#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Call server-list-active and get the neighborhood ips back # then call each of those at the port of butterfly and retain the json # From there, mash it up together and call server-handle-election # to handle the election process # Error codes # 1 -> clouds.json was not loaded # 2 -> server-list-active didn't run $:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib")) require "rubygems" require 'net/http' require 'json' require "poolparty/lite" status = ARGV.shift || "running" # or pending or terminated schema = ::PoolParty.load_cloud_from_json(ARGV.shift) #TODO: smarter option parser def get_json_stats_from(ip, port) Net::HTTP.start(ip, port) {|http| http.get('/stats.json') }.body rescue "{}" end ips = %x[server-list-active internal_ip].split("\t") minimum_instances = schema.options.minimum_instances maximum_instances = schema.options.maximum_instances if ips.size < minimum_instances puts "Cloud is too small, need to expand" %x[server-cloud-elections expand] exit(0) elsif ips.size > maximum_instances puts "Cloud is too big, need to contract" %x[n/server-cloud-elections contract] exit(0) end total_json_hash = {} ips.each do |ip| node_hsh = JSON.parse(get_json_stats_from(ip, 8642)) total_json_hash.merge!(node_hsh) if node_hsh end candidates = {:expand => 0, :contract => 0, :elected_action => nil} candidates.each do |action, ballots| total_json_hash.each do |ip, node_hsh| candidates[action]+=1 if node_hsh["nominations"] && node_hsh["nominations"].include?(action.to_s) candidates[:elected_action] = node_hsh["elected_action"] end end puts total_json_hash.inspect puts candidates.inspect # Expand the cloud if 50+% of the votes are for expansion # Contract the cloud if 51+% of the votes are for contraction @elected_action = candidates[:elected_action] || "none" if (candidates[:expand] - candidates[:contract])/total_json_hash.size > 0.5 %x[/usr/bin/server-cloud-elections expand] unless @elected_action == "expand" @elected_action = "expand" elsif (candidates[:contract] - candidates[:expand])/total_json_hash.size > 0.5 %x[/usr/bin/server-cloud-elections contract] unless @elected_action == "contract" @elected_action = "contract" end puts "Elected action: #{@elected_action}"