if defined?(UIAlertControllerStyleAlert) describe UIAlertController do tests UIViewController it 'should have :show option (show: false)' do alert = UIAlertController.alert(controller, 'test', show: false) wait 0.6 do alert.presentingViewController.should == nil end end it 'should show by default' do alert = UIAlertController.alert(controller, 'test') wait 0.6 do alert.presentingViewController.should == controller controller.dismissViewControllerAnimated(false, completion: nil) end end it 'should assign the title' do alert = UIAlertController.alert(controller, 'test title', show: false) alert.title.should == 'test title' wait 0.001 do controller.dismissViewControllerAnimated(false, completion: nil) end end it 'should assign the title by options' do alert = UIAlertController.alert(controller, title: 'test title', show: false) alert.title.should == 'test title' wait 0.001 do controller.dismissViewControllerAnimated(false, completion: nil) end end it 'should have :style option' do Symbol.uialertcontrollerstyle.each do |style, value| # as symbol alert = UIAlertController.alert(controller, 'test', show: false, style: style) alert.preferredStyle.should == value # as constant alert = UIAlertController.alert(controller, 'test', show: false, style: value) alert.preferredStyle.should == value end end it 'should have :from option that accepts CGRect' do alert = UIAlertController.alert(controller, 'test', from: CGRect.new([0, 0], [320, 0])) wait 0.6 do alert.presentingViewController.should == controller controller.dismissViewControllerAnimated(false, completion: nil) end end it 'should have :from option that accepts CGRect and a :view that accepts UIView' do view = UIView.alloc.initWithFrame(UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds) window = UIApplication.sharedApplication.windows[0] window << view alert = UIAlertController.alert(controller, 'test', from: CGRect.new([0, 0], [320, 0]), view: view) wait 0.6 do alert.presentingViewController.should == controller controller.dismissViewControllerAnimated(false, completion: nil) end end it 'should have :from option that accepts UIBarButtonItem' do button = UIBarButtonItem.done toolbar = UIToolbar.alloc.initWithFrame(UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds) toolbar.items = [button] window = UIApplication.sharedApplication.windows[0] window << toolbar alert = UIAlertController.alert(controller, 'test', from: button) wait 0.6 do alert.presentingViewController.should == controller controller.dismissViewControllerAnimated(false, completion: nil) end end it 'should have :from option that accepts UIView' do view = UIView.alloc.initWithFrame(UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds) window = UIApplication.sharedApplication.windows[0] window << view alert = UIAlertController.alert(controller, 'test', from: view) wait 0.6 do alert.presentingViewController.should == controller controller.dismissViewControllerAnimated(false, completion: nil) end end it 'should add a button with << method' do alert = UIAlertController.alert(controller, 'test', show: false) alert << 'title' alert.actions.lastObject.title.should == 'title' end it 'should show "OK" by default as first button' do alert = UIAlertController.alert(controller, 'test', show: false) alert.actions[0].title.should == 'OK' end it 'should show "Cancel" by default as second button' do alert = UIAlertController.alert(controller, 'test', show: false) alert.actions[1].title.should == 'Cancel' end it 'should have :buttons option' do alert = UIAlertController.alert(controller, 'test', :buttons => %w(Hello World From Test), show: false) alert.actions.count.should == 4 end it 'should support Hash for :buttons option' do alert = UIAlertController.alert(controller, 'test', :buttons => { cancel: 'Nevermind', ok: 'OK', destructive: 'Do eet', other: 'Other', }, show: false) alert.actions.count.should == 4 alert.actions[0].title.should == 'Nevermind' alert.actions[0].style.should == UIAlertActionStyleCancel alert.actions[1].title.should == 'OK' alert.actions[1].style.should == UIAlertActionStyleDefault alert.actions[2].title.should == 'Do eet' alert.actions[2].style.should == UIAlertActionStyleDestructive alert.actions[3].title.should == 'Other' alert.actions[3].style.should == UIAlertActionStyleDefault end end end