require 'zip/zipfilesystem' module HealthDataStandards module Import module Bundle class Importer SOURCE_ROOTS = {bundle: 'bundle.json', libraries: File.join('library_functions','*.js'), measures: 'measures', results: 'results', valuesets: File.join('value_sets','json','*.json'), patients: 'patients'} COLLECTION_NAMES = ["bundles", "records", "measures", "selected_measures", "patient_cache", "query_cache", "system.js"] CLEAR_ONLY_COLLECTIONS = ["system.js"] DEFAULTS = {type: nil, delete_existing: false, update_measures: true, clear_collections: COLLECTION_NAMES } # Import a quality bundle into the database. This includes metadata, measures, test patients, supporting JS libraries, and expected results. # # @param [File] zip The bundle zip file. # @param [String] Type of measures to import, either 'ep', 'eh' or nil for all # @param [Boolean] keep_existing If true, delete all current collections related to patients and measures. def self.import(zip, options={}) options = DEFAULTS.merge(options) bundle = nil do |zip_file| bundle = unpack_bundle(zip_file) bundle_versions = Hash[* HealthDataStandards::CQM::Bundle.where({}).collect{|b| [b._id, b.version]}.flatten] if bundle_versions.invert[bundle.version] && !(options[:delete_existing]) raise "A bundle with version #{bundle.version} already exists in the database. " end HealthDataStandards::CQM::Bundle.where({:version => bundle.version}).each do |b| puts "deleting existing bundle version: #{b.version}" b.delete end if options[:delete_existing] #find the highest bundle version and see if one is installed that is greater than the one # we are currently installing. Do not load the libs other wise vers = bundle_versions.values.sort.reverse[0] if (vers.nil? || vers <= bundle.version || options["force_js_install"]) unpack_and_store_system_js(zip_file) else puts "javascript libraries will not being updated as a more recent bundle version is already installed" end # Store the bundle metadata. unless raise bundle.errors.full_messages.join(",") end puts "bundle metadata unpacked..." measure_ids = unpack_and_store_measures(zip_file, options[:type], bundle, options[:update_measures]) unpack_and_store_patients(zip_file, options[:type], bundle) unless options[:exclude_results] unpack_and_store_valuesets(zip_file, bundle) unpack_and_store_results(zip_file, options[:type], measure_ids, bundle) unless options[:exclude_results] end bundle end # Save a javascript function into Mongo's system.js collection for measure execution. # # @param [String] name The name by which the function will be referred. # @param [String] fn The body of the function being saved. def self.save_system_js_fn(name, fn) fn = "function () {\n #{fn} \n }" Mongoid.default_session['system.js'].find('_id' => name).upsert( { "_id" => name, "value" => } ) end # A utility function for finding files in a bundle. Strip a file path of it's extension and just give the filename. # # @param [String] original A file path. # @param [String] extension A file extension. # @return The filename at the end of the original String path with the extension removed. e.g. "/boo/urns.html" -> "urns" def self.entry_key(original, extension) original.split('/').last.gsub(".#{extension}", '') end def self.unpack_bundle(zip)[:bundle]),max_nesting: 100)) end def self.unpack_and_store_system_js(zip) zip.glob(SOURCE_ROOTS[:libraries]).each do |entry| name ='.js').to_s contents = save_system_js_fn(name, contents) end end def self.unpack_and_store_measures(zip, type, bundle, update_measures) measure_ids = [] entries = zip.glob(File.join(SOURCE_ROOTS[:measures],type || '**','*.json')) entries.each_with_index do |entry, index| source_measure = unpack_json(entry) # we clone so that we have a source without a bundle id measure = source_measure.clone measure_ids << measure['id'] measure['bundle_id'] = Mongoid.default_session["measures"].insert(measure) if update_measures Mongoid.default_session["measures"].where({hqmf_id: measure["hqmf_id"], sub_id: measure["sub_id"]}).each do |m| b = HealthDataStandards::CQM::Bundle.find(m["bundle_id"]) if b.version < bundle.version m.merge!