RealFile = File RealFileTest = FileTest RealFileUtils = FileUtils RealDir = Dir RealPathname = Pathname def RealPathname(*args)*args) end def Pathname(*args)*args) end # FakeFS module module FakeFS class << self def activated? @activated ||= false end # unconditionally activate def activate! Object.class_eval do remove_const(:Dir) remove_const(:File) remove_const(:FileTest) remove_const(:FileUtils) remove_const(:Pathname) const_set(:Dir, FakeFS::Dir) const_set(:File, FakeFS::File) const_set(:FileUtils, FakeFS::FileUtils) const_set(:FileTest, FakeFS::FileTest) const_set(:Pathname, FakeFS::Pathname) ::FakeFS::Kernel.hijack! end @activated = true true end # unconditionally deactivate def deactivate! Object.class_eval do remove_const(:Dir) remove_const(:File) remove_const(:FileTest) remove_const(:FileUtils) remove_const(:Pathname) const_set(:Dir, RealDir) const_set(:File, RealFile) const_set(:FileTest, RealFileTest) const_set(:FileUtils, RealFileUtils) const_set(:Pathname, RealPathname) ::FakeFS::Kernel.unhijack! end @activated = false true end # unconditionally clear the fake filesystem def clear! ::FakeFS::FileSystem.clear end # present a fresh new fake filesystem to the block def with_fresh(&block) clear! with(&block) end # present the fake filesystem to the block def with if activated? yield else begin activate! yield ensure deactivate! end end end # present a non-fake filesystem to the block def without if !activated? yield else begin deactivate! yield ensure activate! end end end end end def FakeFS(&block) return ::FakeFS unless block ::FakeFS.with(&block) end