{:geometry=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :variables=> {:geo_option=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" construct geo profiles from following parameters", :help=>" construct geo profiles from following parameters", :code_name=>:geo_option, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String, :autoscanned_defaults=>["default"]}, :geo_file=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" file with input data", :help=>" file with input data", :code_name=>:geo_file, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String, :autoscanned_defaults=>["pr08_jet_42982_2d.dat"]}, :geo_time=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" target time to sample experimental data (in seconds)", :help=>" target time to sample experimental data (in seconds)", :code_name=>:geo_time, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[14.0]}, :rad_out=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" outer radial boundary", :help=>" outer radial boundary", :code_name=>:rad_out, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.95]}, :nrad=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" number of radial grid points", :help=>" number of radial grid points", :code_name=>:nrad, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer, :autoscanned_defaults=>[9]}, :bt_in=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " if bt_in > 0.0 and overwrite_db_input=T, set bmag = bt_in (B-field strength in Tesla)", :help=> " if bt_in > 0.0 and overwrite_db_input=T, set bmag = bt_in (B-field strength in Tesla)", :code_name=>:bt_in, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0]}, :amin_in=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" geometric minor radius at LCFS (in meters)", :help=>" geometric minor radius at LCFS (in meters)", :code_name=>:amin_in, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0]}, :rgeo_in=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" geometric major radius at LCFS (in meters)", :help=>" geometric major radius at LCFS (in meters)", :code_name=>:rgeo_in, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0]}, :q0=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" value of q at core of profile", :help=>" value of q at core of profile", :code_name=>:q0, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[1.1]}, :qa=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" value of q at edge of plasma", :help=>" value of q at edge of plasma", :code_name=>:qa, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[2.73]}, :alph_q=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" controls flatness of q profile", :help=>" controls flatness of q profile", :code_name=>:alph_q, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.6]}, :sh0=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " sh0 > 0.0 makes shat increase sharply from zero near rad=0", :help=>" sh0 > 0.0 makes shat increase sharply from zero near rad=0", :code_name=>:sh0, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[1.0]}, :kap0=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" value of kappa (elongation) at core of plasma", :help=>" value of kappa (elongation) at core of plasma", :code_name=>:kap0, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[1.35]}, :ka=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" value of kappa at edge of plasma (r/a=1)", :help=>" value of kappa at edge of plasma (r/a=1)", :code_name=>:ka, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[1.65]}, :alph_k=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" controls flatness of kappa profile", :help=>" controls flatness of kappa profile", :code_name=>:alph_k, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.8]}, :fluxlabel_option=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" sets choice of normalized flux label", :help=>" sets choice of normalized flux label", :code_name=>:fluxlabel_option, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String, :autoscanned_defaults=>["default"]}, :phia_in=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " if phia_in > 0.0 and overwrite_db_input=T, set phia = phia_in (phia is sqrt(tor flux) at separatrix)", :help=> " if phia_in > 0.0 and overwrite_db_input=T, set phia = phia_in (phia is sqrt(tor flux) at separatrix)", :code_name=>:phia_in, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0]}, :use_external_geo=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " true if specifying geometry for flux code externally (e.g. in gs2 input files)", :help=> " true if specifying geometry for flux code externally (e.g. in gs2 input files)", :code_name=>:use_external_geo, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool, :autoscanned_defaults=>[".false."]}, :write_dbinfo=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " set true to write un-interpolated ITER DB info to screen", :help=>" set true to write un-interpolated ITER DB info to screen", :code_name=>:write_dbinfo, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool, :autoscanned_defaults=>[".false."]}, :overwrite_db_input=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " true if user wants to overwrite 1D variable(s) with input file values", :help=> " true if user wants to overwrite 1D variable(s) with input file values", :code_name=>:overwrite_db_input, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool, :autoscanned_defaults=>[".false."]