# knapsack_pro ruby gem [![Circle CI](https://circleci.com/gh/KnapsackPro/knapsack_pro-ruby.svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/KnapsackPro/knapsack_pro-ruby) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/knapsack_pro.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/knapsack_pro) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/KnapsackPro/knapsack_pro-ruby/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/KnapsackPro/knapsack_pro-ruby) [![Test Coverage](https://codeclimate.com/github/KnapsackPro/knapsack-pro-ruby/badges/coverage.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/KnapsackPro/knapsack-pro-ruby/coverage) Knapsack Pro gem splits tests across CI nodes and makes sure that tests will run comparable time on each node. It uses [KnapsackPro.com API](http://docs.knapsackpro.com). Original idea came from [knapsack](https://github.com/ArturT/knapsack) gem. The knapsack_pro gem supports: * [RSpec](http://rspec.info) * [Cucumber](https://cucumber.io) * [Minitest](http://docs.seattlerb.org/minitest/) * [Turnip](https://github.com/jnicklas/turnip) __Would you like to try knapsack_pro gem?__ You can [get API token here](http://knapsackpro.com). # How knapsack_pro works? ## Basics Basically it will track your branches, commits and for how many CI nodes you are running tests. Collected data about test time execution will be send to API where test suite split is done. Next time when you will run tests you will get proper test files for each CI node in order to achieve comparable time execution on each CI node. ## Details For instance when you will run tests with rake knapsack_pro:rspec then: * information about all your existing test files are sent to API http://docs.knapsackpro.com/api/v1/#build_distributions_subset_post * API returns which files should be executed on particular CI node (example KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX=0) * when API server has info about previous tests runs then it will use it to return more accurate test split results, in other case API returns simple split based on directory names * knapsack_pro will run test files which got from API * after tests finished knapsack_pro will send information about time execution of each file to API http://docs.knapsackpro.com/api/v1/#build_subsets_post so data can be used for future test runs # Requirements * >= Ruby 2.0.0 # Table of Contents **Table of Contents** *generated with [DocToc](https://github.com/thlorenz/doctoc)* - [Update gem](#update-gem) - [Installation](#installation) - [How to set up](#how-to-set-up) - [Usage (How to set up 1 of 3)](#usage-how-to-set-up-1-of-3) - [Step for RSpec](#step-for-rspec) - [Step for Cucumber](#step-for-cucumber) - [Step for Minitest](#step-for-minitest) - [Custom configuration](#custom-configuration) - [Setup your CI server (How to set up 2 of 3)](#setup-your-ci-server-how-to-set-up-2-of-3) - [Set API key token](#set-api-key-token) - [Set knapsack_pro command to execute tests](#set-knapsack_pro-command-to-execute-tests) - [Repository adapter (How to set up 3 of 3)](#repository-adapter-how-to-set-up-3-of-3) - [When you NOT set global variable `KNAPSACK_PRO_REPOSITORY_ADAPTER` (default)](#when-you-not-set-global-variable-knapsack_pro_repository_adapter-default) - [When you set global variable `KNAPSACK_PRO_REPOSITORY_ADAPTER=git` (required when CI provider is not supported)](#when-you-set-global-variable-knapsack_pro_repository_adaptergit-required-when-ci-provider-is-not-supported) - [Extra configuration for CI server](#extra-configuration-for-ci-server) - [Info about ENV variables](#info-about-env-variables) - [Environment variables for debugging gem](#environment-variables-for-debugging-gem) - [Passing arguments to rake task](#passing-arguments-to-rake-task) - [Passing arguments to rspec](#passing-arguments-to-rspec) - [Passing arguments to cucumber](#passing-arguments-to-cucumber) - [Passing arguments to minitest](#passing-arguments-to-minitest) - [Knapsack Pro binary](#knapsack-pro-binary) - [Supported CI providers](#supported-ci-providers) - [Info for CircleCI users](#info-for-circleci-users) - [Info for Travis users](#info-for-travis-users) - [Info for semaphoreapp.com users](#info-for-semaphoreappcom-users) - [Info for buildkite.com users](#info-for-buildkitecom-users) - [Info for snap-ci.com users](#info-for-snap-cicom-users) - [Gem tests](#gem-tests) - [Spec](#spec) - [Contributing](#contributing) ## Update gem Please check [changelog](CHANGELOG.md) before update gem. Knapsack Pro follows [semantic versioning](http://semver.org). ## Installation Add those lines to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby group :test, :development do gem 'knapsack_pro' end ``` And then execute: $ bundle Add this lines at the bottom of `Rakefile` if your project has it: ```ruby KnapsackPro.load_tasks if defined?(KnapsackPro) ``` If you are using [VCR gem](https://github.com/vcr/vcr) then add Knapsack Pro API subdomain to [ignore hosts](https://www.relishapp.com/vcr/vcr/v/2-9-3/docs/configuration/ignore-request): ```ruby # spec/spec_helper.rb or wherever is your VCR configuration VCR.configure do |config| config.ignore_hosts 'localhost', '', '', 'api.knapsackpro.com' end WebMock.disable_net_connect!(:allow => 'api.knapsackpro.com') if defined?(WebMock) ``` ## How to set up ### Usage (How to set up 1 of 3) __Tip:__ You can find here example of rails app with already configured knapsack_pro. https://github.com/KnapsackPro/rails-app-with-knapsack_pro #### Step for RSpec Add at the beginning of your `spec_helper.rb`: ```ruby require 'knapsack_pro' # CUSTOM_CONFIG_GOES_HERE KnapsackPro::Adapters::RSpecAdapter.bind ``` #### Step for Cucumber Create file `features/support/knapsack_pro.rb` and add there: ```ruby require 'knapsack_pro' # CUSTOM_CONFIG_GOES_HERE KnapsackPro::Adapters::CucumberAdapter.bind ``` #### Step for Minitest Add at the beginning of your `test_helper.rb`: ```ruby require 'knapsack_pro' # CUSTOM_CONFIG_GOES_HERE knapsack_pro_adapter = KnapsackPro::Adapters::MinitestAdapter.bind knapsack_pro_adapter.set_test_helper_path(__FILE__) ``` #### Custom configuration You can change default Knapsack Pro configuration for RSpec, Cucumber or Minitest tests. Here are examples what you can do. Put below configuration instead of `CUSTOM_CONFIG_GOES_HERE`. ```ruby # you can use your own logger require 'logger' KnapsackPro.