_path) if tmp_image_dir.start_with?("/tmp/") && tmp_config_dir.start_with?("/tmp/") tmp_script = write_kiwi_wrapper(tmp_config_dir, tmp_image_dir, output_path, img_extension) begin LoggedCheetah.run("sudo", tmp_script.path, :stdout => $stdout, :stderr => $stderr) rescue SignalException => e # Handle SIGHUP(1), SIGINT(2) and SIGTERM(15) gracefully if [1, 2, 15].include?(e.signo) Machinery::Ui.warn "Warning: Interrupted by user. Waiting for build process to abort..." # When we got a SIGHUP or a SIGTERM we send a SIGINT to all processes # in our progress group (forked by Cheetah). # For SIGINT that's not needed because it is propagated automatically. # # The reason for killing the child processes with SIGINT (vs SIGTERM) # is that with SIGTERM the bash wrapper script around kiwi returns # while the unmounting of /proc is still in progress. That would break # the cleanup of the temporary kiwi directories below. if [1, 15].include?(e.signo) trap("INT") {} `sudo kill -INT -#{Process.getpgrp}` end Process.waitall Machinery::Ui.warn "Cleaning up temporary files..." [tmp_config_dir, tmp_image_dir].each do |path| LoggedCheetah.run("sudo", "rm", "-r", path) if Dir.exists?(path) end end raise ensure tmp_script.delete end else raise RuntimeError.new( "The Kiwi temporary build directories are not in /tmp. This should " \ "never happen, so nothing is deleted." ) end image_file = Dir.glob(File.join(output_path, "*.#{img_extension}")).first if !image_file raise(Machinery::Errors::BuildFailed, "The image build process failed. Check " \ "build log '#{tmp_image_dir}/kiwi-terminal-output.log' for more " \ "details." ) end meta_data = { description: system_description.name, image_file: File.basename(image_file) } File.write(File.join(output_path, Machinery::IMAGE_META_DATA_FILE), meta_data.to_yaml ) end def kiwi_wrapper(tmp_config_dir, tmp_image_dir, output_path, image_extension) script = "#!/bin/bash\n" script << "/usr/sbin/kiwi --build '#{tmp_config_dir}' --destdir '#{tmp_image_dir}' --logfile '#{tmp_image_dir}/kiwi-terminal-output.log'\n" script << "if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then\n" script << " mv '#{tmp_image_dir}/'*.#{image_extension} '#{output_path}'\n" script << " rm -rf '#{tmp_image_dir}'\n" script << "else\n" script << " echo -e 'Building the Image with Kiwi failed.\nThe Kiwi build directory #{tmp_image_dir} was not removed.'\n" script << "fi\n" script << "rm -rf '#{tmp_config_dir}'\n" end def write_kiwi_wrapper(tmp_config_dir, tmp_image_dir, output_path, image_extension) begin script = Tempfile.new('machinery-kiwi-wrapper-script') script << kiwi_wrapper(tmp_config_dir, tmp_image_dir, output_path, image_extension) ensure script.close unless script == nil end File.chmod(0755, script.path) script end end