}}}, :species=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :variables=> {:species_option=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" construct species profiles from following parameters", :help=>" construct species profiles from following parameters", :code_name=>:species_option, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String, :autoscanned_defaults=>["default"]}, :species_file=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" file with input data", :help=>" file with input data", :code_name=>:species_file, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String, :autoscanned_defaults=>["geo_file"]}, :species_time=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" target time to sample experimental data (in seconds)", :help=>" target time to sample experimental data (in seconds)", :code_name=>:species_time, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>["geo_time"]}, :ntspec=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" number of species to evolve (profiles)", :help=>" number of species to evolve (profiles)", :code_name=>:ntspec, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer, :autoscanned_defaults=>[2]}, :qi=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " simulated ion species charge (in units of fundamental charge)", :help=>" simulated ion species charge (in units of fundamental charge)", :code_name=>:qi, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[1.0]}, :mi=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" ion mass (in units of proton mass)", :help=>" ion mass (in units of proton mass)", :code_name=>:mi, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[2.0]}, :zeff_in=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" effective charge", :help=>" effective charge", :code_name=>:zeff_in, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0]}, :deuterium=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " x-label in iter profile database to look for main ion density (\"NMx\")", :help=> " x-label in iter profile database to look for main ion density (\"NMx\")", :code_name=>:deuterium, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer, :autoscanned_defaults=>[1]}, :tritium=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " x-label in iter profile database to look for secondary ion density (\"NMx\")", :help=> " x-label in iter profile database to look for secondary ion density (\"NMx\")", :code_name=>:tritium, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer, :autoscanned_defaults=>[2]}, :impurity=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " x-label in iter profile database to look for impurity density (\"NMx\")", :help=> " x-label in iter profile database to look for impurity density (\"NMx\")", :code_name=>:impurity, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer, :autoscanned_defaults=>[3]}, :mimp=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" main impurity mass (in units of proton mass)", :help=>" main impurity mass (in units of proton mass)", :code_name=>:mimp, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[12.0]}, :zimp=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" main impurity charge number", :help=>" main impurity charge number", :code_name=>:zimp, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[6.0]}}}, :time=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :variables=> {:ntstep=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" number of transport time steps", :help=>" number of transport time steps", :code_name=>:ntstep, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer, :autoscanned_defaults=>[20]}, :niter=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" max number of newton iterations per time step", :help=>" max number of newton iterations per time step", :code_name=>:niter, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer, :autoscanned_defaults=>[2]}, :ntdelt=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" initial size of transport time step", :help=>" initial size of transport time step", :code_name=>:ntdelt, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.01]}, :ntdelt_max=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" maximum size of transport time step", :help=>" maximum size of transport time step", :code_name=>:ntdelt_max, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.1]}, :impfac=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" time centering (1=implicit, 0=explicit)", :help=>" time centering (1=implicit, 0=explicit)", :code_name=>:impfac, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[1.0]}, :errtol=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " maximum allowed relative error upon end of newton iteration", :help=>" maximum allowed relative error upon end of newton iteration", :code_name=>:errtol, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.2]}, :errflr=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" relative error below which we stop iterating", :help=>" relative error below which we stop iterating", :code_name=>:errflr, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.005]}, :flrfac=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " if relative error below errflr/flrfac, decrease ntdelt by factor of 2", :help=> " if relative error below errflr/flrfac, decrease ntdelt by factor of 2", :code_name=>:flrfac, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[2.0]}, :nensembles=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " # of ensembles to use in ensemble (time) average of fluxes", :help=>" # of ensembles to use in ensemble (time) average of fluxes", :code_name=>:nensembles, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer, :autoscanned_defaults=>[1]}}}, :fluxes=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :variables=> {:flux_option=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" determines flux model (default is gs2)", :help=>" determines flux model (default is gs2)", :code_name=>:flux_option, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String, :autoscanned_defaults=>["default"]}, :flxmult=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" coefficient multiplying fluxes (for testing)", :help=>" coefficient multiplying fluxes (for testing)", :code_name=>:flxmult, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[1.0]}, :pflx_min=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" minimum particle flux (for below stability threshold)", :help=>" minimum particle flux (for below stability