#include <ruby.h> #include <v8.h> #include "v8_ref.h" #include "v8_func.h" #include "v8_template.h" #include "v8_external.h" #include "v8_callbacks.h" #include "callbacks.h" #include "converters.h" using namespace v8; namespace { VALUE rb_hash_lookup(VALUE hash, const char *key) { return rb_funcall(hash, rb_intern("[]"), 1, rb_str_new2(key)); } VALUE rb_hash_aset(VALUE hash, const char *key, VALUE value) { return ::rb_hash_aset(hash, rb_str_new2(key), value); } Local<Template> tmpl(VALUE self) { return V8_Ref_Get<Template>(self); } Local<ObjectTemplate> obj(VALUE self) { return V8_Ref_Get<ObjectTemplate>(self); } Local<FunctionTemplate> func(VALUE self) { return V8_Ref_Get<FunctionTemplate>(self); } VALUE Set(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE value) { HandleScope handles; Local<String> key = rr_rb2v8(name)->ToString(); Local<Data> data = V8_Ref_Get<Data>(value); tmpl(self)->Set(key, data); return Qnil; } namespace Obj { /** * NamedProperty[Getter|Setter] are used as interceptors on object. * See ObjectTemplate::SetNamedPropertyHandler. */ Handle<Value> RubyNamedPropertyGetter(Local<String> property, const AccessorInfo& info) { VALUE code = (VALUE)External::Unwrap(info.Data()); VALUE getter = rb_hash_lookup(code, "getter"); return rr_rb2v8(rb_funcall(getter, rb_intern("call"), 2, rr_v82rb(property), rr_v82rb(info))); } /** * Returns the value if the setter intercepts the request. * Otherwise, returns an empty handle. */ Handle<Value> RubyNamedPropertySetter(Local<String> property, Local<Value> value, const AccessorInfo& info) { HandleScope handles; VALUE code = (VALUE)External::Unwrap(info.Data()); VALUE setter = rb_hash_lookup(code, "setter"); VALUE result = rb_funcall(setter, rb_intern("call"), 3, rr_v82rb(property), rr_v82rb(value), rr_v82rb(info)); return rr_rb2v8(result); } /** * Returns a non-empty handle if the interceptor intercepts the request. * The result is true if the property exists and false otherwise. */ Handle<Boolean> RubyNamedPropertyQuery(Local<String> property, const AccessorInfo& info) { HandleScope handles; VALUE code = (VALUE)External::Unwrap(info.Data()); VALUE query = rb_hash_lookup(code, "query"); VALUE result = rb_funcall(query, rb_intern("call"), 2, rr_v82rb(property), rr_v82rb(info)); Handle<Value> intercepts = rr_rb2v8(result); return intercepts.IsEmpty() ? Handle<Boolean>() : intercepts->ToBoolean(); } /** * Returns a non-empty handle if the deleter intercepts the request. * The return value is true if the property could be deleted and false * otherwise. */ Handle<Boolean> RubyNamedPropertyDeleter(Local<String> property, const AccessorInfo& info) { HandleScope handles; VALUE code = (VALUE)External::Unwrap(info.Data()); VALUE deleter = rb_hash_lookup(code, "deleter"); VALUE result = rb_funcall(deleter, rb_intern("call"), 2, rr_v82rb(property), rr_v82rb(info)); Handle<Value> intercepts = rr_rb2v8(result); return intercepts.IsEmpty() ? Handle<Boolean>() : intercepts->ToBoolean(); } /** * Returns an array containing the names of the properties the named * property getter intercepts. */ Handle<Array> RubyNamedPropertyEnumerator(const AccessorInfo& info) { HandleScope handles; VALUE code = (VALUE)External::Unwrap(info.Data()); VALUE enumerator = rb_hash_lookup(code, "enumerator"); VALUE result = rb_funcall(enumerator, rb_intern("call"), 1, rr_v82rb(info)); Handle<Value> v(rr_rb2v8(result)); if (v.IsEmpty()) { return Array::New(); } else if (!v->IsArray()) { Local<Array> a = Array::New(); a->Set(Integer::New(0), v->ToString()); return a; } else { return (Handle<Array>)Array::Cast(*v); } } VALUE New(VALUE clazz) { HandleScope handles; return V8_Ref_Create(clazz, ObjectTemplate::New()); } VALUE NewInstance(VALUE self) { HandleScope scope; if (!Context::InContext()) { rb_raise(rb_eScriptError, "ObjectTemplate::NewInstance() called without an entered Context"); return Qnil; } Local<Object> object(obj(self)->NewInstance()); if (object.IsEmpty()) { rb_raise(rb_eFatal, "V8 returned empty handle on call to ObjectTemplate::NewInstance()"); return Qnil; } return rr_v82rb(object); } VALUE SetNamedPropertyHandler(VALUE self, VALUE getter, VALUE setter, VALUE query, VALUE deleter, VALUE enumerator) { HandleScope handles; if (!RTEST(getter)) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "you must supply at least a getter to V8::C::ObjectTemplate#SetNamedPropertyHandler()"); return Qnil; } VALUE data = rb_hash_new(); rb_hash_aset(data, "getter", getter); rb_hash_aset(data, "setter", setter); rb_hash_aset(data, "query", query); rb_hash_aset(data, "deleter", deleter); rb_hash_aset(data, "enumerator", enumerator); rr_v8_ref_setref(self, "data", data); obj(self)->SetNamedPropertyHandler( RubyNamedPropertyGetter, RTEST(setter) ? RubyNamedPropertySetter : 0, RTEST(query) ? RubyNamedPropertyQuery : 0, RTEST(deleter) ? RubyNamedPropertyDeleter : 0, RTEST(enumerator) ? RubyNamedPropertyEnumerator : 0, rr_v8_external_create(data) ); return Qnil; } } namespace Func { Handle<Value> RubyInvocationCallback(const Arguments& args) { HandleScope handles; VALUE code = (VALUE)External::Unwrap(args.Data()); VALUE rb_args = rr_v82rb(args); VALUE result = rb_funcall(code, rb_intern("call"), 1, rb_args); return rr_rb2v8(result); } VALUE New(VALUE function_template) { HandleScope handles; rb_need_block(); VALUE code = rb_block_proc(); if (NIL_P(code)) { return Qnil; } Local<FunctionTemplate> templ = FunctionTemplate::New(RubyInvocationCallback, rr_v8_external_create(code)); return V8_Ref_Create(function_template,templ,code); } VALUE GetFunction(VALUE self) { HandleScope handles; if (!Context::InContext()) { rb_raise(rb_eScriptError, "calls to FunctionTemplate::GetFunction() require a Context to be entered"); return Qnil; } return rr_v82rb(func(self)->GetFunction()); } } } void rr_init_template() { VALUE Template = rr_define_class("Template"); rr_define_method(Template, "Set", Set, 2); VALUE ObjectTemplate = rr_define_class("ObjectTemplate", Template); rr_define_singleton_method(ObjectTemplate, "New", Obj::New, 0); rr_define_method(ObjectTemplate, "NewInstance", Obj::NewInstance, 0); rr_define_method(ObjectTemplate, "SetNamedPropertyHandler", Obj::SetNamedPropertyHandler, 5); VALUE FunctionTemplate = rr_define_class("FunctionTemplate", Template); rr_define_singleton_method(FunctionTemplate, "New", Func::New, 0); rr_define_method(FunctionTemplate, "GetFunction", Func::GetFunction, 0); } Local<ObjectTemplate> Racer_Create_V8_ObjectTemplate(VALUE value) { Local<ObjectTemplate> tmpl = ObjectTemplate::New(); // tmpl->SetInternalFieldCount(2); tmpl->SetNamedPropertyHandler( RacerRubyNamedPropertyGetter, RacerRubyNamedPropertySetter, 0, // RacerRubyNamedPropertyQuery, 0, // RacerRubyNamedPropertyDeleter, RacerRubyNamedPropertyEnumerator, rr_v8_external_create(value) ); return tmpl; }