require 'gemerald_beanstalk' require 'gemerald_beanstalk/plugins/introspection' require 'gemerald_beanstalk/plugins/direct_connection' require 'forwardable' class BeanCounter::Strategy::GemeraldBeanstalkStrategy < BeanCounter::Strategy # Regex for checking for valid V4 IP addresses V4_IP_REGEX = /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(?::\d+)?$/ extend Forwardable def_delegator :job_enumerator, :each, :jobs def_delegator :tube_enumerator, :each, :tubes # Collects all jobs enqueued during the execution of the provided `block`. # Returns an Array of GemeraldBeanstalkStrategy::Job. # # Fulfills {BeanCounter::Strategy#collect_new_jobs} contract. # # @see BeanCounter::Strategy#collect_new_jobs # @see BeanCounter::Strategy::GemeraldBeanstalkStrategy::Job # @yield Nothing is yielded to the provided `block` # @raise [ArgumentError] if a block is not provided. # @return [Array] all jobs enqueued during the # execution of the provided `block` def collect_new_jobs raise ArgumentError, 'Block required' unless block_given? max_id_pairs = do |beanstalk| [beanstalk,[-1] ?[-1].id : 0] end max_ids = Hash[max_id_pairs] yield new_jobs = [] # Jobs are collected in reverse, so iterate beanstalks in reverse too beanstalks.reverse.each do |beanstalk| jobs = index = -1 while (job = jobs[index]) && > max_ids[beanstalk] do new_jobs << strategy_job(job) index -= 1 end end # Flip new jobs to maintain beanstalk, id asc order return new_jobs.reverse end # Attempts to delete the provided GemeraldBeanstalkStrategy::Job `job`. # Returns true if deletion succeeds or if `job` does not exist. Returns false # if `job` could not be deleted (typically due to it being reserved by # another connection). # # Fulfills {BeanCounter::Strategy#delete_job} contract. # # @see BeanCounter::Strategy#delete_job # @param job [GemeraldBeanstalkStrategy::Job] the job to be deleted # @return [Boolean] If the given job was successfully deleted or does not # exist, returns true. Otherwise returns false. def delete_job(job) return job.delete end # Initialize a new GemeraldBeanstalkStrategy. This includes initializing # GemeraldBeanstalk::Servers for each of the beanstalk_urls visible to # BeanCounter and also spawning direct connections to those servers. def initialize @clients = {} @beanstalk_servers = [] BeanCounter.beanstalkd_url.each do |url| server =*parse_url(url)) @clients[server.beanstalk] = server.beanstalk.direct_connection_client @beanstalk_servers << server end end # Returns a Boolean indicating whether or not the provided # GemeraldBeanstalkStrategy::Job `job` matches the given Hash of `options`. # # See {MATCHABLE_JOB_ATTRIBUTES} for a list of # attributes that can be used when matching. # # Fulfills {BeanCounter::Strategy#job_matches?} contract. # # @see MATCHABLE_JOB_ATTRIBUTES # @see BeanCounter::Strategy#job_matches? # @param job [GemeraldBeanstalkStrategy::Job] the job to evaluate for a matche. # @param options # [Hash{String, Symbol => Numeric, Proc, Range, Regexp, String, Symbol}] # Options to be used to evaluate a match. # @return [Boolean] If job exists and matches the provided options, returns # true. Otherwise, returns false. def job_matches?(job, options = {}) return matcher(MATCHABLE_JOB_ATTRIBUTES, job, options) end # Returns a String representation of the GemeraldBeanstalkStrategy::Job `job` # in a pretty, human readable format. # # Fulfills {BeanCounter::Strategy#pretty_print_job} contract. # # @see BeanCounter::Strategy#pretty_print_job # @param job [GemeraldBeanstalkStrategy::Job] the job to print in a more # readable format. # @return [String] A more human-readable representation of `job`. def pretty_print_job(job) hash = job.to_hash hash.delete('connection') return hash.to_s end # Returns a String representation of `tube` in a pretty, human readable format. # # Fulfills {BeanCounter::Strategy#pretty_print_tube} contract. # # @see BeanCounter::Strategy#pretty_print_tube # @param tube [GemeraldBeanstalkStrategy::Tube] the tube to print in a more # readable format. # @return [String] A more human-readable representation of `tube`. def pretty_print_tube(tube) return tube.to_hash.to_s end # Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the provided # GemeraldBeanstalkStrategy::Tube, `tube`, matches the given Hash of `options`. # # See {MATCHABLE_TUBE_ATTRIBUTES} for a list of attributes that can be used # when evaluating a match. # # Fulfills {BeanCounter::Strategy#tube_matches?