# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2021, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* require 'openstudio' module Functions # return an array of surfaces or subsurfaces from a specific facade. def self.get_surfaces_or_subsurfaces_by_facade(surfaces_or_subsurfaces, facade) surfaces_or_subsurfaces_by_facade = [] surfaces_or_subsurfaces.each do |surface_or_subsurface| case surface_or_subsurface.class.to_s.gsub('OpenStudio::Model::', '') when 'Surface' next if surface_or_subsurface.surfaceType != 'Wall' next if surface_or_subsurface.outsideBoundaryCondition != 'Outdoors' if surface_or_subsurface.space.empty? runner.registerWarning("#{surface_or_subsurface.name} doesn't have a parent space and won't be included in the measure reporting or modifications.") next end direction_of_relative_north = surface_or_subsurface.space.get.directionofRelativeNorth when 'SubSurface' next if surface_or_subsurface.subSurfaceType == 'Door' || surface_or_subsurface.subSurfaceType == 'OverheadDoor' direction_of_relative_north = surface_or_subsurface.surface.get.space.get.directionofRelativeNorth end # get the absoluteAzimuth for the surface so we can categorize it absoluteAzimuth = OpenStudio.convert(surface_or_subsurface.azimuth, 'rad', 'deg').get + direction_of_relative_north + surface_or_subsurface.model.getBuilding.northAxis absoluteAzimuth -= 360.0 until absoluteAzimuth < 360.0 case facade when 'North' next if !((absoluteAzimuth >= 315.0) || (absoluteAzimuth < 45.0)) when 'East' next if !((absoluteAzimuth >= 45.0) && (absoluteAzimuth < 135.0)) when 'South' next if !((absoluteAzimuth >= 135.0) && (absoluteAzimuth < 225.0)) when 'West' next if !((absoluteAzimuth >= 225.0) && (absoluteAzimuth < 315.0)) when 'All' # no next needed else runner.registerError("Unexpected value of facade: #{facade}.") return false end surfaces_or_subsurfaces_by_facade << surface_or_subsurface end return surfaces_or_subsurfaces_by_facade end # return a hash of subsurface constructions. def self.get_orig_sub_surf_const_for_target(subsurfaces) orig_sub_surf_const_for_target = {} subsurfaces.each do |subsurface| next if subsurface.subSurfaceType == 'Door' || subsurface.subSurfaceType == 'OverheadDoor' if subsurface.construction.is_initialized if orig_sub_surf_const_for_target.key?(subsurface.construction.get) orig_sub_surf_const_for_target[subsurface.construction.get] += 1 else orig_sub_surf_const_for_target[subsurface.construction.get] = 1 end end end return orig_sub_surf_const_for_target end # see if surface is rectangular (only checking non rotated on vertical wall) # todo - add in more robust rectangle check that can look for rotate and tilted rectangles def self.rectangle?(surface) x_vals = [] y_vals = [] z_vals = [] vertices = surface.vertices vertices.each do |vertex| # initialize new vertex to old vertex # rounding values to address tolerance issue 10 digits digits in x_vals << vertex.x.round(4) y_vals << vertex.y.round(4) z_vals << vertex.z.round(4) end if x_vals.uniq.size <= 2 && y_vals.uniq.size <= 2 && z_vals.uniq.size <= 2 return true else return false end end # return true if the requested window-to-wall area exceeds the maximum allowed area, false if not. # implements the following part of the applyViewAndDaylightingGlassRatios method, which is what setWindowToWallRatio uses. # https://github.com/NREL/OpenStudio/blob/760613c7ac9c2093f7dbd65f947a6853356c558d/src/utilities/geometry/Geometry.cpp#L605-L695 def self.requested_window_area_greater_than_max?(surface, viewGlassToWallRatio) daylightingGlassToWallRatio = 0 totalWWR = viewGlassToWallRatio + daylightingGlassToWallRatio vertices = surface.vertices transformation = OpenStudio::Transformation.alignFace(vertices) faceVertices = transformation.inverse * vertices # // new coordinate system has z' in direction of outward normal, y' is up xmin = 0 xmax = 0 ymin = 0 ymax = 0 faceVertices.each do |faceVertex| xmin = [xmin, faceVertex.x].min xmax = [xmax, faceVertex.x].max ymin = [ymin, faceVertex.y].min ymax = [ymax, faceVertex.y].max end oneInch = 0.0254 # meters # // DLM: preserve a 1" gap between window and edge to keep SketchUp happy minGlassToEdgeDistance = oneInch minViewToDaylightDistance = 0 # // wall parameters wallWidth = xmax - xmin wallHeight = ymax - ymin wallArea = wallWidth * wallHeight # return false if wallWidth < 2 * minGlassToEdgeDistance # return false if wallHeight < 2 * minGlassToEdgeDistance + minViewToDaylightDistance maxWindowArea = wallArea - 2 * wallHeight * minGlassToEdgeDistance - (wallWidth - 2 * minGlassToEdgeDistance) * (2 * minGlassToEdgeDistance + minViewToDaylightDistance) requestedViewArea = viewGlassToWallRatio * wallArea requestedDaylightingArea = daylightingGlassToWallRatio * wallArea requestedTotalWindowArea = totalWWR * wallArea if requestedTotalWindowArea > maxWindowArea return true else return false end end end