require_relative '../helper' require 'timecop' require 'fluent/plugin/filter_record_transformer' class RecordTransformerFilterTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Fluent setup do Test.setup @hostname = Socket.gethostname.chomp @tag = 'test.tag' @tag_parts = @tag.split('.') @time = Time.utc(1,2,3,4,5,2010,nil,nil,nil,nil) Timecop.freeze(@time) end teardown do Timecop.return end def create_driver(conf = ''), @tag).configure(conf, true) end sub_test_case 'configure' do test 'check default' do assert_nothing_raised do create_driver end end test "keep_keys must be specified together with renew_record true" do assert_raise(Fluent::ConfigError) do create_driver(%[keep_keys a]) end end end sub_test_case "test options" do def emit(config, msgs = ['']) d = create_driver(config) { msgs.each { |msg| d.emit({'foo' => 'bar', 'message' => msg}, @time) } }.filtered end CONFIG = %[ hostname ${hostname} tag ${tag} time ${time} message ${hostname} ${tag_parts[-1]} ${message} ] test 'typical usage' do msgs = ['1', '2'] es = emit(CONFIG, msgs) es.each_with_index do |(t, r), i| assert_equal('bar', r['foo']) assert_equal(@hostname, r['hostname']) assert_equal(@tag, r['tag']) assert_equal(@time.to_s, r['time']) assert_equal("#{@hostname} #{@tag_parts[-1]} #{msgs[i]}", r['message']) end end test 'remove_keys' do config = CONFIG + %[remove_keys foo,message] es = emit(config) es.each_with_index do |(t, r), i| assert_not_include(r, 'foo') assert_equal(@hostname, r['hostname']) assert_equal(@tag, r['tag']) assert_equal(@time.to_s, r['time']) assert_not_include(r, 'message') end end test 'renew_record' do config = CONFIG + %[renew_record true] msgs = ['1', '2'] es = emit(config, msgs) es.each_with_index do |(t, r), i| assert_not_include(r, 'foo') assert_equal(@hostname, r['hostname']) assert_equal(@tag, r['tag']) assert_equal(@time.to_s, r['time']) assert_equal("#{@hostname} #{@tag_parts[-1]} #{msgs[i]}", r['message']) end end test 'renew_time_key' do config = %[renew_time_key message] times = [ Time.local(2,2,3,4,5,2010,nil,nil,nil,nil), Time.local(3,2,3,4,5,2010,nil,nil,nil,nil) ] msgs ={|t| t.to_i.to_s } es = emit(config, msgs) es.each_with_index do |(time, record), i| assert_equal(times[i].to_i, time) assert_true(record.has_key?('message')) end end test 'renew_time_key and remove_keys' do config = %[ renew_time_key event_time_key remove_keys event_time_key auto_typecast true event_time_key ${record["message"]} ] times = [Time.local(2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2010, nil, nil, nil, nil), Time.local(3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2010, nil, nil, nil, nil)] msgs = { |t| t.to_f.to_s } filtered = emit(config, msgs) filtered.each_with_index do |(time, _record), i| assert_equal(times[i].to_i, time) assert_false(_record.has_key?('event_time_key')) end end test 'keep_keys' do config = %[renew_record true\nkeep_keys foo,message] msgs = ['1', '2'] es = emit(config, msgs) es.each_with_index do |(t, r), i| assert_equal('bar', r['foo']) assert_equal(msgs[i], r['message']) end end test 'enable_ruby' do config = %[ enable_ruby yes message ${hostname} ${tag_parts.last} ${URI.encode(message)} ] msgs = ['1', '2'] es = emit(config, msgs) es.each_with_index do |(t, r), i| assert_equal("#{@hostname} #{@tag_parts[-1]} #{msgs[i]}", r['message']) end end test 'hash_value' do config = %[ hash_field {"k1":100, "k2":"foobar"} %] msgs = ['1', '2'] es = emit(config, msgs) es.each_with_index do |(t, r), i| assert_equal({"k1"=>100, "k2"=>"foobar"}, r['hash_field']) end end test 'array_value' do config = %[ array_field [1, 2, 3] %] msgs = ['1', '2'] es = emit(config, msgs) es.each_with_index do |(t, r), i| assert_equal([1,2,3], r['array_field']) end end test 'array_hash_mixed' do config = %[ mixed_field {"hello":[1,2,3], "world":{"foo":"bar"}} %] msgs = ['1', '2'] es = emit(config, msgs) es.each_with_index do |(t, r), i| assert_equal({"hello"=>[1,2,3], "world"=>{"foo"=>"bar"}}, r['mixed_field']) end end end sub_test_case 'test placeholders' do def emit(config, msgs = ['']) d = create_driver(config) yield d if block_given? { msgs.each do |msg| record = {'eventType0' => 'bar', 'message' => msg} record = record.merge(msg) if msg.is_a?