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) KnapsackPro.logger.level = Logger::INFO ``` ### Setup your CI server (How to set up 2 of 3) #### Set API key token Set one or a few tokens depend on how many test suites you run on CI server. * `KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_RSPEC` - as value set token for rspec test suite. Token can be generated when you sign in to [knapsackpro.com](http://www.knapsackpro.com). * `KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_CUCUMBER` - token for cucumber test suite. * `KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_MINITEST` - token for minitest test suite. __Tip:__ In case you have for instance multiple rspec test suites then prepend each of knapsack_pro command which executes tests with `KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_RSPEC` variable. #### Set knapsack_pro command to execute tests On your CI server run this command for the first CI node. Update `KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX` for the next one. # Step for RSpec $ KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL=2 KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX=0 bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:rspec # Step for Cucumber $ KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL=2 KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX=0 bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:cucumber # Step for Minitest $ KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL=2 KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX=0 bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:minitest You can add `KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_FILE_PATTERN` if your tests are not in default directory. For instance: # Step for RSpec $ KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_FILE_PATTERN="directory_with_specs/**{,/*/**}/*_spec.rb" KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL=2 KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX=0 bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:rspec # Step for Cucumber $ KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_FILE_PATTERN="directory_with_features/**{,/*/**}/*.feature" KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL=2 KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX=0 bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:cucumber # Step for Minitest $ KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_FILE_PATTERN="directory_with_tests/**{,/*/**}/*_test.rb" KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL=2 KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX=0 bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:minitest __Tip:__ If you use one of supported CI providers then instead of above steps you should [take a look on this](#supported-ci-providers). __Tip 2:__ If you use one of unsupported CI providers ([here is list of supported CI providers](#supported-ci-providers)) then you should [set KNAPSACK_PRO_REPOSITORY_ADAPTER=git](#when-you-set-global-variable-knapsack_pro_repository_adaptergit-required-when-ci-provider-is-not-supported). ### Repository adapter (How to set up 3 of 3) #### When you NOT set global variable `KNAPSACK_PRO_REPOSITORY_ADAPTER` (default) By default `KNAPSACK_PRO_REPOSITORY_ADAPTER` variable has no value so knapsack_pro will try to get info about branch name and commit hash from [supported CI](#supported-ci-providers) (CI providers have branch, commit, project directory stored as environment variables). In case when you use other CI provider like Jenkins then please set below variables on your own. `KNAPSACK_PRO_BRANCH` - It's branch name. You run tests on this branch. `KNAPSACK_PRO_COMMIT_HASH` - Commit hash. You run tests for this commit. You can also use git as repository adapter to determine branch and commit hash, please see below section. #### When you set global variable `KNAPSACK_PRO_REPOSITORY_ADAPTER=git` (required when CI provider is not supported) `KNAPSACK_PRO_REPOSITORY_ADAPTER` - When it has value `git` then your local version of git on CI server will be used to get info about branch name and commit hash. You need to set also `KNAPSACK_PRO_PROJECT_DIR` with project directory path. `KNAPSACK_PRO_PROJECT_DIR` - Path to the project on CI node for instance `/home/ubuntu/my-app-repository`. It should be main directory of your repository. ## Extra configuration for CI server ### Info about ENV variables By default knapsack_pro gem [supports a few CI providers](#supported-ci-providers) so you don't need to set some environment variables. In case when you use other CI provider for instance [Jenkins](https://jenkins-ci.org) etc then you need to provide configuration via below environment variables. `KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL` - total number CI nodes you have. `KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX` - index of current CI node starts from 0. Second CI node should have `KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX=1`. #### Environment variables for debugging gem `KNAPSACK_PRO_ENDPOINT` - Default value is `http://api.knapsackpro.com` which is endpoint for [Knapsack Pro API](http://docs.knapsackpro.com). `KNAPSACK_PRO_MODE` - Default value is `production`. When mode is `development` then endpoint is `http://api.knapsackpro.dev:3000`. When mode is `test` then endpoint is `http://api-staging.knapsackpro.com`. ### Passing arguments to rake task #### Passing arguments to rspec Knapsack Pro allows you to pass arguments through to rspec. For example if you want to run only specs that have the tag `focus`. If you do this with rspec directly it would look like: $ bundle exec rake rspec --tag focus To do this with Knapsack Pro you simply add your rspec arguments as parameters to the knapsack_pro rake task. $ bundle exec rake "knapsack_pro:rspec[--tag focus]" #### Passing arguments to cucumber Add arguments to knapsack_pro cucumber task like this: $ bundle exec rake "knapsack_pro:cucumber[--name feature]" #### Passing arguments to minitest Add arguments to knapsack_pro minitest task like this: $ bundle