# insert your copyright here # see the URL below for information on how to write OpenStudio measures # http://nrel.github.io/OpenStudio-user-documentation/reference/measure_writing_guide/ # start the measure class AdjustDHWSetpoint < OpenStudio::Measure::ModelMeasure # human readable name def name # Measure name should be the title case of the class name. return 'Adjust DHW setpoint' end # human readable description def description return 'This measure adjusts the water heating setpoint for the domestic hot water system during up to four periods.'\ ' For heat pump water heater, this measure will also monitor and adjust the water tank setpoint as needed to make sure '\ 'the tank setpoint is no higher than the HPWH cut-in temperature .' end # human readable description of modeling approach def modeler_description return 'This measure adds flexibility to the DHW system by allowing users to input up to four flexible control periods.'\ ' The setpoint can be input by setback degrees or absolute temperature values. For all types of water heaters, '\ 'the water heating setpoint can be adjusted. For heat pump water heater, the water tank setpoint will also be '\ 'monitored and adjusted to make sure the tank setpoint is no higher than the HPWH cut-in temperature.' end # define the arguments that the user will input def arguments(model) args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new # create argument for setpoint adjust input method stp_adj_method = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('stp_adj_method', ['By Setback Degree', 'By Absolute Temperature'], true) stp_adj_method.setDisplayName('Select Setpoint Adjust Input Method') stp_adj_method.setDefaultValue('By Absolute Temperature') args << stp_adj_method # create choice and string arguments for flex periods 4.times do |n| flex_hrs = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument("flex_hrs_#{n+1}", false) flex_hrs.setDisplayName("Daily Flex Period #{n + 1}:") flex_hrs.setDescription('Use 24-Hour Format') flex_hrs.setDefaultValue('HH:MM - HH:MM') args << flex_hrs flex_stp = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument("flex_stp_#{n+1}", true) flex_stp.setDisplayName("Daily Flex Period #{n + 1} setpoint (or setback degree) in Degrees Fahrenheit:") flex_stp.setDescription('Applies every day in the full run period.') flex_stp.setDefaultValue(0) args << flex_stp end return args end # define what happens when the measure is run def run(model, runner, user_arguments) super(model, runner, user_arguments) # use the built-in error checking if !runner.validateUserArguments(arguments(model), user_arguments) return false end flex_stps_orin = [] flex_stps = [] flex_hrs = [] hours = [] minutes = [] flex_times = [] # assign the user inputs to variables stp_adj_method = runner.getStringArgumentValue('stp_adj_method', user_arguments) 4.times do |n| flex_stps_orin << runner.getDoubleArgumentValue("flex_stp_#{n+1}", user_arguments) flex_hrs << runner.getStringArgumentValue("flex_hrs_#{n+1}", user_arguments) end # parse flex_hrs into hours and minuts arrays ('HH:MM - HH:MM') flex_hrs.each_with_index do |fh, idx| if flex_stps_orin[idx] != 0 data = fh.split(/[-:]/) data.each { |e| e.delete!(' ') } puts "data: #{data}" if data[2].to_f > data[0].to_f flex_stps << flex_stps_orin[idx] hours << data[0] hours << data[2] minutes << data[1] minutes << data[3] else flex_stps << flex_stps_orin[idx] flex_stps << flex_stps_orin[idx] hours << 0 hours << data[2] hours << data[0] hours << 24 minutes << 0 minutes << data[3] minutes << data[1] minutes << 0 end end end # convert hours and minutes into OS:Time objects hours.each_with_index do |h, idx| flex_times << OpenStudio::Time.new(0, h.to_i, minutes[idx].to_i, 0) end # get setpoint adjust method stp_adj_setback_flag = nil if stp_adj_method == 'By Setback Degree' runner.registerInfo('Use setback degree to adjust water heating setpoint.' ) stp_adj_setback_flag = true elsif stp_adj_method == 'By Absolute Temperature' runner.registerInfo('Use absolute temperature to adjust water heating setpoint.' ) stp_adj_setback_flag = false else runner.registerError("Wrong input. Setpoint adjust method can only be 'By Setback Degree' or 'By Absolute Temperature'.") end if stp_adj_setback_flag flex_stps.each do |flex_stp| if flex_stp < 0 runner.registerWarning('At least one setpoint setback degree is input as negative value, the setpoint will actually be increased.') end end else flex_stps.each_with_index do |flex_stp, idx| if flex_stp > 185 runner.registerWarning("Setpoint #{flex_stp}F exceeded practical limits; reset to 185F. "\ "For HPWH, 185F is above or near the limit of the HP performance curves. If the " \ "simulation fails with cooling capacity less than 0, you have exceeded performance " \ "limits. Consider setting max temp to less than 170F.") flex_stps[idx] = 185.0 elsif flex_stp > 170 runner.registerWarning("#{flex_stp}F is above