class ASE module Reader def self.included(base) base.send :include, InstanceMethods base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def from_file(file) doc =! return doc end end module InstanceMethods def from_file(file) @file = file read! end def read! raise "Must specify an output file" if @file.nil? @file =, 'rb') # Signature and version, who cares? # Okay maybe we should validate this in the future. 8, IO::SEEK_CUR block_count = @file.read_ulong read_palette until @file.eof? @file.close end private def read_palette block_start = @file.read_ushort title_block_size = @file.read_ulong title = @file.read_string palette = # Read the colors while true color_start = @file.read_ushort break if color_start == 0xC002 color_size = @file.read_ulong color_name = @file.read_string color_mode = r, g, b ={1,4}/).map do |c| (c.reverse.unpack('F')[0] * 255).to_i end palette.add color_name,, g, b) # Null byte 2, IO::SEEK_CUR end # Group end block 4, IO::SEEK_CUR add_palette palette return true end end end end