threshold)", :code_name=>:pflx_min, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[1.0e-05]}, :qflx_min=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" minimum heat flux (for below stability threshold)", :help=>" minimum heat flux (for below stability threshold)", :code_name=>:qflx_min, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0005]}, :heat_min=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" minimum local heating", :help=>" minimum local heating", :code_name=>:heat_min, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0]}, :lflx_min=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" minimum momentum flux (for below stability threshold)", :help=>" minimum momentum flux (for below stability threshold)", :code_name=>:lflx_min, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0]}, :dfac=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" diffusion coefficient for testing", :help=>" diffusion coefficient for testing", :code_name=>:dfac, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.1]}, :grad_option=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" option determining which equilibrium gradients to vary", :help=>" option determining which equilibrium gradients to vary", :code_name=>:grad_option, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String, :autoscanned_defaults=>["default"]}, :dfprim=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" step size for R/Ln is -R/Ln * dfprim", :help=>" step size for R/Ln is -R/Ln * dfprim", :code_name=>:dfprim, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.1]}, :dtprim=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" step size for R/LT is R/LT * dtprim", :help=>" step size for R/LT is R/LT * dtprim", :code_name=>:dtprim, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.1]}, :dgexb=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" step size for gexb is gexb * dgexb", :help=>" step size for gexb is gexb * dgexb", :code_name=>:dgexb, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.2]}, :fork_flag=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" false for running serially", :help=>" false for running serially", :code_name=>:fork_flag, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool, :autoscanned_defaults=>[".true."]}, :check_flux_converge=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" if true, use auto-convergence tests in flux solver", :help=>" if true, use auto-convergence tests in flux solver", :code_name=>:check_flux_converge, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool, :autoscanned_defaults=>[".false."]}, :testing=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" if testing, set area, grho = 1", :help=>" if testing, set area, grho = 1", :code_name=>:testing, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool, :autoscanned_defaults=>[".false."]}, :dflx_stencil=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" number of fluxes to use for flux derivatives", :help=>" number of fluxes to use for flux derivatives", :code_name=>:dflx_stencil, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer, :autoscanned_defaults=>[2, 3]}, :dprimfac=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " if dflx_stencil > 2, multiply dprim values that are negative by this", :help=> " if dflx_stencil > 2, multiply dprim values that are negative by this", :code_name=>:dprimfac, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[1.0]}, :pflx_nfac=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" add to ifs-pppl a particle flux of form pflx_nfac*dens", :help=>" add to ifs-pppl a particle flux of form pflx_nfac*dens", :code_name=>:pflx_nfac, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[-0.05]}, :pflx_rlnfac=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" + pflx_rlnfac*rln", :help=>" + pflx_rlnfac*rln", :code_name=>:pflx_rlnfac, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.01]}, :pflx_rltfac=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" + pflx_rltfac*rlte", :help=>" + pflx_rltfac*rlte", :code_name=>:pflx_rltfac, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.01]}, :vtfac=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " v_t=sqrt(vtfac*T/m). should be consistent with definition from flux code", :help=> " v_t=sqrt(vtfac*T/m). should be consistent with definition from flux code", :code_name=>:vtfac, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[2.0]}, :ddens=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" step size for density is -density * ddens", :help=>" step size for density is -density * ddens", :code_name=>:ddens, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.2]}, :dti=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" step size for Ti is Ti * dti", :help=>" step size for Ti is Ti * dti", :code_name=>:dti, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.2]}, :dte=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" step size for Te is Te * dte", :help=>" step size for Te is Te * dte", :code_name=>:dte, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.2]}, :dom=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " step size for toroidal rotation frequency, omega, is omega * dom", :help=> " step size for toroidal rotation frequency, omega, is omega * dom", :code_name=>:dom, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.2]}, :nglobalrad=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " number of radial points in global gene simulation (1 for local gene)", :help=> " number of radial points in global gene simulation (1 for local gene)", :code_name=>:nglobalrad, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer, :autoscanned_defaults=>[1]}, :alph1=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" constant factor multiplying gexb for pb flux option", :help=>" constant factor multiplying gexb for pb flux option", :code_name=>:alph1, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[13.0]}, :tp0=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" critical tprim at