exec rake "knapsack_pro:minitest[--arg_name value]" For instance to run verbose tests: $ bundle exec rake "knapsack_pro:minitest[--verbose]" ### Knapsack Pro binary You can install knapsack_pro globally and use binary. For instance: $ knapsack_pro rspec "--tag custom_tag_name --profile" $ knapsack_pro cucumber "--name feature" $ knapsack_pro minitest "--verbose --pride" This is optional way of using knapsack_pro when you don't want to add it to `Gemfile`. ### Supported CI providers #### Info for CircleCI users If you are using circleci.com you can omit `KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL` and `KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX`. Knapsack Pro will use `CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL` and `CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX` provided by CircleCI. Here is an example for test configuration in your `circleci.yml` file. ```yaml machine: environment: # Tokens should be set in CircleCI settings to avoid expose tokens in build logs # KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_RSPEC: rspec-token # KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_CUCUMBER: cucumber-token # KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_MINITEST: minitest-token test: override: # Step for RSpec - bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:rspec: parallel: true # Caution: there are 8 spaces indentation! # Step for Cucumber - bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:cucumber: parallel: true # Caution: there are 8 spaces indentation! # Step for Minitest - bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:minitest: parallel: true # Caution: there are 8 spaces indentation! ``` Please remember to add additional containers for your project in CircleCI settings. #### Info for Travis users You can parallel your builds across virtual machines with [travis matrix feature](http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/speeding-up-the-build/#Parallelizing-your-builds-across-virtual-machines). Edit `.travis.yml` ```yaml script: # Step for RSpec - "bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:rspec" # Step for Cucumber - "bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:cucumber" # Step for Minitest - "bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:minitest" env: global: # tokens should be set in travis settings in web interface to avoid expose tokens in build logs - KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_RSPEC=rspec-token - KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_CUCUMBER=cucumber-token - KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_MINITEST=minitest-token - KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL=2 matrix: - KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX=0 - KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX=1 ``` Such configuration will generate matrix with 2 following ENV rows: KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL=2 KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX=0 KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_RSPEC=rspec-token KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_CUCUMBER=cucumber-token KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_MINITEST=minitest-token KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_TOTAL=2 KNAPSACK_PRO_CI_NODE_INDEX=1 KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_RSPEC=rspec-token KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_CUCUMBER=cucumber-token KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_MINITEST=minitest-token More info about global and matrix ENV configuration in [travis docs](http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/build-configuration/#Environment-variables). #### Info for semaphoreapp.com users Knapsack Pro supports semaphoreapp ENVs `SEMAPHORE_THREAD_COUNT` and `SEMAPHORE_CURRENT_THREAD`. The only thing you need to do is set up knapsack_pro rspec/cucumber/minitest command for as many threads as you need. Here is an example: # Thread 1 ## Step for RSpec bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:rspec ## Step for Cucumber bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:cucumber ## Step for Minitest bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:minitest # Thread 2 ## Step for RSpec bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:rspec ## Step for Cucumber bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:cucumber ## Step for Minitest bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:minitest Tests will be split across threads. Please remember to set up token like `KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_RSPEC` as global environment. #### Info for buildkite.com users Knapsack Pro supports buildkite ENVs `BUILDKITE_PARALLEL_JOB_COUNT` and `BUILDKITE_PARALLEL_JOB`. The only thing you need to do is to configure the parallelism parameter in your build step and run the appropiate command in your build # Step for RSpec bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:rspec # Step for Cucumber bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:cucumber # Step for Minitest bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:minitest Please remember to set up token like `KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_RSPEC` as global environment. #### Info for snap-ci.com users Knapsack Pro supports snap-ci.com ENVs `SNAP_WORKER_TOTAL` and `SNAP_WORKER_INDEX`. The only thing you need to do is to configure number of workers for your project in configuration settings in order to enable parallelism. Next thing is to set below commands to be executed in your stage: # Step for RSpec bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:rspec # Step for Cucumber bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:cucumber # Step for Minitest bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:minitest Please remember to set up token like `KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_RSPEC` as global environment. ## Gem tests ### Spec To run specs for Knapsack Pro gem type: $ bundle exec rspec spec ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/ArturT/knapsack/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request