# encoding: utf-8 class FnordMetric::App < Sinatra::Base include FnordMetric::AppHelpers if RUBY_VERSION =~ /1.9.\d/ Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8 end if ENV['RACK_ENV'] == "test" set :raise_errors, true end enable :session set :haml, :format => :html5 set :views, ::File.expand_path('../../../../web/haml', __FILE__) set :public_folder, ::File.expand_path('../../../../web', __FILE__) helpers do include Rack::Utils include FnordMetric::AppHelpers end %w(fnordmetric-ui.js fnordmetric-ui.css fnordmetric-core.css fnordmetric-core.js).each do |f| next if ::File.exists?(::File.expand_path("../../../../web/#{f}", __FILE__)) raise "error: file 'web/#{f}' does not exist, please run build.sh in web/" end def initialize(opts = {}) @opts = FnordMetric.default_options(opts) @namespaces = FnordMetric.namespaces @redis = Redis.connect(:url => @opts[:redis_url]) super(nil) end get '/' do redirect "#{path_prefix}/#{@namespaces.keys.first}" end get '/:namespace' do pass unless current_namespace current_namespace.ready!(@redis) haml :app end post '/events' do params = JSON.parse(request.body.read) unless params halt 400, 'please specify the event_type (_type)' unless params["_type"] track_event((8**32).to_s(36), parse_params(params)) end # FIXPAUL move to websockets get '/:namespace/dashboard/:dashboard' do dashboard = current_namespace.dashboards.fetch(params[:dashboard]) dashboard.to_json end end