# frozen_string_literal: true module SdrClient # The namespace for the "deposit" command module Deposit BOOK_TYPE = Cocina::Models::ObjectType.book # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # params [Array] files a list of relative filepaths to upload # params [String] basepath filepath to which filepaths are relative, defaults to current directory # params [Hash] file_metadata relative filepath, hash of metadata per-file metadata # @return [String] job id for the background job result def self.run(label: nil, type: BOOK_TYPE, viewing_direction: nil, view: 'dark', download: 'none', location: nil, use_and_reproduction: nil, copyright: nil, apo:, collection: nil, catkey: nil, folio_instance_hrid: nil, embargo_release_date: nil, embargo_access: 'world', embargo_download: 'world', source_id:, url:, files: [], files_metadata: {}, basepath: Dir.getwd, accession: false, priority: nil, grouping_strategy: SingleFileGroupingStrategy, file_set_type_strategy: FileTypeFileSetStrategy, logger: Logger.new($stdout)) # augmented_metadata is a map of relative filepaths to file metadata augmented_metadata = FileMetadataBuilder.build(files: files, files_metadata: files_metadata, basepath: basepath) request = Request.new(label: label, type: type, view: view, download: download, location: location, apo: apo, use_and_reproduction: use_and_reproduction, copyright: copyright, collection: collection, source_id: source_id, catkey: catkey, folio_instance_hrid: folio_instance_hrid, embargo_release_date: embargo_release_date, embargo_access: embargo_access, embargo_download: embargo_download, viewing_direction: viewing_direction, files_metadata: augmented_metadata) connection = Connection.new(url: url) Process.new(metadata: request, connection: connection, files: files, basepath: basepath, grouping_strategy: grouping_strategy, file_set_type_strategy: file_set_type_strategy, accession: accession, priority: priority, logger: logger).run end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # @param [Array] files relative paths to files # @params [String] basepath path to which files are relative def self.model_run(request_dro:, files: [], basepath: Dir.getwd, url:, accession:, priority: nil, logger: Logger.new($stdout)) connection = Connection.new(url: url) ModelProcess.new(request_dro: request_dro, connection: connection, files: files, basepath: basepath, logger: logger, accession: accession, priority: priority).run end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists end end