require "ferry/version" require "ferry/engine" require "ferry/logger" require "csv" require 'active_record' require 'fileutils' require 'yaml' module Ferry class Export def to_csv() # ActiveRecord::Base.connection #ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: 'sqlite3', database: 'db/development.sqlite3') #need to automatically get db name #puts ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env]['adapter'] info = YAML::load("config/database.yml")) #this holds all the db config information. pretty much a rosetta stone for dbs db_type = info["production"]["adapter"] #this tells us the db rails is using # puts Rails.configuration#.database_configuration[Rails.env] # puts ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env] # type = db_type.downcase case db_type when "sqlite3" puts "its sqlite3" info.keys.each do |environment| if(environment == 'default') #in Rails 4.1+ environments inherit from default, which does not have database so we will not include it next end ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: 'sqlite3', database: info[environment]['database']) #connect to sqlite3 file unless(Dir.exists?('db/csv')) #creating a 'csv' folder in the 'db' folder Dir.mkdir('db/csv') puts 'db/csv created' end unless(Dir.exists?('db/csv/'+environment)) #creating folders for each file (dev, test, prod, etc) Dir.mkdir('db/csv/'+environment) puts 'db/csv/'+environment+' created' end ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.each do |model| #for each model in the db everything = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('SELECT * FROM '+model+';') #get all the records if everything[0].nil? #do not create a csv for an empty table next end"db/csv/"+environment+"/"+model+".csv", "w") do |csv| #create a csv for each table, titled 'model.csv' size = everything[0].length / 2 keys = everything[0].keys.first(size) csv << keys #first row contains column names everything.each do |row| csv << row.values_at(*keys) #subsequent rows hold record values end end end end when "mysql" puts "its mysql" when "postgres" puts "its postgres" else puts "unknown db type" end puts end end # class ActiveRecord::Relation # def migrate(options, &block) # options[:max_workers] ||= 4 # options[:batch_size] ||= 10_000 # log = # active_workers = [] # collection = self # collection.find_in_batches(batch_size: options[:batch_size]) do |batch| # if active_workers.length >= options[:max_workers] # log.write "active_workers oversized at capacity of #{active_workers.length}/#{options[:max_workers]}" # finished_process = Process.wait # log.write "finished_process: #{finished_process}" # active_workers.delete finished_process # log.write "active_workers capacity now at: #{active_workers.length}/#{options[:max_workers]}" # else # active_workers << fork do # ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reconnect! # log.write "kicking off engine on batch(#{batch.first}-#{batch.last})" # engine = #{log: log, batch: batch}, &block) # end # end # ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reconnect! # end # end # end end