zero flow shear for pb flux option", :help=>" critical tprim at zero flow shear for pb flux option", :code_name=>:tp0, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[4.3]}, :chi0=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " constant factor multiplying turbulent chii for pb flux option", :help=>" constant factor multiplying turbulent chii for pb flux option", :code_name=>:chi0, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[20.0]}, :prandtl=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" turbulent prandtl number for pb flux option", :help=>" turbulent prandtl number for pb flux option", :code_name=>:prandtl, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[1.0]}, :prandtl_neo=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" neoclassical prandtl number", :help=>" neoclassical prandtl number", :code_name=>:prandtl_neo, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>["prandtl*0.01"]}, :evolve_grads_only=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " if true, calculate only dependence on grads (not profiles themselves) in jacobian", :help=> " if true, calculate only dependence on grads (not profiles themselves) in jacobian", :code_name=>:evolve_grads_only, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool, :autoscanned_defaults=>[".true."]}}}, :init=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :variables=> {:init_option=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" construct initial profiles from following parameters", :help=>" construct initial profiles from following parameters", :code_name=>:init_option, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String, :autoscanned_defaults=>["default"]}, :init_file=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" file with input data", :help=>" file with input data", :code_name=>:init_file, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String, :autoscanned_defaults=>["geo_file"]}, :init_time=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" target time to sample experimental data (in seconds)", :help=>" target time to sample experimental data (in seconds)", :code_name=>:init_time, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>["geo_time"]}, :rln=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" initial R/Ln", :help=>" initial R/Ln", :code_name=>:rln, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0, 1.0]}, :rlti=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" initial R/LTi", :help=>" initial R/LTi", :code_name=>:rlti, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[4.0]}, :rlte=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" initial R/LTe", :help=>" initial R/LTe", :code_name=>:rlte, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0, 4.0]}, :nedge=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " initial density offset. if positive, override init_option for dens", :help=> " initial density offset. if positive, override init_option for dens", :code_name=>:nedge, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[-1.0]}, :tiedge=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " initial Ti offset. if positive, override init_option for Ti", :help=>" initial Ti offset. if positive, override init_option for Ti", :code_name=>:tiedge, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[-1.0]}, :teedge=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " initial Te offset. if positive, override init_option for Te", :help=>" initial Te offset. if positive, override init_option for Te", :code_name=>:teedge, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[-1.0]}, :densfac=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" factor multiplying ITER DB density", :help=>" factor multiplying ITER DB density", :code_name=>:densfac, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[1.0]}, :tifac=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" factor multiplying ITER DB ion temperature", :help=>" factor multiplying ITER DB ion temperature", :code_name=>:tifac, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[1.0]}, :tefac=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" factor multiplying ITER DB electron temperature", :help=>" factor multiplying ITER DB electron temperature", :code_name=>:tefac, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[1.0]}, :ledge=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " initial L offset. if positive, override init_option for L", :help=>" initial L offset. if positive, override init_option for L", :code_name=>:ledge, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[-1.0]}, :rll=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>nil, :help=>nil, :code_name=>:rll, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[]}, :iternt_file=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " file with old profile data for restarts in the middle of a timestep", :help=> " file with old profile data for restarts in the middle of a timestep", :code_name=>:iternt_file, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String, :autoscanned_defaults=>["restart.iternt"]}, :iterflx_file=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " file with old flx date for restarts in the middle of a timestep", :help=> " file with old flx date for restarts in the middle of a timestep", :code_name=>:iterflx_file, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String, :autoscanned_defaults=>["restart.iterflx"]}, :load_balance=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " set to true to run with unequal number of procs per flux tube", :help=>" set to true to run with unequal number of procs per flux tube", :code_name=>:load_balance, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool, :autoscanned_defaults=>[".false."]