require 'spec_helper' describe Brewby::Steps::TempControl do let(:sensor) { 1 } let(:adapter) { } let(:element) { adapter, pulse_width: 5000 } let(:step) { mode: :manual, input: sensor, output: element } it 'configures an input sensor' do step.input.should be_instance_of Brewby::TempSensor end it 'configures an output sensor' do step.output.should be_instance_of Brewby::HeatingElement end context 'automatic temperature control' do before do @step = mode: :auto, target: 155.0, duration: 15, output: element, input: sensor end it 'configures a PID controller' do be_instance_of Temper::PID end it 'sets a target temperature' do == 155.0 == 155.0 end it 'sets a temperature hold duration' do @step.duration.should == 15 end it 'defaults to a 1 minute temperature hold duration' do step = mode: :auto, target: 155.0 step.duration.should == 1 end it 'returns true for automatic control' do @step.automatic_control?.should be_true end it 'returns false for manual control' do @step.manual_control?.should be_false end it 'calculates the output level based on PID levels' do @step.calculate_power_level @step.power_level.should == 1.0 @step.output.pulse_width.should == 5000 end it 'does not explode with a faulty input' do @step.stub(:read_input) { nil } @step.calculate_power_level @step.output.pulse_width.should == 0 end end context 'manual temperature control' do before do @step = mode: :manual, power_level: 0.85, output: element, input: sensor end it 'does not create a PID controller' do be_nil end it 'returns true for manual mode' do @step.should be_manual_control end it 'returns false for automatic control' do @step.should_not be_automatic_control end it 'sets the power level' do @step.power_level.should == 0.85 @step.output.pulse_width.should == 4250 end it 'can have the power level set manually' do @step.set_power_level 0.75 @step.power_level.should == 0.75 @step.output.pulse_width.should == 3750 end end context 'sensor input' do before do @step = mode: :auto, target: 155.0, duration: 15, input: sensor, output: element end it 'reads sensor input' do @step.input.should_receive(:read) { 115.0 } @step.read_input.should == 115.0 @step.last_reading.should == 115.0 end it 'does not set last_reading if sensor input is faulty' do @step.input.stub(:read) { nil } @step.read_input.should be_nil @step.last_reading.should == 0.0 end end describe 'step iteration' do context 'with manual control' do before do @step = mode: :manual, power_level: 0.85, input: sensor, output: element end it 'pulses the element' do @step.step_iteration @step.output.should be_on end it 'takes a sensor reading' do @step.input.stub(:read) { 115.0 } @step.step_iteration @step.last_reading.should == 115.0 end it 'does not take a sensor reading if input does not exist' do @step = mode: :manual, power_level: 0.85, output: element @step.step_iteration @step.last_reading.should == 0.0 end end context 'with automatic control' do before do @step = mode: :auto, target: 155.0, duration: 15, input: sensor, output: element end it 'pulses the element' do @step.output.should_receive(:pulse) @step.step_iteration end it 'calculates the power level and adjusts the heating element' do { 3000 } @step.step_iteration @step.output.pulse_width.should == 3000 end it 'reads from the sensor and logs to last_reading' do @step.input.stub(:read) { 125.0 } @step.step_iteration @step.last_reading.should == 125.0 end context 'when temperature threshold is reached' do before do @step.input.stub(:read) { 156.0 } @step.step_iteration end it 'sets the threshold as true' do @step.threshold_reached.should be_true end it 'maintains threshold_reached even when temp drops below threshold' do @step.input.stub(:read) { 145.0 } @step.step_iteration @step.threshold_reached.should be_true end it 'starts the clock on time remaining' do (@step.time_remaining > 0).should be_true (@step.time_remaining <= @step.duration_in_seconds).should be_true end it 'stops the step when temperature has hit target for duration' do @step.instance_variable_set(:@step_finishes_at, - 10) @step.step_iteration @step.should be_ended end end end end end