(source_measure) Mongoid.default_session["measures"].where({"_id" => m["_id"]}).update(m) end end end report_progress('measures', (index*100/entries.length)) if index%10 == 0 end puts "\rLoading: Measures Complete " measure_ids end def self.unpack_and_store_patients(zip, type, bundle) entries = zip.glob(File.join(SOURCE_ROOTS[:patients],type || '**','json','*.json')) entries.each_with_index do |entry, index| patient = patient['bundle_id'] = #index source_data_with_references = source_data_reference_id_hash = source_data_id_hash = index = 0 #loops through source data criteria, if there are references adds ids to hash patient['source_data_criteria'].each do |data_criteria| source_data_id_hash[data_criteria['criteria_id']] = index if data_criteria['references'] != nil source_data_with_references.push(index) reference_ids = data_criteria['references'].each do |reference| reference_ids.push(reference['reference_id']) end source_data_reference_id_hash[data_criteria['criteria_id']] = reference_ids end index = index + 1 end #if there are references, id references are reestablished if source_data_with_references.size > 0 reconnect_references(patient, source_data_with_references, source_data_reference_id_hash, source_data_id_hash) end report_progress('patients', (index*100/entries.length)) if index%10 == 0 end puts "\rLoading: Patients Complete " end #bit of a hack here, equality is made by date and codes def self.compare_and_update_entries(patient, reference_id, start_date, end_date, codes) patient.entries.each do |entry| # if dates and codes match then replace id with original if compare_dates(entry, start_date, end_date) if == codes entry._id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(reference_id) end end end end def self.compare_dates(entry, start_date, end_date) if entry.start_time * 1000 == start_date if entry.end_time == nil if end_date == nil return true else return false end else entry.end_time * 1000 == end_date return true end end return false end def self.reconnect_references(patient, source_data_with_references, source_data_reference_id_hash, source_data_id_hash) source_data_with_references.each do |source_data_with_reference| #only do this with the references sdc = patient['source_data_criteria'][source_data_with_reference] source_data_reference_id_hash[sdc['criteria_id']].each do |ref_criteria_id| ref_sdc = patient['source_data_criteria'][source_data_id_hash[ref_criteria_id]] compare_and_update_entries(patient, ref_sdc['coded_entry_id'],ref_sdc['start_date'],ref_sdc['end_date'],ref_sdc['codes']) end end end def self.unpack_and_store_valuesets(zip, bundle) entries = zip.glob(SOURCE_ROOTS[:valuesets]) entries.each_with_index do |entry, index| vs = vs['bundle_id'] = HealthDataStandards::SVS::ValueSet.collection.insert(vs.as_document) report_progress('Value Sets', (index*100/entries.length)) if index%10 == 0 end puts "\rLoading: Value Sets Complete " end def self.unpack_and_store_results(zip, type, measure_ids, bundle) zip.glob(File.join(SOURCE_ROOTS[:results],'*.json')).each do |entry| name ='.json').to_s collection = (name == "by_patient") ? "patient_cache" : "query_cache" contents = unpack_json(entry) if (type)! {|entry| measure_ids.include? entry['measure_id']} if collection == 'query_cache'! {|entry| measure_ids.include? entry['value']['measure_id']} if collection == 'patient_cache' end contents.each do |document| if name == "by_patient" # Set the patient_id to the actual _id of # newly created patient record medical_record_id = document['value']['medical_record_id'] if patient = Record.by_patient_id(medical_record_id).first document['value']['patient_id'] = end end document['bundle_id'] = Mongoid.default_session[collection].insert(document) end end puts "\rLoading: Results Complete " end def self.unpack_json(entry) JSON.parse(,:max_nesting => 100) end def self.report_progress(label, percent) print "\rLoading: #{label} #{percent}% complete" STDOUT.flush end end end end end