cucumber-nagios =============== ## SYNOPSIS ## `cucumber-nagios` [--debug|--pretty] ## DESCRIPTION ## **cucumber-nagios** runs Cucumber features and outputs the result in the Nagios plugin format. ## FILES ## The `cucumber-nagios` command expects a path to a Cucumber feature file as the first argument. The path can be relative or absolute, e.g. * `cucumber-nagios features/` * `cucumber-nagios /home/nagios/behavioural/features/` ## OPTIONS ## * `--debug`: Output the generated command line used to invoke Cucumber. * `--pretty`: Use Cucumber's `pretty` formatter instead of cucumber-nagios's Nagios formatter. This is useful for debugging your scenarios as you write them. ## RETURN VALUES ## * **0**: all scenarios passed (OK) * **1**: missing steps (WARNING) * **2**: scenario failure (CRITICAL) * **4**: missing feature file (UNKNOWN) ## AUTHOR ## Lindsay Holmwood ## COPYRIGHT ## cucumber-nagios is MIT licensed. Portions of cucumber-nagios contain code originally contributed to Chef ( ## SEE ALSO ## cucumber-nagios-gen(1), nagios(8)