require "rbs" require "rbs/test" require "optparse" require "shellwords" include RBS::Test::SetupHelper logger = begin opts = Shellwords.shellsplit(ENV["RBS_TEST_OPT"] || "-I sig") filter = ENV.fetch('RBS_TEST_TARGET', "").split(',').map! { |e| e.strip } skips = (ENV['RBS_TEST_SKIP'] || '').split(',').map! { |e| e.strip } RBS.logger_level = (ENV["RBS_TEST_LOGLEVEL"] || "info") sample_size = get_sample_size(ENV['RBS_TEST_SAMPLE_SIZE'] || '') rescue InvalidSampleSizeError => exception RBS.logger.error exception.message exit 1 end if filter.empty? STDERR.puts "rbs/test/setup handles the following environment variables:" STDERR.puts " [REQUIRED] RBS_TEST_TARGET: test target class name, `Foo::Bar,Foo::Baz` for each class or `Foo::*` for all classes under `Foo`" STDERR.puts " [OPTIONAL] RBS_TEST_SKIP: skip testing classes" STDERR.puts " [OPTIONAL] RBS_TEST_OPT: options for signatures (`-r` for libraries or `-I` for signatures)" STDERR.puts " [OPTIONAL] RBS_TEST_LOGLEVEL: one of debug|info|warn|error|fatal (defaults to info)" STDERR.puts " [OPTIONAL] RBS_TEST_SAMPLE_SIZE: sets the amount of values in a collection to be type-checked (Set to `ALL` to type check all the values)" exit 1 end loader = do |opts| opts.on("-r [LIB]") do |name| loader.add(library: name) end opts.on("-I [DIR]") do |dir| loader.add(path: Pathname(dir)) end end.parse!(opts) env = RBS::Environment.from_loader(loader).resolve_type_names def match(filter, name) if filter.end_with?("*") size = filter.size name.start_with?(filter[0, size - 1]) || name == filter[0, size-3] else filter == name end end def to_absolute_typename(type_name)! end tester = env) module_name = Module.instance_method(:name) TracePoint.trace :end do |tp| class_name = module_name.bind(tp.self).call&.yield_self {|name| to_absolute_typename name } if class_name if filter.any? {|f| match(to_absolute_typename(f).to_s, class_name.to_s) } && skips.none? {|f| match(f, class_name.to_s) } if env.class_decls.key?(class_name) "Setting up hooks for #{class_name}" tester.install!(tp.self, sample_size: sample_size) end end end end at_exit do if $!.nil? || $!.is_a?(SystemExit) && $!.success? if tester.targets.empty? logger.debug { "No type checker was installed!" } end end end