module AttachmentHelpers def fixture_path(filename) File.expand_path("#{PROJECT_ROOT}/spec/support/fixtures/#{filename}") end def attachment_path(filename) File.expand_path("public/system/attachments/#{filename}") end end World(AttachmentHelpers) When /^I modify my attachment definition to:$/ do |definition| content = in_current_dir {"app/models/user.rb") } name = content[/has_attached_file :\w+/][/:\w+/] content.gsub!(/has_attached_file.+end/m, <<-FILE) #{definition} do_not_validate_attachment_file_type #{name} end FILE write_file "app/models/user.rb", content in_current_dir { FileUtils.rm_rf ".rbx" } end When /^I upload the fixture "([^"]*)"$/ do |filename| run_simple %(bundle exec #{runner_command} "User.create!(:attachment =>'#{fixture_path(filename)}'))") end Then /^the attachment "([^"]*)" should have a dimension of (\d+x\d+)$/ do |filename, dimension| in_current_dir do geometry = `identify -format "%wx%h" "#{attachment_path(filename)}"`.strip geometry.should == dimension end end Then /^the attachment "([^"]*)" should exist$/ do |filename| in_current_dir do File.exist?(attachment_path(filename)).should be end end When /^I swap the attachment "([^"]*)" with the fixture "([^"]*)"$/ do |attachment_filename, fixture_filename| in_current_dir do require 'fileutils' FileUtils.rm_f attachment_path(attachment_filename) FileUtils.cp fixture_path(fixture_filename), attachment_path(attachment_filename) end end Then /^the attachment should have the same content type as the fixture "([^"]*)"$/ do |filename| in_current_dir do require 'mime/types' attachment_content_type = `bundle exec #{runner_command} "puts User.last.attachment_content_type"`.strip attachment_content_type.should == MIME::Types.type_for(filename).first.content_type end end Then /^the attachment should have the same file name as the fixture "([^"]*)"$/ do |filename| in_current_dir do attachment_file_name = `bundle exec #{runner_command} "puts User.last.attachment_file_name"`.strip attachment_file_name.should == end end Then /^the attachment should have the same file size as the fixture "([^"]*)"$/ do |filename| in_current_dir do attachment_file_size = `bundle exec #{runner_command} "puts User.last.attachment_file_size"`.strip attachment_file_size.should == File.size(fixture_path(filename)).to_s end end Then /^the attachment file "([^"]*)" should (not )?exist$/ do |filename, not_exist| in_current_dir do check_file_presence([attachment_path(filename)], !not_exist) end end Then /^I should have attachment columns for "([^"]*)"$/ do |attachment_name| in_current_dir do columns = eval(`bundle exec #{runner_command} "puts{ |column| [, column.type] }.inspect"`.strip) expect_columns = [ ["#{attachment_name}_file_name", :string], ["#{attachment_name}_content_type", :string], ["#{attachment_name}_file_size", :integer], ["#{attachment_name}_updated_at", :datetime] ] expect_columns.all?{ |column| columns.include? column }.should eq true end end Then /^I should not have attachment columns for "([^"]*)"$/ do |attachment_name| in_current_dir do columns = eval(`bundle exec #{runner_command} "puts{ |column| [, column.type] }.inspect"`.strip) expect_columns = [ ["#{attachment_name}_file_name", :string], ["#{attachment_name}_content_type", :string], ["#{attachment_name}_file_size", :integer], ["#{attachment_name}_updated_at", :datetime] ] expect_columns.none?{ |column| columns.include? column }.should eq true end end