module Auth::Concerns::ActivityConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Auth::Concerns::ChiefModelConcern included do field :user_id, type: BSON::ObjectId field :image_url, type: String end module ClassMethods ##the default "from" is the beginning of the current month, and the default "to" is the current time. ##@used_in : last_n_months, get_in_range ##@param[Hash] query: the "from","to" provided in the query if at all, otherwise nil, assumed that query has two keys : "from", "to", under a key called "range" ##@param[Integer] default_from : the default_from for the particular function that is firing this query, it is an epoch ##@param[Integer] default_to : the default_to for the particular function that is firing this query, it is an epoch ##@return[Hash] : default values for "from", "to" def activities_from_to(query,default_from,default_to) defaults = {"range" => {"from" => default_from, "to" => default_to}} query = defaults.deep_merge(query) ##default from and to assigned here. from = query["range"]["from"].to_i to = query["range"]["to"].to_i if from >= to query["range"]["from"] = default_from query["range"]["to"] = default_to end return query end ##defaults for only. ##if it is empty or nil, then it becomes all attributes ##otherwise it becomes the intersect of all attributes and the ones specified in the only ##created_at had to be added here, because otherwise it throws an error saying missing_attribute in the only. I think this has something to do with the fact that it is used in the query, so it will be included in the result. ##@used_in: get_in_range ##@param[query] : the provided query, expected to be of the structure: ##{"only" => [array],,,other key value pairs} ##@return[Hash] query : returns the query with the default values for the fields to be returned def activities_fields(query) defaults = {"only" => Object.const_get(name).fields.keys} query = defaults.deep_merge(query) only = ((Object.const_get(name).fields.keys & query["only"]) + ["created_at"]) query["only"] = only return query end ##@param[Hash] query_params: {"range" : {"from" : unix_epoch_as_string, "to" => unix_epoch_as_string}, "user_id": string, "only": [array_of_attributes_required]} ##"range" => optional,if nil or empty, "from" and "to" will be automatically assigned to beginning_of_current_month and current_time respectively ##"user_id" => required, will return empty hash if absent. ##@return[Hash] agg_hash: the aggregation hash def last_n_months(query_params) return {} unless query_params[:user_id] query_params = Object.const_get(name).activities_from_to(query_params, = 12.months, agg_hash = Object.const_get(name).collection.aggregate([ { "$match" => Object.const_get(name).where(:created_at.gte => query_params["range"]["from"], :created_at.lte => query_params["range"]["to"], :user_id => query_params[:user_id]).selector }, { "$project" => { month: { "$month" => "$created_at" } } }, { "$group" => { "_id" => { month: "$month" }, count: { "$sum" => 1 } } }] ) return agg_hash end ##@param[Hash] query_params: {"range" : {"from" : unix_epoch_as_string, "to" => unix_epoch_as_string}, "user_id": string, "only": [array_of_attributes_required]} ##"range" => optional,if nil or empty, "from" and "to" will be automatically assigned to beginning_of_current_month and current_time respectively ##"user_id" => required, will return empty hash if absent. ##"only" => optional, will default to all attributes of the activity model. ##@return[Hash]: timestamp => activity_object hashified. def get_in_range(query_params) ## return empty hash if there is no user_id return {} unless query_params[:user_id] query_params = Object.const_get(name).activities_from_to(query_params,, query_params = Object.const_get(name).activities_fields(query_params) ##make the mongoid range call here. activities = Object.const_get(name).where(:created_at.gte => query_params["range"]["from"], :created_at.lte => query_params["range"]["to"], :user_id => query_params["user_id"]).only(query_params["only"]) activities_hash = Hash[{|c| c.created_at.to_i}.zip({|c| c.as_json})] puts JSON.pretty_generate(activities_hash) return activities_hash end end end