}, :flux_groups=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" The number of processors for each flux calculation", :help=>" The number of processors for each flux calculation", :code_name=>:flux_groups, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer", :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}], :type=>:Integer, :autoscanned_defaults=>["nproc/njobs"]}}}, :sources=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :variables=> {:source_option=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" construct source profiles from following parameters", :help=>" construct source profiles from following parameters", :code_name=>:source_option, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String, :autoscanned_defaults=>["default"]}, :source_file=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" file with input data", :help=>" file with input data", :code_name=>:source_file, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String", :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}], :type=>:String, :autoscanned_defaults=>["geo_file"]}, :source_time=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" target time to sample experimental data (in seconds)", :help=>" target time to sample experimental data (in seconds)", :code_name=>:source_time, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>["geo_time"]}, :powerin=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" external power input (in MW)", :help=>" external power input (in MW)", :code_name=>:powerin, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[50.0]}, :psig=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " width of power input profile (in units of minor radius)", :help=>" width of power input profile (in units of minor radius)", :code_name=>:psig, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.1]}, :radin=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" spatial mean of gaussian power deposition profile", :help=>" spatial mean of gaussian power deposition profile", :code_name=>:radin, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0]}, :src_ratio=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" fraction of external power going to ions", :help=>" fraction of external power going to ions", :code_name=>:src_ratio, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.5]}, :densin=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" external density input", :help=>" external density input", :code_name=>:densin, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0]}, :nsig=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " width of density input profile (in units of minor radius)", :help=>" width of density input profile (in units of minor radius)", :code_name=>:nsig, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.1]}, :write_pwr_profs=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" true writes out radial power density profiles", :help=>" true writes out radial power density profiles", :code_name=>:write_pwr_profs, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool, :autoscanned_defaults=>[".false."]}, :include_alphas=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" include alpha heating source", :help=>" include alpha heating source", :code_name=>:include_alphas, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool, :autoscanned_defaults=>[".true."]}, :include_radiation=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" include bremstrahlung radiation", :help=>" include bremstrahlung radiation", :code_name=>:include_radiation, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool, :autoscanned_defaults=>[".true."]}, :pioq=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" ratio of momentum to heat input", :help=>" ratio of momentum to heat input", :code_name=>:pioq, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[0.1]}, :write_balance=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " true writes out various terms in transport equation each time step", :help=> " true writes out various terms in transport equation each time step", :code_name=>:write_balance, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool, :autoscanned_defaults=>[".false."]}, :write_smooth=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" true writes out smoothed profiles", :help=>" true writes out smoothed profiles", :code_name=>:write_smooth, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool, :autoscanned_defaults=>[".false."]}}}, :physics=> {:description=>"", :should_include=>"true", :variables=> {:include_neo=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=> " true includes chang-hinton estimate for neoclassical ion heat flux", :help=> " true includes chang-hinton estimate for neoclassical ion heat flux", :code_name=>:include_neo, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool, :autoscanned_defaults=>[".true."]}, :temp_equil=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" set to false to neglect temperature equilibration", :help=>" set to false to neglect temperature equilibration", :code_name=>:temp_equil, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool, :autoscanned_defaults=>[".true."]}, :turb_heat=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" set to false to neglect turbulent heating", :help=>" set to false to neglect turbulent heating", :code_name=>:turb_heat, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool, :autoscanned_defaults=>[".true."]}, :numult=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" multiplier of collision frequency for testing", :help=>" multiplier of collision frequency for testing", :code_name=>:numult, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric", :explanation=> "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}], :type=>:Float, :autoscanned_defaults=>[1.0]}, :electrostatic=> {:should_include=>"true", :description=>" if true, set beta to zero (or very small)", :help=>" if true, set beta to zero (or very small)", :code_name=>:electrostatic, :must_pass=> [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self", :explanation=> "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}], :type=>:Fortran_Bool, :autoscanned_defaults=>[".true."]}}}}