module Lobot class ConfigGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'templates')) def generate_ci_config default_git_location = nil if File.exist?(Rails.root.join(".git/config")) default_git_location = `cat .git/config | grep url`.strip.split.last else puts "nope" end default_app_name = File.basename(Rails.root) config = { 'app_name' => default_app_name, 'app_user' => ENV['USER'], 'git_location' => default_git_location, 'basic_auth' => [ { 'username' => "#{default_app_name}_ci" } ], 'credentials' => { 'provider' => "AWS" }, 'server' => { 'flavor_id' => "m1.large", 'security_group' => "ci_servers", 'ssh_port' => "22" }, 'build_command' => "./script/", 'ec2_server_access' => { "key_pair_name" => "#{default_app_name}_ci", "id_rsa_path" => File.expand_path("~/.ssh/id_rsa") }, "github_private_ssh_key_path" => File.expand_path("~/.ssh/id_rsa") } say "* The name of your application as it will appear in CI" app_name = ask "Application Name [#{config['app_name']}]: " config['app_name'] = app_name if app_name != "" say "* The user created to run your CI process" app_user = ask "Application User [#{config['app_user']}]: " config['app_user'] = app_user if app_user != "" say "* The location of your remote git repository which CI will poll and pull from on changes" git_location = ask "Git Repository Location [#{config['git_location']}]: " config['git_location'] = git_location if git_location != "" say "* The username you will use to access the CI web interface" ci_username = ask "CI Username [#{config['basic_auth'][0]['username']}]: " config['basic_auth'][0]['username'] = ci_username if ci_username != "" say "* The password you will use to access the Jenkins web interface" while true do ci_password = ask "Choose a CI password: " config['basic_auth'][0]['password'] = ci_password if ci_password == "" say "Password cannot be blank" else break end end say <<-EOS * See * for access key id and secret access key EOS while true do aws_access_key_id = ask "AWS Access Key ID: " config['credentials']['aws_access_key_id'] = aws_access_key_id if aws_access_key_id == "" say "AWS Access Key ID cannot be blank" else break end end while true do aws_secret_access_key = ask "AWS Secret Access Key: " config['credentials']['aws_secret_access_key'] = aws_secret_access_key if aws_secret_access_key == "" say "AWS Secret Access Key cannot be blank" else break end end say <<-EOS * See API name values (e.g. m1.large) EOS flavor_id = ask "Choose an EC2 instance type [#{config['server']['flavor_id']}]: " config['server']['flavor_id'] = flavor_id if flavor_id != "" security_group = ask "AWS EC2 Security Group Name [#{config['server']['security_group']}]: " config['server']['security_group'] = security_group if security_group != "" ssh_port = ask "Server SSH Port [#{config['server']['ssh_port']}]: " config['server']['ssh_port'] = ssh_port if ssh_port != "" build_command = ask "Build Command: [#{config['build_command']}]: " config['build_command'] = build_command if build_command != "" say <<-EOS * This should refer to an SSH key pair that you have already generated. You may wish to generate a new key * separate from what you may already be using for github or other systems. * For a tutorial on this see: EOS while true do id_rsa_path = ask "Path to SSH Private Key for EC2 Access [#{config['ec2_server_access']['id_rsa_path']}]: " config['ec2_server_access']['id_rsa_path'] = id_rsa_path if id_rsa_path != "" if config['ec2_server_access']['id_rsa_path'] != File.expand_path(config['ec2_server_access']['id_rsa_path']) config['ec2_server_access']['id_rsa_path'] = File.expand_path(File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.ssh', config['ec2_server_access']['id_rsa_path'])) end if File.exist?(config['ec2_server_access']['id_rsa_path']) && File.exist?("#{config['ec2_server_access']['id_rsa_path']}.pub") break else say "Unable to find both #{config['ec2_server_access']['id_rsa_path']} and #{config['ec2_server_access']['id_rsa_path']}.pub" end end say <<-EOS * This is an arbitrary label corresponding to the SSH credentials that you just selected * You may name this anything you like. For example: your project name, hostname or name of the SSH key you just chose EOS key_pair_name = ask "AWS EC2 Key Pair Name [#{config['ec2_server_access']['key_pair_name']}]: " config['ec2_server_access']['key_pair_name'] = key_pair_name if key_pair_name != "" say <<-EOS * This needs to refer to an SSH Private Key that has been associated an account that has access to the git * repository you entered above. On github this will be listed here: EOS while true do github_private_ssh_key_path = ask "Path to SSH Private Key for Github [#{config['github_private_ssh_key_path']}]: " config['github_private_ssh_key_path'] = github_private_ssh_key_path if github_private_ssh_key_path != "" if config['github_private_ssh_key_path'] != File.expand_path(config['github_private_ssh_key_path']) config['github_private_ssh_key_path'] = File.expand_path(File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.ssh', config['github_private_ssh_key_path'])) end if File.exist?(config['github_private_ssh_key_path']) break else say "Unable to find #{config['github_private_ssh_key_path']}" end end config_ci = YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join("config/ci.yml")) rescue {} config_ci.merge!(config)"config/ci.yml"), "w") do |f| f << config_ci.to_yaml end say "\n\nconfig/ci.yml configured. To launch your instance run rake ci:server_start." say "Be sure to push uncommitted changes made by the lobot:install process first." end end end