/** * @fileoverview Disallows or enforces spaces inside of parentheses. * @author Jonathan Rajavuori * @copyright 2014 David Clark. All rights reserved. * @copyright 2014 Jonathan Rajavuori. All rights reserved. */ "use strict"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module.exports = function(context) { var MISSING_SPACE_MESSAGE = "There must be a space inside this paren.", REJECTED_SPACE_MESSAGE = "There should be no spaces inside this paren.", exceptionsArray = (context.options.length === 2) ? context.options[1].exceptions : [], options = {}, rejectedSpaceRegExp, missingSpaceRegExp, spaceChecks; if (exceptionsArray && exceptionsArray.length) { options.braceException = exceptionsArray.indexOf("{}") !== -1 || false; options.bracketException = exceptionsArray.indexOf("[]") !== -1 || false; options.parenException = exceptionsArray.indexOf("()") !== -1 || false; options.empty = exceptionsArray.indexOf("empty") !== -1 || false; } /** * Used with the `never` option to produce, given the exception options, * two regular expressions to check for missing and rejected spaces. * @param {Object} opts The exception options * @returns {Object} `missingSpace` and `rejectedSpace` regular expressions * @private */ function getNeverChecks(opts) { var missingSpaceOpeners = [], missingSpaceClosers = [], rejectedSpaceOpeners = ["\\s"], rejectedSpaceClosers = ["\\s"], missingSpaceCheck, rejectedSpaceCheck; // Populate openers and closers if (opts.braceException) { missingSpaceOpeners.push("\\{"); missingSpaceClosers.push("\\}"); rejectedSpaceOpeners.push("\\{"); rejectedSpaceClosers.push("\\}"); } if (opts.bracketException) { missingSpaceOpeners.push("\\["); missingSpaceClosers.push("\\]"); rejectedSpaceOpeners.push("\\["); rejectedSpaceClosers.push("\\]"); } if (opts.parenException) { missingSpaceOpeners.push("\\("); missingSpaceClosers.push("\\)"); rejectedSpaceOpeners.push("\\("); rejectedSpaceClosers.push("\\)"); } if (opts.empty) { missingSpaceOpeners.push("\\)"); missingSpaceClosers.push("\\("); rejectedSpaceOpeners.push("\\)"); rejectedSpaceClosers.push("\\("); } if (missingSpaceOpeners.length) { missingSpaceCheck = "\\((" + missingSpaceOpeners.join("|") + ")"; if (missingSpaceClosers.length) { missingSpaceCheck += "|"; } } if (missingSpaceClosers.length) { missingSpaceCheck += "(" + missingSpaceClosers.join("|") + ")\\)"; } // compose the rejected regexp rejectedSpaceCheck = "\\( +[^" + rejectedSpaceOpeners.join("") + "]"; rejectedSpaceCheck += "|[^" + rejectedSpaceClosers.join("") + "] +\\)"; return { // e.g. \((\{)|(\})\) --- where {} is an exception missingSpace: missingSpaceCheck || ".^", // e.g. \( +[^ \n\r\{]|[^ \n\r\}] +\) --- where {} is an exception rejectedSpace: rejectedSpaceCheck }; } /** * Used with the `always` option to produce, given the exception options, * two regular expressions to check for missing and rejected spaces. * @param {Object} opts The exception options * @returns {Object} `missingSpace` and `rejectedSpace` regular expressions * @private */ function getAlwaysChecks(opts) { var missingSpaceOpeners = ["\\s", "\\)"], missingSpaceClosers = ["\\s", "\\("], rejectedSpaceOpeners = [], rejectedSpaceClosers = [], missingSpaceCheck, rejectedSpaceCheck; // Populate openers and closers if (opts.braceException) { missingSpaceOpeners.push("\\{"); missingSpaceClosers.push("\\}"); rejectedSpaceOpeners.push(" \\{"); rejectedSpaceClosers.push("\\} "); } if (opts.bracketException) { missingSpaceOpeners.push("\\["); missingSpaceClosers.push("\\]"); rejectedSpaceOpeners.push(" \\["); rejectedSpaceClosers.push("\\] "); } if (opts.parenException) { missingSpaceOpeners.push("\\("); missingSpaceClosers.push("\\)"); rejectedSpaceOpeners.push(" \\("); rejectedSpaceClosers.push("\\) "); } if (opts.empty) { rejectedSpaceOpeners.push(" \\)"); rejectedSpaceClosers.push("\\( "); } // compose the allowed regexp missingSpaceCheck = "\\([^" + missingSpaceOpeners.join("") + "]"; missingSpaceCheck += "|[^" + missingSpaceClosers.join("") + "]\\)"; // compose the rejected regexp if (rejectedSpaceOpeners.length) { rejectedSpaceCheck = "\\((" + rejectedSpaceOpeners.join("|") + ")"; if (rejectedSpaceClosers.length) { rejectedSpaceCheck += "|"; } } if (rejectedSpaceClosers.length) { rejectedSpaceCheck += "(" + rejectedSpaceClosers.join("|") + ")\\)"; } return { // e.g. \([^ \)\r\n\{]|[^ \(\r\n\}]\) --- where {} is an exception missingSpace: missingSpaceCheck, // e.g. \(( \{})|(\} )\) --- where {} is an excpetion rejectedSpace: rejectedSpaceCheck || ".^" }; } spaceChecks = (context.options[0] === "always") ? getAlwaysChecks(options) : getNeverChecks(options); missingSpaceRegExp = new RegExp(spaceChecks.missingSpace, "mg"); rejectedSpaceRegExp = new RegExp(spaceChecks.rejectedSpace, "mg"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helpers //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- var skipRanges = []; /** * Adds the range of a node to the set to be skipped when checking parens * @param {ASTNode} node The node to skip * @returns {void} * @private */ function addSkipRange(node) { skipRanges.push(node.range); } /** * Sorts the skipRanges array. Must be called before shouldSkip * @returns {void} * @private */ function sortSkipRanges() { skipRanges.sort(function(a, b) { return a[0] - b[0]; }); } /** * Checks if a certain position in the source should be skipped * @param {Number} pos The 0-based index in the source * @returns {boolean} whether the position should be skipped * @private */ function shouldSkip(pos) { var i, len, range; for (i = 0, len = skipRanges.length; i < len; i += 1) { range = skipRanges[i]; if (pos < range[0]) { break; } else if (pos < range[1]) { return true; } } return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- return { "Program:exit": function checkParenSpaces(node) { var nextMatch, nextLine, column, line = 1, source = context.getSource(), pos = 0; /** * Check the match * @param {object} match Object to match * @param {string} message Message to report * @returns {void} * @private */ function checkMatch(match, message) { if (source.charAt(match.index) !== "(") { // Matched a closing paren pattern match.index += 1; } if (!shouldSkip(match.index)) { while ((nextLine = source.indexOf("\n", pos)) !== -1 && nextLine < match.index) { pos = nextLine + 1; line += 1; } column = match.index - pos; context.report(node, { line: line, column: column }, message); } } sortSkipRanges(); while ((nextMatch = rejectedSpaceRegExp.exec(source)) !== null) { checkMatch(nextMatch, REJECTED_SPACE_MESSAGE); } while ((nextMatch = missingSpaceRegExp.exec(source)) !== null) { checkMatch(nextMatch, MISSING_SPACE_MESSAGE); } }, // These nodes can contain parentheses that this rule doesn't care about LineComment: addSkipRange, BlockComment: addSkipRange, Literal: addSkipRange, TemplateElement: addSkipRange }; }; module.exports.schema = [ { "enum": ["always", "never"] }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "exceptions": { "type": "array", "items": { "enum": ["{}", "[]", "()", "empty"] }, "uniqueItems": true } }, "additionalProperties": false } ];