// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #include #include #include #include #include "tester.h" namespace { using namespace test; using namespace dlib; using namespace std; logger dlog("test.bsp"); template struct callfunct_helper { callfunct_helper ( funct f_, int port_, bool& error_occurred_ ) :f(f_), port(port_), error_occurred(error_occurred_) {} funct f; int port; bool& error_occurred; void operator() ( ) const { try { bsp_listen(port, f); } catch (exception& e) { dlog << LERROR << "error calling bsp_listen(): " << e.what(); error_occurred = true; } } }; template callfunct_helper callfunct(funct f, int port, bool& error_occurred) { return callfunct_helper(f,port,error_occurred); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template struct callfunct_helper_pn { callfunct_helper_pn ( funct f_, int port_, bool& error_occurred_, dlib::pipe& port_pipe_ ) :f(f_), port(port_), error_occurred(error_occurred_), port_pipe(port_pipe_) {} funct f; int port; bool& error_occurred; dlib::pipe& port_pipe; struct helper { helper ( dlib::pipe& port_pipe_ ) : port_pipe(port_pipe_) {} dlib::pipe& port_pipe; void operator() (unsigned short p) { port_pipe.enqueue(p); } }; void operator() ( ) const { try { bsp_listen_dynamic_port(port, helper(port_pipe), f); } catch (exception& e) { dlog << LERROR << "error calling bsp_listen_dynamic_port(): " << e.what(); error_occurred = true; } } }; template callfunct_helper_pn callfunct(funct f, int port, bool& error_occurred, dlib::pipe& port_pipe) { return callfunct_helper_pn(f,port,error_occurred,port_pipe); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void sum_array_driver ( bsp_context& obj, const std::vector& v, int& result ) { obj.broadcast(v); result = 0; int val; while(obj.try_receive(val)) result += val; } void sum_array_other ( bsp_context& obj ) { std::vector v; obj.receive(v); int sum = 0; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) sum += v[i]; obj.send(sum, 0); } void dotest1() { dlog << LINFO << "start dotest1()"; print_spinner(); bool error_occurred = false; { thread_function t1(callfunct(sum_array_other, 12345, error_occurred)); thread_function t2(callfunct(sum_array_other, 12346, error_occurred)); thread_function t3(callfunct(sum_array_other, 12347, error_occurred)); std::vector v; int true_value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { v.push_back(i); true_value += i; } // wait a little bit for the threads to start up dlib::sleep(200); try { int result; std::vector hosts; hosts.push_back(""); hosts.push_back("localhost:12346"); hosts.push_back(""); bsp_connect(hosts, sum_array_driver, dlib::ref(v), dlib::ref(result)); dlog << LINFO << "result: "<< result; dlog << LINFO << "should be: "<< 3*true_value; DLIB_TEST(result == 3*true_value); } catch (std::exception& e) { dlog << LERROR << "error during bsp_context: " << e.what(); DLIB_TEST(false); } } DLIB_TEST(error_occurred == false); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void test2_job(bsp_context& obj) { if (obj.node_id() == id) dlib::sleep(100); } template void dotest2() { dlog << LINFO << "start dotest2()"; print_spinner(); bool error_occurred = false; { thread_function t1(callfunct(test2_job, 12345, error_occurred)); thread_function t2(callfunct(test2_job, 12346, error_occurred)); thread_function t3(callfunct(test2_job, 12347, error_occurred)); // wait a little bit for the threads to start up dlib::sleep(200); try { std::vector hosts; hosts.push_back(""); hosts.push_back(""); hosts.push_back(""); bsp_connect(hosts, test2_job); } catch (std::exception& e) { dlog << LERROR << "error during bsp_context: " << e.what(); DLIB_TEST(false); } } DLIB_TEST(error_occurred == false); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void