or near the limit of the HP performance curves. If the " \ 'simulation fails with cooling capacity less than 0, you have exceeded performance ' \ 'limits. Consider setting max temp to less than 170F.') end end end def update_new_sch(new_sch, flex_times, flex_stps, stp_adj_setback_flag) # grab default day and time-value pairs for modification d_day = new_sch.defaultDaySchedule old_times = d_day.times old_values = d_day.values old_times_to_del = [] new_values = Array.new(flex_times.size, 2) # find existing values in reference schedule and grab for use in new-rule creation flex_times.size.times do |i| if i.even? # get the sch value for start time in the flex time period, from old schedule. old_times.each_with_index do |ot, j| if flex_times[i] <= ot new_values[i] = old_values[j] break end end # if the flex time period spans any existing time point, remove them from old schedule. old_times.each_with_index do |ot, j| if flex_times[i] <= ot && flex_times[i+1] > ot old_times_to_del << ot end end else if stp_adj_setback_flag new_values[i] = new_values[i-1] - flex_stps[(i/2).floor]/1.8 else new_values[i] = OpenStudio.convert(flex_stps[(i/2).floor], 'F', 'C').get end end end # clean up: if the start of each time pair overlaps with the end of other time pair, remove this pair ft_with_new_value = [] idx_to_del = [] flex_times.each_with_index do |ft, idx| ft_with_new_value << ft if idx.odd? end flex_times.each_with_index do |ft, idx| if idx.even? && (ft_with_new_value.include?ft) idx_to_del << idx end end flex_times_clean = flex_times.reject.with_index {|x,i| idx_to_del.include?i} new_values_clean = new_values.reject.with_index {|x,i| idx_to_del.include?i} # create new rules and add to default day based on flex period options above idx = 0 flex_times_clean.each do |ft| d_day.addValue(ft, new_values_clean[idx]) idx += 1 end old_times_to_del.each do |ot| d_day.removeValue(ot) end return new_sch end def update_new_sch_offset(new_sch, offset) # grab default day and time-value pairs for modification d_day = new_sch.defaultDaySchedule old_times = d_day.times old_values = d_day.values old_times.each_with_index do |ot, idx| d_day.addValue(ot, old_values[idx] - offset) end return new_sch end # report initial condition of model tanks_ic = model.getWaterHeaterMixeds.size + model.getWaterHeaterStratifieds.size hpwh_ic = model.getWaterHeaterHeatPumps.size + model.getWaterHeaterHeatPumpWrappedCondensers.size runner.registerInitialCondition("The building started with #{tanks_ic} water heater tank(s) and " \ "#{hpwh_ic} heat pump water heater(s).") # search for heat pump water heater first, if no HPWH, change the setpoint of WaterHeater:Mixed hpwhs = model.getWaterHeaterHeatPumps + model.getWaterHeaterHeatPumpWrappedCondensers if hpwhs.empty? # no HPWH in the model model.getWaterHeaterMixeds.each do |wh_mix| new_sch = wh_mix.setpointTemperatureSchedule.get.clone.to_ScheduleRuleset.get # rename and duplicate for later modification new_sch.setName('Water Heater Heating Temperature Setpoint adjusted') new_sch.defaultDaySchedule.setName('Water Heater Heating Temperature Setpoint adjusted Default') new_sch = update_new_sch(new_sch, flex_times, flex_stps, stp_adj_setback_flag) wh_mix.setSetpointTemperatureSchedule(new_sch) end else hpwhs.each do |hpwh| # first update the setpoint of the HPWH itself new_sch = hpwh.compressorSetpointTemperatureSchedule.clone.to_ScheduleRuleset.get puts "new_sch: #{new_sch}" # new_sch = hpwh.compressorSetpointTemperatureSchedule.clone.to_ScheduleRuleset.get # rename and duplicate for later modification new_sch.setName('Heat Pump Water Heater Heating Temperature Setpoint adjusted') new_sch.defaultDaySchedule.setName('Heat Pump Water Heater Heating Temperature Setpoint adjusted Default') new_sch = update_new_sch(new_sch, flex_times, flex_stps, stp_adj_setback_flag) hpwh.setCompressorSetpointTemperatureSchedule(new_sch) # second update the setpoint of the associated tank tank_new_sch = new_sch.clone.to_ScheduleRuleset.get tank_new_sch.setName('Heat Pump Water Heater tank setpoint adjusted') tank_new_sch.defaultDaySchedule.setName('Heat Pump Water Heater tank setpoint adjusted Default') tank_new_sch = update_new_sch_offset(tank_new_sch, hpwh.deadBandTemperatureDifference) if !hpwh.tank.to_WaterHeaterMixed.empty? tank = hpwh.tank.to_WaterHeaterMixed.get tank.setSetpointTemperatureSchedule(tank_new_sch) elsif !hpwh.tank.to_WaterHeaterStratified.empty? tank = hpwh.tank.to_WaterHeaterStratified.get tank.setHeater1SetpointTemperatureSchedule(tank_new_sch) tank.setHeater2SetpointTemperatureSchedule(tank_new_sch) end end end # report final condition of model runner.registerFinalCondition("The building finished with updated setpoint schedule for #{tanks_ic} water heater tank(s) and " \ "#{hpwh_ic} heat pump water heater(s).") return true end end # register the measure to be used by the application AdjustDHWSetpoint.new.registerWithApplication