} contract. # # @see BeanCounter::Strategy#tube_matches? # @param tube [GemeraldBeanstalkStrategy::Tube] the tube to evaluate a match # against. # @param options # [Hash{String, Symbol => Numeric, Proc, Range, Regexp, String, Symbol}] # a Hash of options to use when evaluating a match. # @return [Boolean] If `tube` exists and matches against the provided options, # returns true. Otherwise returns false. def tube_matches?(tube, options = {}) return false if tube.nil? return matcher(MATCHABLE_TUBE_ATTRIBUTES, tube, options) end private # The collection of GemeraldBeanstalk servers the strategy built during # initialization attr_reader :beanstalk_servers # The collection of beanstalks belonginging to the GemeraldBeanstalk servers # that were created during initialization. # # @return [Array] the Beanstalks of the # GemeraldBeanstalk::Servers def beanstalks return @beanstalks ||= end # Returns an enumerator that enumerates all jobs on all beanstalk servers in # the order the beanstalk servers are defined in ascending order. Jobs are # returned as GemeraldBeanstalkStrategy::Job. def job_enumerator return do |yielder| beanstalks.each do |beanstalk| do |job| yielder << strategy_job(job) end end end end # Generic match evaluator that compares the Hash of `options` given to the # Strategy representation of the given `matchable`. def matcher(valid_attributes, matchable, options = {}) return false unless matchable.exists? return (options.keys & valid_attributes).all? do |key| options[key] === matchable.send(key.to_s.gsub(/-/, '_')) end end # Parses a variety of forms of beanstalk URL and returns a pair including the # hostname and possibly a port given by the url. def parse_url(url) unless V4_IP_REGEX === url uri = URI.parse(url) if uri.scheme && raise(ArgumentError, "Invalid beanstalk URI: #{url}") unless uri.scheme == 'beanstalk' host = port = uri.port end end unless host match = url.split(/:/) host = match[0] port = match[1] end return port ? [host, Integer(port)] : [host] end # Helper method to transform a GemeraldBeanstalk::Job into a # BeanCounter::Strategy::GemeraldBeanstalkStrategy::Job. The strategy # specific job class is intended to hide native job implementation interface # specifics and prevent meddling with native Job internals. def strategy_job(gemerald_job) return, @clients[gemerald_job.beanstalk]) end # Helper method to transform a `tube_name` into a # BeanCounter::Strategy::GemeraldBeanstalkStrategy::Tube. The strategy # specific tube class is intended to hide native tube implementation interface # specifics and prevent meddling with native Tube internals. Also handles # merging of tube data from multiple servers, as such, requires access to # beanstalk servers. def strategy_tube(tube_name) return, beanstalks) end # Returns an enumerator that enumerates all tubes on all beanstalk servers. # Each tube is included in the enumeration only once, regardless of how many # servers contain an instance of that tube. Tube stats are merged before they # are yielded by the enumerator as a GemeraldBeanstalkdStrategy::Tube. def tube_enumerator tubes_in_pool = beanstalks.inject([]) do |memo, beanstalk| memo.concat(beanstalk.tubes.keys) end tubes_in_pool.uniq! return do |yielder| tubes_in_pool.each do |tube_name| yielder << strategy_tube(tube_name) end end end end