test3_job_driver(bsp_context& obj, int& result) { obj.broadcast(obj.node_id()); int accum = 0; int temp = 0; while(obj.try_receive(temp)) accum += temp; // send to node 1 so it can sum everything if (obj.node_id() != 1) obj.send(accum, 1); while(obj.try_receive(temp)) accum += temp; // Now hop the accum values along the nodes until the value from node 1 gets to // node 0. obj.send(accum, (obj.node_id()+1)%obj.number_of_nodes()); obj.receive(accum); obj.send(accum, (obj.node_id()+1)%obj.number_of_nodes()); obj.receive(accum); obj.send(accum, (obj.node_id()+1)%obj.number_of_nodes()); obj.receive(accum); // this whole block is a noop since it doesn't end up doing anything. for (int k = 0; k < 100; ++k) { dlog << LINFO << "k: " << k; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { obj.send(accum, (obj.node_id()+1)%obj.number_of_nodes()); obj.receive(accum); } } dlog << LINFO << "TERMINATE"; if (obj.node_id() == 0) result = accum; } void test3_job(bsp_context& obj) { int junk; test3_job_driver(obj, junk); } void dotest3() { dlog << LINFO << "start dotest3()"; print_spinner(); bool error_occurred = false; { dlib::pipe ports(5); thread_function t1(callfunct(test3_job, 12345, error_occurred, ports)); thread_function t2(callfunct(test3_job, 0, error_occurred, ports)); thread_function t3(callfunct(test3_job, 12347, error_occurred, ports)); try { std::vector hosts; unsigned short port; ports.dequeue(port); hosts.push_back(network_address("",port)); dlog << LINFO << "PORT: " << port; ports.dequeue(port); hosts.push_back(network_address("",port)); dlog << LINFO << "PORT: " << port; ports.dequeue(port); hosts.push_back(network_address("",port)); dlog << LINFO << "PORT: " << port; int result = 0; const int expected = 1+2+3 + 0+2+3 + 0+1+3 + 0+1+2; bsp_connect(hosts, test3_job_driver, dlib::ref(result)); dlog << LINFO << "result: " << result; dlog << LINFO << "should be: " << expected; DLIB_TEST(result == expected); } catch (std::exception& e) { dlog << LERROR << "error during bsp_context: " << e.what(); DLIB_TEST(false); } } DLIB_TEST(error_occurred == false); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void test4_job_driver(bsp_context& obj, int& result) { obj.broadcast(obj.node_id()); int accum = 0; int temp = 0; while(obj.try_receive(temp)) accum += temp; // send to node 1 so it can sum everything if (obj.node_id() != 1) obj.send(accum, 1); while(obj.try_receive(temp)) accum += temp; // Now hop the accum values along the nodes until the value from node 1 gets to // node 0. obj.send(accum, (obj.node_id()+1)%obj.number_of_nodes()); obj.receive(accum); obj.send(accum, (obj.node_id()+1)%obj.number_of_nodes()); obj.receive(accum); obj.send(accum, (obj.node_id()+1)%obj.number_of_nodes()); obj.receive(accum); // this whole block is a noop since it doesn't end up doing anything. for (int k = 0; k < 40; ++k) { dlog << LINFO << "k: " << k; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { obj.send(accum, (obj.node_id()+1)%obj.number_of_nodes()); obj.receive(accum); obj.receive(); } } dlog << LINFO << "TERMINATE"; if (obj.node_id() == 0) result = accum; } void test4_job(bsp_context& obj) { int junk; test4_job_driver(obj, junk); } void dotest4() { dlog << LINFO << "start dotest4()"; print_spinner(); bool error_occurred = false; { dlib::pipe ports(5); thread_function t1(callfunct(test4_job, 0, error_occurred, ports)); thread_function t2(callfunct(test4_job, 0, error_occurred, ports)); thread_function t3(callfunct(test4_job, 0, error_occurred, ports)); try { std::vector hosts; unsigned short port; ports.dequeue(port); hosts.push_back(network_address("",port)); dlog << LINFO << "PORT: " << port; ports.dequeue(port); hosts.push_back(network_address("",port)); dlog << LINFO << "PORT: " << port; ports.dequeue(port); hosts.push_back(network_address("",port)); dlog << LINFO << "PORT: " << port; int result = 0; const int expected = 1+2+3 + 0+2+3 + 0+1+3 + 0+1+2; bsp_connect(hosts, test4_job_driver, dlib::ref(result)); dlog << LINFO << "result: " << result; dlog << LINFO << "should be: " << expected; DLIB_TEST(result == expected); } catch (std::exception& e) { dlog << LERROR << "error during bsp_context: " << e.what(); DLIB_TEST(false); } } DLIB_TEST(error_occurred == false); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void test5_job( bsp_context& , int& val ) { val = 25; } void dotest5() { dlog << LINFO << "start dotest5()"; print_spinner(); std::vector hosts; int val = 0; bsp_connect(hosts, test5_job, dlib::ref(val)); DLIB_TEST(val == 25); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- double f ( double x) { return std::pow(x-2.0, 2.0); } void bsp_job_node_0 ( bsp_context& context, double& min_value, double& optimal_x ) { double left = -100; double right = 100; min_value = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); double interval_width = std::abs(right-left); // This is doing a BSP based grid search for the minimum of f(). Here we // do 100 iterations where we keep shrinking the grid size. for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { context.broadcast(left); context.broadcast(right); for (unsigned int k = 1; k < context.number_of_nodes(); ++k) { std::pair val; context.receive(val); if (val.second < min_value) { min_value = val.second; optimal_x = val.first; } } interval_width *= 0.5; left = optimal_x - interval_width/2; right = optimal_x + interval_width/2; } } void bsp_job_other_nodes ( bsp_context& context ) { double left, right; while (context.try_receive(left)) { context.receive(right); const double l = (context.node_id()-1)/(context.number_of_nodes()-1.0); const double r = context.node_id() /(context.number_of_nodes()-1.0); const double width = right-left; matrix values_to_check = linspace(left +l*width, left + r*width, 100); double best_x = 0; double best_val = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); for (long j = 0; j < values_to_check.size(); ++j) { double temp = f(values_to_check(j)); if (temp < best_val) { best_val = temp; best_x = values_to_check(j); } } context.send(make_pair(best_x, best_val), 0); } } void dotest6() { dlog << LINFO << "start dotest6()"; print_spinner(); bool error_occurred = false; { dlib::pipe ports(5); thread_function t1(callfunct(bsp_job_other_nodes, 0, error_occurred, ports)); thread_function t2(callfunct(bsp_job_other_nodes, 0, error_occurred, ports)); thread_function t3(callfunct(bsp_job_other_nodes, 0, error_occurred, ports)); try { std::vector hosts; unsigned short port; ports.dequeue(port); hosts.push_back(network_address("",port)); dlog << LINFO << "PORT: " << port; ports.dequeue(port); hosts.push_back(network_address("",port)); dlog << LINFO << "PORT: " << port; ports.dequeue(port); hosts.push_back(network_address("",port)); dlog << LINFO << "PORT: " << port; double min_value = 10, optimal_x = 0; bsp_connect(hosts, bsp_job_node_0, dlib::ref(min_value), dlib::ref(optimal_x)); dlog << LINFO << "min_value: " << min_value; dlog << LINFO << "optimal_x: " << optimal_x; DLIB_TEST(std::abs(min_value - 0) < 1e-14); DLIB_TEST(std::abs(optimal_x - 2) < 1e-14); } catch (std::exception& e) { dlog << LERROR << "error during bsp_context: " << e.what(); DLIB_TEST(false); } } DLIB_TEST(error_occurred == false); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class bsp_tester : public tester { public: bsp_tester ( ) : tester ("test_bsp", "Runs tests on the BSP components.") {} void perform_test ( ) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { dotest1(); dotest2<0>(); dotest2<1>(); dotest2<2>(); dotest3(); dotest4(); dotest5(); dotest6(); } } } a; }