version 2.1 ============================================================= [ok] use haml [ok] utiliser haml dans pages [ok] utiliser haml dans fragments [ok] utiliser haml dans news [ok] utiliser haml dans templates [ok] genit create --haml [ok] use sass/scss [ok] doit marcher avec sous-dossiers version 2.x =============================================================== s'assurer que existe, sinon le readme ment. tester avec la dernière version de clamp, et certainement arreter la version dans le gemspec Pouvoir utiliser les news avec markdown. Apparement c'est déjà possible, il faut tester. s'assurer qu'on puisse avoir des sous-dossiers dans fragments/. menu: Pouvoir changer l'id "actif". Exemple avec twitter bootstrap. a custom class for the selected menu item un tuto juste pour le menu think about a pager for the news how to: a blog in 5 minutes less support --minimize option for the compile command En attente ========================================= un template pour les news ? think about a deamon to auto-compile Think about i18n per page script per page style si j'écris

news page (en oubliant le tag de fin) Genit ne dis rien et ajoute silencieusement le

. Voir si on peut lui faire cracher une erreur. Quand je fais reférence à une url interne inexistante, il serait bon d'avoir une erreur si j'écris
(au lieu de
) Genit ne dis rien, le tag est ignoré. Voir si on peut lui faire cracher une erreur. dans le dossier page on accepte uniquement .html et .markdown (sinon erreur) refaire toutes les copies d'écran du site refactor ProjectCreator si j'ajoute un autre moteur de template. Project guidelines ===================================================================== Basic objectives ---------------- At a minimum, Genit should allow to do this : + include typical sections: - header - footer - sitemap - menu + generate the RSS feed (with all news, or only a certain number) + generate news section (with all news, or only a certain number) + include different css files per page + include different script files per page + generate different `` per page (title, keywords, etc.) Implementation -------------- ### Create a project We use the following command line : genit create my-site cd my-site #### Project structure my-site/ fragments/ news/ 2011-06-19.markdown pages/ index.markdown scripts/ styles/ alsa/ all.css yui/ all.css handheld.css print.css screen.css images/ templates/ main.html menu.html www/ #### Fragments folder Here we are some fragments, pieces of page. A fragment can be included in any page you want. Thinking in page fragment help to modularize the xthml code, like any other "real" programing language. #### News folder To include the X latest news: Without number attribute, we include all news. The news are marked with the file name, which is the date. I know it allows only one daily news, but for a static web site, I see no problem. #### Pages folder All site pages are in this folder. Written in .html or .markdown. #### Scripts folder I think to include prototype and scriptaculous by default, but: * If you don't want to use javascript, don't use it. * You can use any framework you want. To include a script in the `` tag of a particular page, we can write (anywhere in the page but it's more readable at the beginning): #### Styles folder Everything that is related to the design of the site goes here. To include a particular css file in the `` tag of a particular page, we can write (anywhere in the page but it's more readable at the beginning): #### Templates folder This is the wrapper(s) for all your site pages. Other frameworks may call it 'layout'. Only written in .html. For now, there is only two templates: the 'main.html' and the 'menu.html'. To include a page in the template: Some sections are found on the vast majority of web sites : header, footer, main menu, bottom menu, left side, right side and sitemap. To include those sections we'll write etc. #### www folder The "compiled" project will go here. TODO il serait peut-être bien d'avoir une option pour changer ce nom de dossier ? ### Compiling the project The following command will generate the web site in the www folder: genit compile A shortcut: genit cc The --minimize option minimize the size of the file, good for production phase: genit compile --minimize