(Hash) d.emit(record, @time) end }.filtered end %w[yes no].each do |enable_ruby| test "hostname with enble_ruby #{enable_ruby}" do config = %[ enable_ruby #{enable_ruby} message ${hostname} ] es = emit(config) es.each do |t, r| assert_equal(@hostname, r['message']) end end test "tag with enable_ruby #{enable_ruby}" do config = %[ enable_ruby #{enable_ruby} message ${tag} ] es = emit(config) es.each do |t, r| assert_equal(@tag, r['message']) end end test "tag_parts with enable_ruby #{enable_ruby}" do config = %[ enable_ruby #{enable_ruby} message ${tag_parts[0]} ${tag_parts[-1]} ] expected = "#{@tag.split('.').first} #{@tag.split('.').last}" es = emit(config) es.each do |t, r| assert_equal(expected, r['message']) end end test "${tag_prefix[N]} and ${tag_suffix[N]} with enable_ruby #{enable_ruby}" do config = %[ enable_ruby #{enable_ruby} message ${tag_prefix[1]} ${tag_prefix[-2]} ${tag_suffix[2]} ${tag_suffix[-3]} ] @tag = 'prefix.test.tag.suffix' expected = "prefix.test prefix.test.tag tag.suffix test.tag.suffix" es = emit(config) es.each do |t, r| assert_equal(expected, r['message']) end end test "time with enable_ruby #{enable_ruby}" do config = %[ enable_ruby #{enable_ruby} message ${time} ] es = emit(config) es.each do |t, r| assert_equal(@time.to_s, r['message']) end end test "record keys with enable_ruby #{enable_ruby}" do config = %[ enable_ruby #{enable_ruby} remove_keys eventType0 message bar ${message} eventtype ${eventType0} ] msgs = ['1', '2'] es = emit(config, msgs) es.each_with_index do |(t, r), i| assert_not_include(r, 'eventType0') assert_equal("bar", r['eventtype']) assert_equal("bar #{msgs[i]}", r['message']) end end test "Prevent overwriting reserved keys such as tag with enable_ruby #{enable_ruby}" do config = %[ enable_ruby #{enable_ruby} new_tag ${tag} new_record_tag ${record["tag"]} ] records = [{'tag' => 'tag', 'time' => 'time'}] filtered = emit(config, records) filtered.each_with_index do |(_t, r), i| assert_not_equal('tag', r['new_tag']) assert_equal(@tag, r['new_tag']) assert_equal('tag', r['new_record_tag']) end end test "hash values with placeholders with enable_ruby #{enable_ruby}" do config = %[ enable_ruby #{enable_ruby} hash_field { "hostname":"${hostname}", "tag":"${tag}", "${tag}":100 } ] msgs = ['1', '2'] es = emit(config, msgs) es.each_with_index do |(t, r), i| assert_equal({"hostname" => @hostname, "tag" => @tag, "#{@tag}" => 100}, r['hash_field']) end end test "array values with placeholders with enable_ruby #{enable_ruby}" do config = %[ enable_ruby #{enable_ruby} array_field ["${hostname}", "${tag}"] ] msgs = ['1', '2'] es = emit(config, msgs) es.each_with_index do |(t, r), i| assert_equal([@hostname, @tag], r['array_field']) end end test "array and hash values with placeholders with enable_ruby #{enable_ruby}" do config = %[ enable_ruby #{enable_ruby} mixed_field [{"tag":"${tag}"}] ] msgs = ['1', '2'] es = emit(config, msgs) es.each_with_index do |(t, r), i| assert_equal([{"tag" => @tag}], r['mixed_field']) end end test "keys with placeholders with enable_ruby #{enable_ruby}" do config = %[ enable_ruby #{enable_ruby} renew_record true ${hostname} hostname foo.${tag} tag ] msgs = ['1', '2'] es = emit(config, msgs) es.each_with_index do |(t, r), i| assert_equal({@hostname=>'hostname',"foo.#{@tag}"=>'tag'}, r) end end test "disabled typecasting of values with enable_ruby #{enable_ruby}" do config = %[ auto_typecast false enable_ruby #{enable_ruby} single ${source} multiple ${source}${source} with_prefix prefix-${source} with_suffix ${source}-suffix with_quote source[""] ] msgs = [ { "source" => "string" }, { "source" => 123 }, { "source" => [1, 2] }, { "source" => {a:1, b:2} }, { "source" => nil }, ] expected_results = [ { single: "string", multiple: "stringstring", with_prefix: "prefix-string", with_suffix: "string-suffix", with_quote: %Q{source[""]} }, { single: 123.to_s, multiple: "#{123.to_s}#{123.to_s}", with_prefix: "prefix-#{123.to_s}", with_suffix: "#{123.to_s}-suffix", with_quote: %Q{source[""]} }, { single: [1, 2].to_s, multiple: "#{[1, 2].to_s}#{[1, 2].to_s}", with_prefix: "prefix-#{[1, 2].to_s}", with_suffix: "#{[1, 2].to_s}-suffix", with_quote: %Q{source[""]} }, { single: {a:1, b:2}.to_s, multiple: "#{{a:1, b:2}.to_s}#{{a:1, b:2}.to_s}", with_prefix: "prefix-#{{a:1, b:2}.to_s}", with_suffix: "#{{a:1, b:2}.to_s}-suffix", with_quote: %Q{source[""]} }, { single: nil.to_s, multiple: "#{nil.to_s}#{nil.to_s}", with_prefix: "prefix-#{nil.to_s}", with_suffix: "#{nil.to_s}-suffix", with_quote: %Q{source[""]} }, ] actual_results = [] es = emit(config, msgs) es.each_with_index do |(t, r), i| actual_results << { single: r["single"], multiple: r["multiple"], with_prefix: r["with_prefix"], with_suffix: r["with_suffix"], with_quote: r["with_quote"], } end assert_equal(expected_results, actual_results) end test "enabled typecasting of values with enable_ruby #{enable_ruby}" do config = %[ auto_typecast yes enable_ruby #{enable_ruby} single ${source} multiple ${source}${source} with_prefix prefix-${source} with_suffix ${source}-suffix ] msgs = [ { "source" => "string" }, { "source" => 123 }, { "source" => [1, 2] }, { "source" => {a:1, b:2} }, { "source" => nil }, ] expected_results = [ { single: "string", multiple: "stringstring", with_prefix: "prefix-string", with_suffix: "string-suffix" }, { single: 123, multiple: "#{123.to_s}#{123.to_s}", with_prefix: "prefix-#{123.to_s}", with_suffix: "#{123.to_s}-suffix" }, { single: [1, 2], multiple: "#{[1, 2].to_s}#{[1, 2].to_s}", with_prefix: "prefix-#{[1, 2].to_s}", with_suffix: "#{[1, 2].to_s}-suffix" }, { single: {a:1, b:2}, multiple: "#{{a:1, b:2}.to_s}#{{a:1, b:2}.to_s}", with_prefix: "prefix-#{{a:1, b:2}.to_s}", with_suffix: "#{{a:1, b:2}.to_s}-suffix" }, { single: nil, multiple: "#{nil.to_s}#{nil.to_s}", with_prefix: "prefix-#{nil.to_s}", with_suffix: "#{nil.to_s}-suffix" }, ] actual_results = [] es = emit(config, msgs) es.each_with_index do |(t, r), i| actual_results << { single: r["single"], multiple: r["multiple"], with_prefix: r["with_prefix"], with_suffix: r["with_suffix"], } end assert_equal(expected_results, actual_results) end test %Q[record["key"] with enable_ruby #{enable_ruby}] do config = %[ enable_ruby #{enable_ruby} auto_typecast yes _timestamp ${record["@timestamp"]} _foo_bar ${record[""]} ] d = create_driver(config) record = { "" => "", "@timestamp" => 10, } es = { d.emit(record, @time) }.filtered es.each do |t, r| assert { r['_timestamp'] == record['@timestamp'] } assert { r['_foo_bar'] == record[''] } end end end test 'unknown placeholder (enable_ruby no)' do config = %[ enable_ruby no message ${unknown} ] emit(config) { |d| mock(d.instance.log).warn("unknown placeholder `${unknown}` found") } end test 'failed to expand (enable_ruby yes)' do config = %[ enable_ruby yes message ${unknown['bar']} ] es = emit(config) { |d| mock(d.instance.log).warn("failed to expand `%Q[\#{unknown['bar']}]`", anything) } es.each do |t, r| assert_nil(r['message']) end end test 'expand fields starting with @ (enable_ruby no)' do config = %[ enable_ruby no foo ${@timestamp} ] d = create_driver(config) message = {"@timestamp" => "foo"} es = { d.emit(message, @time) }.filtered es.each do |t, r| assert_equal(message["@timestamp"], r['foo']) end end test 'auto_typecast placeholder containing {} (enable_ruby yes)' do config = %[ tag tag enable_ruby yes auto_typecast yes foo ${{|k,v|v}} ] d = create_driver(config) message = {"@timestamp" => "foo"} es = { d.emit(message, @time) }.filtered es.each do |t, r| assert_equal([message["@timestamp"]], r['foo']) end end test 'expand fields starting with @ (enable_ruby yes)' do config = %[ enable_ruby yes foo ${__send__("@timestamp")} ] d = create_driver(config) message = {"@timestamp" => "foo"} es = { d.emit(message, @time) }.filtered es.each do |t, r| assert_equal(message["@timestamp"], r['foo']) end end end # test placeholders test "compatibility test (enable_ruby yes)" do config = %[ enable_ruby yes auto_typecast yes _message prefix-${message}-suffix _time ${} _number ${number == '-' ? 0 : number} _match ${/0x[0-9a-f]+/.match(hex)[0]} _timestamp ${__send__("@timestamp")} _foo_bar ${__send__('')} ] d = create_driver(config) record = { "number" => "-", "hex" => "0x10", "" => "", "@timestamp" => 10, "message" => "10", } es = { d.emit(record, @time) }.filtered es.each do |t, r| assert { r['_message'] == "prefix-#{record['message']}-suffix" } assert { r['_time'] == } assert { r['_number'] == 0 } assert { r['_match'] == record['hex'] } assert { r['_timestamp'] == record['@timestamp'] } assert { r['_foo_bar'] == record[''] } end end end