require 'require_all' # a necessary gem Thread.abort_on_exception = true # typically you *want* to know when a thread dies unexpectedly. require 'socket' BasicSocket.do_not_reverse_lookup = true # abstracted from require 'facets/file' ===> class File # Writes the given data to the given path and closes the file. This is # done in binary mode, complementing in standard Ruby. # # Returns the number of bytes written. # # CREDIT: facets/Gavin Sinclair def self.write(path, data), "w") do |file| return file.write(data) end end unless self.respond_to?(:write) def self.binwrite(path, data), "wb") do |file| return file.write(data) end end end # more helpers class Object # a helper for collection.include? def in? collection collection.include?(self) end unless respond_to? :in # ex: assert(some statement) # or # assert(some statement, "some helper string") def assert(should_be_true, string = nil) if(!should_be_true) raise "assertion failed #{string}" end end unless respond_to? :assert # helper to bring up a debugger with less writing [just _dbg] def _dbg require 'rubygems' require 'pp' # who would want debug without pp? not I begin require 'ruby-debug' debugger rescue LoadError => e throw "unable to load ruby-debug gem for _dbg... #{e}" end end # a method that outputs several items on one line # similar to Java's println, but it adds spaces between items, ex: # sputs 1,2,3 # => 1 2 3 def sputs *args for arg in args out = arg.to_s print out print " " if out[-1..-1] != " " end puts end def aliash hash hash.each_pair {|new, old| alias_method new, old } end def singleton_class class << self; self; end end end # taken from module Kernel BASE_DIR = Dir.getwd def __DIR__ dir = (/^(.+)?:\d+/ =~ caller[0]) ? File.expand_path(File.dirname($1), BASE_DIR) : nil dir += '/' if dir dir end unless defined?(__DIR__) end if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.2' $: << '.' # for some reason loading files from the cwd was taken out. That is not sane. end