class Bj module Util module ModuleMethods def constant_get const, &block begin ancestors = const.split(%r/::/) parent = Object while((child = ancestors.shift)) klass = parent.const_get child parent = klass end klass rescue block ? : raise end end def const_or_env const, &block constant_get(const){ ENV[const] || } end def spawn cmd, options = {} options.to_options! logger = options[:logger] || Bj.logger{ "cmd <#{ cmd }>" } if logger status = systemu cmd, 1=>(stdout=""), 2=>(stderr=""){ "status <#{ status.exitstatus }>" } if logger or raise "#{ cmd.inspect } failed with #{ $?.inspect }" [ stdout, stderr ] end def start *a q = thread = do Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true systemu(*a){|pid| q << pid} end pid = q.pop thread.singleton_class{ define_method(:pid){ pid } } thread end def alive pid return false unless pid pid = Integer pid.to_s Process::kill 0, pid true rescue Errno::ESRCH, Errno::EPERM false end alias_method "alive?", "alive" def which_ruby c = ::Config::CONFIG ruby = File::join(c['bindir'], c['ruby_install_name']) << c['EXEEXT'] raise "ruby @ #{ ruby } not executable!?" unless test(?e, ruby) ruby end def find_script basename path = ENV["PATH"] || ENV["path"] || Bj.default_path raise "no env PATH" unless path path = path.split File::PATH_SEPARATOR path.unshift File.join(Bj.rails_root, "script") path.each do |directory| script = File.join directory, basename return File.expand_path(script) if(test(?s, script) and test(?r, script)) end raise "no #{ basename } found in #{ path.inspect }" end def valid_rails_root root = ".", expected = %w[ config script app ] directories ={|dir| dir.to_s} directories.all?{|dir| test(?d, File.join(root, dir))} end alias_method "valid_rails_root?", "valid_rails_root" def emsg e m = e.message rescue "" c = e.class rescue Exception b = e.backtrace.join("\n") rescue "" "#{ m }(#{ c })\n#{ b }" end end send :extend, ModuleMethods end end